Married At First Sight

Married At First Sight Recap: We Need to Get a Divorce

It’s decision day!!!! After an unprecedented four months together, the couples decide whether they want to stay married or get a divorce. Due to COVID-19, this season has been the longest experiment in the show’s history. It seems like only yesterday the couples first walked down the aisle to meet their stranger spouse.

Whew, the Married At First Sight  finale had me on the edge of my seat. There were highs, lows and several surprises. This has been one of my favorite seasons. But just like any other season, the reunion looks like it’s full of drama. I can’t wait to see what has changed since the cameras have left. Let’s get straight to the Married At First Sight recap!

Amelia & Bennett

Married At First Sight Recap: We Need to Get a Divorce

Amelia and Bennett were this season’s quirky and fun loving couple. Although they have not had any major fights throughout their marriage, they certainly have had some obstacles. Namely, Amelia’s looming move to Virginia for her career. We also can’t forget in the last episode, she revealed that she only got married at first sight to appear on a reality show. On decision day, Bennett surprised Amelia and the experts with a tattoo on his butt of her initials. Can you imagine if she said no? That would be a hard pill to swallow after seeing their love forever etched on his body.

Olivia & Brett

Married At First Sight Recap: We Need to Get a Divorce

Despite Brett deciding to end his marriage prematurely, they both agreed to participate in decision day to air their concerns. Ironically, he has been initiating contact with Olivia on and off after their split. But, she is visibly indifferent towards him, at this point. In her opinion, this is yet another example of him being disingenuous.  I have to agree. I will never forget the way he said “nah, I’m good” when she tried to resolve things. It’s obvious Olivia is not only still hurt, but angry. Who can really blame her? The experts point out that it seems like she wasn’t happy with any of his efforts. Apparently, there were several things that Brett would do to turn Olivia off from wanting intimacy with him. Basically, she said he was an “ass” and “insecure.”  Trust me, we all could see that! I’m glad she gave him the cold shoulder and stood her ground. Needless to say, these two aren’t getting back together. Yay!


Karen & Miles

Married At First Sight Recap: We Need to Get a Divorce

This couple could seriously go either way. Honestly, I want Miles to drop Karen like a bad habit. I don’t think she is ready to be married or in a serious relationship. The entire season she appeared cold, guarded and selfish. Don’t get me wrong, he has made mistakes as well. But at least he makes an effort to make her happy. I haven’t seen that reciprocated, unless she is counting feeding him.

When they both sit down on the couch, there is some obvious tension. Miles admits that although Karen has grown in the last few weeks, he doesn’t know if she can meet his needs emotionally or physically. Like most women, she says she is led by emotional intimacy and that is why they haven’t advanced physically. Surprisingly, Miles decides to throw caution to the wind and opts to stay married. It was touch and go for a second, but Karen also decides to she too wanted to stay together. Honestly, I hope they are able to move beyond their issues and have a happy life together.  But I can’t lie; I don’t think Karen will change.

Christina and Henry

Married At First Sight Recap: We Need to Get a Divorce

Let me go get a glass of wine for this! I can’t wait to see how this shit show unfolds with Christina and Henry. Well, things get interesting right away! Henry reveals that Christina accused him of having a same sex affair, after he called her dishonest. The experts are shocked and she looks like she is mortified that he had the nerve to tell anyone. Henry is far too kind, I would have outed her antics a LONG time ago. I have never seen anyone lie and back track so much with a straight face. I don’t know if she is just delusional, or a psychopath.

Christina adamantly denies believing that her husband was ever gay. She even goes a step further to act like she thought the invisible text was a prank. Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! You attempted to blackmail Henry into doing with you wanted with a lie. She has never apologized, until prodded by the experts. For some reason, Henry also apologizes. Sigh! Are we in the damn twilight zone? WTF! But there is a silver lining here, Henry put on his big boy pants and requests a divorce. In turn, Christina pretends like she too was going to say that. Honey, you were so thirsty to keep a man and a home that isn’t your car, that you were willing to threaten him. Henry, don’t walk, RUNNNNNNNNNNNN away from crazy, I mean Christina.

Amani & Woody

Married At First Sight Recap: We Need to Get a Divorce

Last but not least, my favorite couple of the season, Amani and Woody. I have truly enjoyed watching their love story evolve throughout the experiment. They both have grown throughout their relationship. I couldn’t help but tear up hearing Woody get emotional saying he never thought he could have a marriage or even a relationship like this one. Of course, Woody wants to stay with his beautiful wife. But when it’s Amani’s turn, she says she wants a divorce. What???? Luckily, it was just a joke. I love these two! I have watched every season of this show and no couple has ever made me feel as invested in their relationship. Amani and Woody, if you are reading this, I wish you a long fruitful marriage. Now, you better not disappoint me and be broken up or something crazy at this reunion!!!!!!



[Photo Credit: Lifetime]