90 Day Fiance: The Other Way Recap: Not On My Watch

Last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance The Other Way was full of new beginnings and the possible beginning of the end for some. This episode was packed full of drama. I needed a glass of wine after listening to everyone’s problems. Red flags are waving furiously in the wind. The only issue is everyone seems to just be walking right past them blindly.

Jihoon Lee dreads the return of Deavan Clegg‘s mom. Kenneth Niedermeier and Armando Rubio fight for their right to marry. Jenny Slatten worries Sumit is getting cold feet. Ariela Weinberg‘s parents question her choices. Brittany Banks and Yazan Abo Horira finally reunite. Tim Clarkson gets advice on a big decision. Let’s get straight to 90 Day Fiance The Other Way the recap!

Jenny, 60 (Palm Springs, California) & Sumit, 30 (India)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Not On My Watch

Jenny and Sumit are finally able to talk to a marriage lawyer now that the courts have reopened. With Jenny’s visa set to expire soon, she is more determined than ever to get married. Surprisingly, they receive great news from the lawyer. There is an alternative method to get married where his parents can’t object. Jenny is elated, but Sumit still wants his parent’s blessings. Jenny doesn’t want to take any chances that Sumit will keep putting off a wedding. This is definitely quite the dilemma, but I can understand both of their perspectives.

Jenny begins to wonder whether Sumit is beginning to have cold feet. That thought intensifies when she speaks with her daughter and she too has similar concerns. I understand why he wants his parents to accept Jenny and their relationship. He doesn’t want them to be shunned, once they are married. But I also understand Jenny’s impatience at this point. As many times as Jenny has had to leave India and come back, this should have been sorted out by now.


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Sumit begs his brother, Amit and his new wife to help convince their parents to accept his relationship with Jenny. Amit thinks it’s pointless because the parents will never accept Jenny’s age. Jenny has an emotional breakdown upon hearing yet again that she will never be accepted. I feel so sorry for her.  It has to be hard to be in a foreign country and only have the support of one person. Hopefully this family will place Sumit’s happiness over their judgments.

Deavan, 22 (Salt Lake City, Utah) & Jihoon, 29 (South Korea)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Not On My Watch

Jihoon is petrified to see his monster mother-in-law, Elicia after her last visit. Deavan just wants everyone to get along for her upcoming wedding. Good luck! Elicia may have seemed calm at the airport, but a storm could be brewing. That woman isn’t one to bite her tongue. But it was nice to see Deavan’s family come support her for her wedding.

Ariela, 28 (Princeton, New Jersey) and Biniyam, 29 (Ethiopia)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Not On My Watch

Wow! I don’t know what to say. It was hard to watch Biniyam be interrogated and judged by Ariela’s parents. When they arrived at the apartment, they told him that it was way too small and unacceptable for their daughter and grandson. They then ask Biniyam to explain his salary to only tell him he needs to get a better job. I’m sorry, but wasn’t it your DAUGHTER who decided to pursue and have a baby with a struggling entertainer? Instead of making him beneath her, maybe they should have asked Ariela about her choices a long time ago. Sigh!

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Not On My Watch

Ariela’s parents meet Biniyam’s family for the first time. During dinner, his family isn’t shy about telling Ariela and her parents that she has a bad temper. There are many surprises that evening, one of the biggest is when they learn the baby has been baptized. But when Biniyam’s sisters begin to defend him and accuse Ariela of acting like his ex, tempers flare. Both families are taking the side of their family members. But Biniyam’s sisters need to stop referencing his ex, that would annoy the hell out of me.


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Ariela’s parents worry that their daughter has no support, but I don’t think that is quite true. Biniyam’s family has planned celebrations and even come to the house to entertain her when she was lonely. They just don’t like her constant complaining and going off. Honestly, I don’t understand why she moved to Ethiopia. Why come to a foreign country and try to impose your standard of living upon them?

Tim, 34 (Dallas, Texas) and Melyza, 29 (Colombia)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Not On My Watch

Tim vents to his mother about his relationship woes with Melyza Zeta. He worries they may never get back to the level of trust they once had. Surprisingly his mom doesn’t bash Melyza or the relationship. She just tells him she will support him no matter what decision he makes. Even Melyza admits the visit was positive and Tim’s mom was supportive. I wish she would have made the extra effort to stay in the apartment with Tim’s family.


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Tim has to be uncomfortable around Melyza’s family all the time, but he endures it for her. Later, Tim and Melyza go speak to a therapist to clear the air. Things take a turn for the worst when Tim reveals he is thinking about returning to the U.S. He is running out of money and will have to make a decision soon.

Brittany, 26 (Palm Beach, Florida) and Yazan, 24 (Jordan)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Not On My Watch

Yazan is excited to finally see Brittany, despite her drunken state when he picks her and her friend up. In an effort to stay on good terms, he stays quiet and chooses to take her to see his new barbershop. He doesn’t even make a fuss when she cuts a chunk of his hair, while intoxicated. Brittany’s friend suggests they discuss their issues when she sees them pretending like nothing is wrong.

Yazan must really love Brittany. He is so desperate to save their relationship, he agrees for her not to convert and wait a year to get married. He is clearly willing to risk it all for love. His father issued a death threat just the other day and he is pretending like things are fine to please her. Wow! Later, Yazan is forced to admit that he can’t wait more than a month to get married. He even wants to arrange a translator so he can finally tell her everything.


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I can’t wait until the next 90 Day Fiance The Other Way episode! I thought she was aware of some of the things happening. But it appears Yazan has been shielding her from the reality of the situation.

Kenneth, 57 (St. Petersburg, Florida) and Armando 31, (Mexico)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way: Not On My Watch

Kenneth and Armando go back to the marriage office to get their official denial letter. Armando reads the denial letter aloud and it is evident that same sex marriages aren’t accepted. They now have to go to the Human Rights office to fight the decision. Kenneth can’t help but feel defeated when he walks out of the office. Even little Hannah is pissed. She calls the man at the office an “ugly trickster” when she finds out her dad can’t get married.


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[Photo Credit: TLC]