Married To Medicine

Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Last night’s episode of Married to Medicine, was packed with the drama we have come to expect from this group. I have accepted the reason the show works is that half of the cast hates one another. Who really wants to watch a group of women who never fight? If that was the case, we wouldn’t have reality TV.

Jackie Walters butts heads with Curtis Berry over the costs of their renovations. Contessa Metcalfe gives her father a new smile courtesy of Heavenly Kimes. Simone Whitmore, and Cecil Whitmore give their son Miles a wake-up call about his future. Quad Webb-Lunceford celebrates her birthday and new cookbook. Let’s get straight into the Married To Medicine recap!

Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Heavenly, Buffie Purselle, and Contessa show up to support Quad at her book signing. Quad tells the women she’s having an all-white birthday and book launch party. In an interview, Heavenly shadily says she’s happy for Quad’s success because she’s had a lot of failures. I guess she forgot who she is dealing with. No matter how true, Heavenly’s comment will not go unpunished.

Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Jackie and Curtis are still making renovations to their home. When they meet with the designers, they discover it will cost nearly $300,000 to renovate the kitchen, closet, and add an addition to the garage. Curtis thinks they are spending way too much money. But when Jackie reminds him it will make up for her not having kids, he backs down. Oh, Curtis, we all know who is truly bankrolling this endeavor and it’s not you! Let Jackie have her house, at the very least.

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Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Contessa’s father is in town and the family meets him at a restaurant. Things take a total left turn when Contessa informs her father that she left graduate school. She then asks her dad if he could babysit the kids while she goes back to school. Neither Scott Metcalfe nor Contessa’s father seems to be in agreement. I am starting to think that Contessa is doing things just for shock value. Wasn’t her father addicted to drugs in the past and very sickly? It’s not like Scott and Contessa can’t afford to hire a nanny. They had one for quite some time before she quit.

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Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Simone has a serious conversation with her son, Miles, about his future. He has decided to transfer from Howard. His parents explain he has to get better grades to get into a better school. They also want him to become more independent. Starting with doing things as basic as washing his own clothes.  Simone thinks her son is spoiled, but isn’t she apart of the problem? If they want him to grow up, they will need to start with some tough love.

After years of drug abuse, Contessa’s father finally gets new teeth thanks to Heavenly.

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It’s the day of Quad’s all-white birthday party. As Toya Bush-Harris gets ready for the party, she can’t help feeling bad that Mariah Huq is uninvited. Eugene Harris thinks the right thing to do is to show support to all the women. Honestly, it’s probably for the best that Mariah will not be there, nothing good ever happens when those two are in the same room. After all of these years, I don’t think this feud will ever end.

Mariah and Aydin Huq take the family out to celebrate Ramadan. When the drug accusations come up, Mariah’s sister, Lake, thinks she has been too nice to Quad.  According to Lake, Quad has “always been a hoe.” Mariah still feels like the other women should have shown her more support in response to the allegations.

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Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought

During Quad’s party, she gives a speech about almost giving up on having friendships with the ladies last year. Quad thanks her Sister Circle cast for their support. Toya and Simone take offense to her comments and leave with Eugene. After they leave, Quad thanks the women of Married to Medicine for their support. In her interview, Quad claims Toya and Simone were jealous that Sister Circle was thanked first. In an effort to show off, Quad has an expensive car delivered to the party. I don’t know why Quad is still on this show. It’s obvious she does the least out of everyone in the cast. The only thing she does do is project a self-absorbed and obnoxious personality most of the time.

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Married To Medicine Recap: Food For Thought


[Photo Credit: Bravo]