Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

On last night’s episode of Married At First Sight, the couples were their last few days of their honeymoons.  Elizabeth Bice claims that she and Jamie Thompson finally had sex. Wait a minute, something is off. They didn’t have sex when she was in a see-through nightie or when she was naked??? Apparently, they had a threesome with Elizabeth’s Aunt Flo. Eww…. Someone make it make sense! This is gross given they are virtually strangers. Jaime even said I love you during sex. Ummm… what??  Wait a damn minute! You mean to tell me they had period sex AND said the “L” word after knowing each other 5 days. Something is very weird about them.

Keith Manley and Iris Caldwell are definitely enjoying their honeymoon. They both seem to be adventurous and are connecting more day by day. Matt Gwynne and Amber Bowles also seem to be enjoying their time together. Until I see someone in Matt’s family, I can’t take him seriously. Who goes on national television and gets married without warning his family? Do they sit at home all day churning butter? I would think the family would find out rather quickly. What is the point of hiding it?

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

The girls go shopping on the beach to catch up with one another. Amber asks the ladies if anyone has had a fight yet. Elizabeth decides to keep her argument with Jamie private. Since when is Elizabeth a private person??

Deonna McNeill explains to everyone that she asked Greg Okotie to slow down on his compliments. Iris advises her to accept them because they will dwindle over the years. Deonna doesn’t agree. As an introvert, she prefers balance.

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

The guys get together to play golf and talk about their wives. Matt reveals he is thinking about playing basketball out of the country. Clearly, I am not the only one who thinks this is a red flag. The guys also think it’s weird that he married a stranger knowing that was a possibility. They are also shocked that he would reveal his plans to them before Amber. Seems like Matt has lined everything up to make a quick exit, if need be. He hasn’t told his family and he has an offer for a job out of the country. What the hell did he get married for? Does he think basketball scouts are watching Married at First Sight?

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

The couples go on a boat outing together. Elizabeth has been freaking out. The water is a bit choppy and she and Amber are worried about throwing up in front of their husbands. I don’t know if I would have gotten on a small boat with a group, unless I had taken medication or was confident I wasn’t going to embarrass myself. No one wants to be in a small space for hours watching someone else throw up. Eww…  I must admit Matt was very supportive of Amber.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- Stranger Love In Paradise

The group arrives at a deserted island. The couples venture off on their own.Greg finally sees his wife in a swimsuit without a cover up and is definitely turned on. They haven’t had sex yet, but you can tell he is ready. Meanwhile, Iris freaks out when Keith’s wedding ring slips off into the sand. This is where I gained respect for Keith. If I had someone screaming in my ear and stressing me out, I may have lost it. He stayed calm and reassured her until he found his ring. There is nothing worse than being in a stressful situation, while someone else is going crazy.

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

When the group gets back on the boat, Elizabeth totally goes off on Jamie. While on the boat, she continues to feel sick. She is extremely annoyed by Jamie making jokes while she is upset. She not only tells him “F%&* you” once, she says it twice in front of everyone. As soon as the boat makes it to the dock, she storms off.

I understand why she was annoyed, if she felt like he wasn’t taken her predicament seriously. But I agree with Jamie, her choice of the words was very disrespectful. You have only been married five days and you already are cursing your man out. Well so much for keeping your arguments private, Elizabeth.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- Don’t Kiss On First Wedding Night

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

The next day, nice Elizabeth shows up. She apologizes to Jamie for the way she behaved on the boat. At least she realized that she didn’t handle the situation properly. Hmm…Five days and two fights already. I’m seeing red flags everywhere with these two.

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

Matt and Amber have a candlelit dinner while talking about the future. Amber is looking forward to living with Matt. He finally reveals he may have to take a basketball contract out of the country if his business doesn’t work out. I would think he would have thought about that before marrying a stranger. I have to give Amber credit, she didn’t mince words. She told Matt point blank that she doesn’t see their marriage working out if its long distance.

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

Deonna and Greg have dinner on the beach and talk about their past and future. They are surprised to find out they are both homeowners. Deonna has a townhouse, but is open to moving in with her husband.  Greg reveals that he lived with his ex-fiancé in the past. Deonna is stunned and clearly not happy her husband was once engaged. I don’t know why it matters. He didn’t marry the woman. I wish Deonna would just chill out and stop being so extra. She might miss out on a great guy because she is so annoying closed off. I think Greg handled the situation perfectly. He explained how what happened in the past lead him to be ready for her, now. Aww… I like Greg.

RELATED: Married At First Sight Recap- Something Borrowed, Someone New

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

Amber and Matt are back at the hotel and seem very distant. Amber revealed to the producers that Matt told her off camera that he felt like she humiliated him. While they were at dinner Amber told him she would be willing to help support him while he builds his business. He took it as if she felt he was broke and needed her financial support.  Seems to me, he wouldn’t be offended, unless it has a ring of truth.

They have a conversation and work out the misunderstanding pretty quickly. I actually do think Amber would take care of Matt, so he wouldn’t leave her. Whew, chile. The thirst is real. I’m glad that Matt quickly squashed the offer. He clearly is very proud and doesn’t want to rely on anyone to support him. At least she won’t have to worry about him taking advantage of her in that way.

Married At First Sight Recap-Paradise Lost?

The couples are packing up and mentally preparing themselves to live with each other. This is my favorite part of the Married At First Sight. Things get very real when two strangers people attempt to merge their lives.

I am really interested in seeing Matt’s home. We will be able to determine a lot more about him by how he lives.  I can’t wait to see all the couples as they muddle their way through this Married At First Sight experiment. This is such an interesting cast of characters, so I doubt it will be a dull moment.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]