90 Day Fiance The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance The Other Way is a prime example of when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I have never seen such a group of carefree and simple adults. Aren’t your teenage years when you throw caution to the wind and think that you can do anything? Not for this group.

They don’t even worry about money and how they will live. Karine Staehle worries about whether Paul Staehle can support her and the baby. She needs to worry about whether Paul is sane. No green card is worth dealing with him! Tiffany Franco wonders if South Africa is the right place for her family. If you ever questioned your decision-making skills, watch this 90 Day Fiance The Other Way episode, it will do wonders for your confidence. Trust me!

Jenny, 60 (Palm Springs, California) & Sumit, 30 (India)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Last week, Summit left Jenny Slatten to fend for herself. This week in an attempt to reclaim her independence she is trying to find a job and trusting random rickshaw drivers. Ummmm…. I thought she didn’t know how to speak the language, now she is trying to find a job? After hot-footing it over to the employment office, she discovers she can’t get a job without being married or having a work visa. Well… at least we discover that Jenny couldn’t understand ANYTHING the man said. What the hell is Jenny thinking? It would be so easy for anyone to take advantage of her under the guise of helping her.

Jenny was warned that it’s unsafe for women to go out at night in India. She is so homesick after being cooped up in the house alone. She decides to venture out to find an internet cafe. Her daughter is shocked that Summit left her mother alone and didn’t tell his parents the truth.

I don’t understand these people. Personally, I would never move anywhere that I couldn’t maintain any independence. If I was serious about moving out of the country I would research and actually attempt to learn the language. These Americans seem like they just literally packed a hobo bag and jumped on the first plane. How can you survive in this world and raise children being this naive?

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Sumit finally sneaked out of his parents’ house like a teenager trying to get to second base. While visiting Jenny, he is very upset to discover that she has been leaving the house. Did he really think she would just sit at home and eat curry while waiting for him to return? He tries to explain to Jenny that being a foreigner makes her more susceptible to something bad.

I actually agree with Summit. Jenny is playing a dangerous game going out alone at night. I understand she needs to get out of the house, but not at the risk of being kidnapped or much worse. Jenny screams that Summit better come home or she is going to continue going out. She feels like she is his “sidepiece” being kept in an apartment away from everyone. Well…. It may not just be a feeling.

Jenny, go back home and make Summit move to America. I actually think these two love each other, but this arrangement isn’t going to work for someone like Jenny.

Deavan, 22 (Salt Lake City, Utah) & Jihoon, 29 (South Korea)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Deavan Clegg heads to the hospital for her scheduled delivery without her baby daddy. Jihoon Lee and his parents have opted to view the birth via video call since they can’t be there. I guess that is better than nothing. Although Jihoon is heartbroken he wasn’t there, he is overcome with emotion to see his son for the first time. Full transparency here… I almost expected to see a baby that looked nothing like Jihoon. But it appears, Jihoon is indeed the father. One never knows….Especially since during this pregnancy, Deavan looked like she was in a catatonic state most of the time. I would hate to see what she looks like when she is free to do whatever she wants.

Deavan and the baby are finally home after a scare in the hospital. The baby was rushed to the NICU after being born with an underdeveloped lung. Jihoon finally arrives in America and knows NOTHING about babies, but is eager to learn. He feels guilty that he missed the birth of his only child. I laughed so hard watching him discover the joys of parenthood. It’s apparent he has never been around a small child.

Tiffany, 27 (Frederick, Maryland) & Ronald, 29 (South Africa)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Tiffany and Ronald Smith have been married approximately a week and they are already talking about having a baby. The couple heads out to speak with a realtor about finding an apartment. They quickly realize they don’t have the budget to afford anything in a safe neighborhood. Ronald doesn’t even have a job yet!  Even with the job he was promised at the wellness center, he would only be making $500-$700 a month.

The first complex is gated with electrical barb wire, like a prison. Tiffany is finally beginning to learn that she should have done her research for the sake of her son BEFORE she got married and decided to move to South Africa. They are repeatedly warned about their safety and even told to just “scream” if anything goes wrong. Sigh! Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany are you living in a dream world? Is this the fairy tale you envisioned for your son, Daniel?

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Tiffany and Ronald have a serious discussion about if it is truly safe to raise children in South Africa. Tiffany is FINALLY doing the math and understanding that everything won’t be butterflies and roses just because they are married. As they argue, Ronald’s bright idea is to get an alarm system, although there is no guarantee it will fend off thieves. Ummm… neither of them has any money, so how can they afford an alarm company, rent, and other necessities?

Tiffany wants to live in America, but because of Ronald’s criminal record, that may not be realistic. Tiffany, you better worry about the thief that you now call a husband. If he relapses, it will only be a matter of time before your refrigerator is gone.

Paul, 35 (Louisville, Kentucky) & Karine, 22 (Brazil)

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Paul and Karine have settled into their new “affordable” apartment. The very apartment that Paul was adamant that he didn’t want due to fear of malaria and no air conditioning.  Paul still can’t find a job because he doesn’t have a visa and is considered a terrorist. He can’t even speak the language to get a job, under the table. When he returns home, Karine questions him on how they will live without any money. Paul becomes so frustrated that he runs and takes safe harbor in a dog house or chicken coop outside. If I had x-ray vision, I think I would see him rocking back and forth while talking to himself.

I literally spit out my wine laughing at a grown man sitting in what appears to be a dog house. But they are in the Amazon, who knows what that wooden box is used for. SMH… Paul is insane!

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back

Karine goes outside to check on Paul him and discovers he is counting in order to calm down. When he finally emerges, he storms into the house going off about the men she has been talking to behind his back. Karine has had enough and throws in his face that he doesn’t want to work and he is worried someone else will treat her better. Paul gives her his ring before leaving and Karine retreats to her bedroom to cry. Hmmm… I bet she realizes she chose the wrong American. Paul can’t even take care of himself, let alone a family.

90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way Recap: Baby, Come Back


[Photo Credit: TLC]

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