Candiace Dillard Bassett Real Housewives Of Potomac

Real Housewives Of Potomac Recap: Reunion Part 3

Well folks, THIS IS IT. We have reached the end of the road for this season of The Real Housewives of Potomac. It felt like this day would never come. One of the best seasons of Housewives in recent memory. The fight between Monique Samuels & Candiace Dillard Bassett was one of the most talked about moments EVER. Top tier television.

When we last left the women, Candiace was rushing off set in tears after discussing the fight. Monique however remained emotionless and matter of fact about the altercation. The two contrasting reactions to reliving the events was fascinating to watch. This time, the husbands are joining the women on stage, so hopefully things don’t get too out of control. Although, how bad can it get with creepy Michael Darby out of the picture this time?

Candiace Dillard Bassett Real Housewives Of Potomac

Even Andy Cohen finds it odd how ice cold Monique is acting about the fight. She’s never once showed an ounce of legitimate remorse for her actions. Candiace is vilified for having emotions about what happened to her, and Monique must be loving that.


RELATED: Monique Samuels Quits Real Housewives Of Potomac


She could have at least apologized about putting her hands on Candiace. She tells Andy she went from one mental state to the next. One of those mental states wanted to “finish off” Candiace, and that’s problematic behavior.

Backstage Candiace cries to Chris Bassett about the situation, and he cracks some jokes until her mood lightens. She has to go through this one time, and it can be done. Go on girl. Go out there and act unbothered by Monique and her f**kery.

Monique claims Candiace doing the hand motions in her face triggered her because of childhood trauma. Childhood trauma really has the ability to stick with you and cause a litany of issues down the road.

Monique denies ever leaking any information to the press, but she does say she knows who did it. Of course it came from her camp. She is ALWAYS trying to get out in front of everything to skew the narrative in her favor. How Lisa Vanderpump of her.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Star Candiace Dillard Says Porsha Williams “Should Be Careful About The Lies She Tells” After Defending Monique Samuels


Robyn Dixon says she believes Candiace took things too far by taking legal action. I’m surprised to hear that given she’s someone who has never really liked Monique. Was it really too far though?

Candiace brings up a point that I’ve been making for months in these recaps. She is not responsible for taking Monique away from her family by pressing charges. If Monique was so worried about that, she should’ve thought twice before putting her hands on someone. It’s really that simple. Point blank period.

Ashley Darby Real Housewives Of Potomac

Ashley Darby tells Andy it was easy to write the letter against Candiace because of everything Monique stood to lose. I mean, Ashley really had no choice but to do that for Monique. We all know that footage of Michael Darby exists…. “allegedly.” For some reason the Samuels family won’t release it, so the Darby’s owe them as a result. Some twisted quid pro quo s**t if you ask me.

The finger in the face motion Candiace did to Monique was reminiscent of her father doing that to her. She gets emotional when she reveals that information. It’s the first time at this reunion we’ve seen anything genuine coming from her regarding the incident. However, do you notice that everything she says is all about how she reacted and not the pain she caused Candiace?


RELATED: Candiace Dillard Says Monique Samuels’ Real Housewives Of Potomac Reunion Read Of Gizelle Bryant Is “A New Low”


Candiace responds by acknowledging the childhood trauma, but then lists off many other examples of why she can’t accept any apology. With all due respect to Monique, it’s been over a year, and this is the first time she’s attempted any iteration of an apology.

MONIQUE TRYING TO JUSTIFY HER SONG DRAG QUEENS IS SO WILD. She’s exhibiting some major narcissistic behavior at this reunion. That song does nothing but glorify what she did to Candiace at that barn. Andy is really holding Monique accountable during this portion of the broadcast.

Candiace owns up for the role her mouth plays in provoking people. Despite that, she says if you go back and look prior to that night, she WALKED AWAY every time.

For the first real time at the reunion, Candiace finally directly looks at Monique and says nothing she did warranted the attack. Monique “owns” that, but it doesn’t feel that genuine. If all of these women return next season, we might have a toxic environment to witness. I don’t see these two ever fully moving past this.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Star Candiace Dillard Says “A Good Mother Will Slap You Upside Your Face” When She Was Asked Why She Didn’t Press Charges Against Her Mom Dorothy Dillard For Hitting Her With A Purse

Karen Huger Real Housewives Of Potomac

The next topic is the fallout between Karen Huger & Candiace, and my heart is broken. I loved these two as friends, and it’s a shame the drama with Monique got in the way of that. I don’t want to believe Karen had ill intentions when it came to this, but it looks damning.

It’s interesting that only Candiace and Ashley raised their hands when asked if Karen defended Monique more than she defended Candiace. I thought for sure it would be nearly everyone in the room waving their hands in the air. Even so, I don’t think that Karen really defended Monique a lot. I just think her behavior bordered on sketchy a few times. To say she openly sided with Monique more is a stretch in my view.

Candiace felt like Karen made the incident about herself more than the individuals involved. It did seem that way at times. Karen’s constantly bringing up being stuck in the middle, but maybe she kind of liked that. She says her heart was broken by the incident, but Candiace is letting her have it over some of the shady s**t she said.

Karen was there that night and had a front row view of the fight, so it’s odd she was trying to say Candiace lied. Candiace was being punched in the back of her head and pinned down, so anything with that wine glass was out of desperation. Let’s make that clear right now. At least Karen is openly admitting Monique was the one who initiated the entire altercation. We’ll take it!


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Star Monique Samuels Says That Candiace Dillard Taking Legal Action Against Her Was “Childish”


FINALLY KAREN ADMITS SHE LIED TO THE WOMEN IN PORTUGAL ABOUT INVITING MONIQUE TO HER PARTY. The way Karen exited her own party made it seem like she had something to hide. The way Karen loves herself and an event, there’s no way she’d slip out like that with no real reason.

Candiace brings up a situation where Karen allegedly tried to get Candiace fired for threatening her. All she told her was to go to hell. That’s not really a threat. How is that so appalling to Karen, but what Monique did to Candiace doesn’t deserve a removal from the show? Give me a f**king break.

Evidently Candiace didn’t like the way Karen was trying to pin the altercation on Gizelle Bryant and Robyn. Instead of responding to Candiace directly, she went to the network to “get her help”. You’ve got to be kidding me. Karen is so damn extra. I love me some Grand Dame, but she knew exactly what she was doing.

The two continue to argue about the situation when Candiace screams that Karen doesn’t really care about her. I think there’s a better shot at fixing this broken friendship though than the one with Candiace and Monique.


RELATED: Real Housewives Of Potomac Star Karen Huger Says Gizelle Bryant Is “A Proven Liar” Who “Believes Her Own Lies”; Denies Calling Wendy Osefo A “Floozy Freelancer”


Something I’ve learned by watching this reunion is that I think maybe Candiace misses her friendships with both Monique and Karen. Andy hopes the two of them can come together following this reunion and fix things. You can tell Karen and Candiace’s friendship was genuine, so it would be nice if they can repair it next season on Real Housewives of Potomac.

Chris Samuels Real Housewives Of Potomac

The husbands join the fray, and s**t is about to get a hell of a lot realer. Chris Samuels is bringing some moody ass attitude the second he arrived on the set. Andy tries to make casual conversation, but he’s immediately shut down. Chris wants people to be held accountable for the alleged plot involving his youngest son. Good luck getting any of them to own it.

It’s so sad that Eddie Osefo’s parents still don’t have a relationship with him. That’s unacceptable on every single level. It would be nice if one day they came around and reconnected with him.

Chris S and Gizelle get into it over his comments that seemingly threatened the women over the alleged plot. Everyone keeps denying the existence of the plot, but I have to call BS on that. I distinctly remember staying up one night watching an Instagram Live that Candiace was doing and she talked about the plot. She said she wasn’t a part of it, but she definitely acknowledged the existence of one. They all need to stop lying NOW.


RELATED: Candiace Dillard Claims Some Real Housewives Of Potomac Stars Planned To Question The Paternity Of Monique Samuels’ Son On The Show; Monique Claims Candiace Was Involved And Gizelle Bryant Was The Ringleader


Chris S gets way too heated and actually gets up out of his chair. Chill, buddy. Now listen, that man is one big dude. They don’t call him Big Boy for nothing. Gizelle wants them to make sure he sits down, and I don’t blame her. Put him in his chair, or get him the f**k out of there.

Candiace owns the rumors about Monique and her trainer and the baby, so there it is. The comments she says are exactly what I thought I recalled her saying on the LIVE. We’re going a bit deeper into this rumor, and Candiace basically forces Gizelle to admit there was a conversation.

Once again we are left shook with some unseen footage. The unseen footage shows CHRIS S being the first one to bring it up on camera, and then Gizelle not saying anything until over a week later to Robyn. Gizelle doesn’t want Chris to even speak to her at this point, and who can blame her? I don’t care for Gizelle at all, but we’re seeing how phony the Samuels are, so let’s move on.

Robyn Dixon Real Housewives Of Potomac

Congrats to Robyn for finally getting a ring back on her finger! I never thought we’d see the day, but Juan Dixon finally did it! That cute moment doesn’t last long because Robyn calls out Karen for her photos. Robyn doesn’t think Karen wanted to be there that day, but she denies that. In Robyn’s defense some of Karen’s photos were a bit odd, but she still looked fierce.

I understand the comparison between Robyn owing money to the IRS and what happened with Ray Huger. I really do. If you really look at it though, Robyn owed way less than Ray did. She owed about $90,000, but didn’t he owe like $2,00,000. Someone please fact check me on that because I could be wrong.


RELATED: Robyn Dixon Responds To Real Housewives Of Potomac Fan Who Said “I Hope You Die In A Fire”


Chris S is keeps trying to turn every conversation into the plot against the baby. We’ve addressed it. We’ve moved past it.

Chris B handled himself so much more respectfully, and thank goodness because Michael and even Chris S are a train wreck. Ashley needs to stop being a politician about Michael. It’s embarrassing. Trying to defend everything that monster does must get exhausting. Ashley’s better than that. Leave him. PLEASE. Do it ASAP.

Chris S and Chris B both seem to think that someday Monique & Candiace might repair their relationship. Anything is possible in Housewives, but it will take A LOT for them to move forward.


[Photo Credit: Bravo]