Married At First Sight Recap-Don’t Kiss On First Wedding Night

On last night’s episode of Married At First Sight, the couples are spending their first night together as stranger spouses. This should definitely be interesting with a virgin and at least one desperate and HORNY bride who can’t keep her hands off her new husband. Some of these women are staring at their new husbands like their first meal after a famine. I can’t wait to see how the honeymoons and living together unfolds. That is when people truly start getting real. Let’s be clear, I’m not hoping for the downfall of these newly married couples. I just think the history of this show predicts most won’t work out. Either way, I will be entertained!

Elizabeth Bice doesn’t seem shy at all. She is naked in front of her husband, Jamie Thompson in 2.5 seconds. He literally unzipped her dress turned around and she was letting it all hang out. Insert side eye….Okay… Greg Okotie and Deonna McNeill are awkward as hell. He literally stands at the door watching her wash her face like a puppy waiting on his master. I curious to see what happens with this couple, he genuinely seems like a nice guy, despite his wife’s guarded exterior.

Married At First Sight Recap-Don’t Kiss on First Wedding Night

Iris Caldwell is sporting a cute little short set and her garter as if she wants Keith Manley to take it off. I’m actually glad his mother told him about his wife’s virginity. At least he had time to adjust to the information. In a game of secrets, she just tells him and he acts surprised, but not disappointed. I wonder if his reaction have been the same if  he found out from Iris directly. Things that make you go hmmm…

Married At First Sight Recap-Don’t Kiss on First Wedding Night

Matt Gwynne and Amber Bowles are definitely having sex or something close to it on their wedding night. You can tell she can’t wait for the camera crew to leave them alone. I would have thought she would have brought something sexier to wear to bed but maybe she didn’t expect to have her basketball player and groupie fantasy finally happen. Ughhhhh… This girl reminds me of the girls who wait on their opportunity to snag an athlete or attractive man by any means necessary. Maybe I am misjudging her (I doubt it)…. But she definitely is giving out that vibe.

Married At First Sight Recap-Don’t Kiss on First Wedding Night

It’s the day after the wedding and it seems like the couples still like each other. Don’t worry drama seekers who are new to this show, that will change very soon for some. Iris checks in with Keith about her revelation and he is saying all the right things. I really do hope these two work. They are just too cute. All the couples claim they didn’t have sex on their wedding night. I’m sure some did everything but if that’s the case.

Amber finally asks Matt the question, that most viewers want to know: Why wasn’t his family at the wedding? He confides in her that his family has no idea that he is even married given their strained relationships. Amber… you may want to sit back and investigate before falling for this guy. I find it strange he didn’t tell at least one of his parents. He may not have talked to his dad in years, but why not tell your mother? He says given their divorce he didn’t want to cause any more issues. Umm…. If you have a good relationship with your mom wouldn’t it hurt her to know she didn’t get a chance to attend? Something is very strange about this situation. I have my eye on you, Matt!

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Married At First Sight Recap-Don’t Kiss on First Wedding Night

For the first time in Married At First Sight history, each spouse will sit down with his/her in-laws alone to have a conversation. I guess Amber will just sit at a table and talk to herself or speak to Matt’s friends. Elizabeth is the first to meet with her new family. She doesn’t seem like the type who has ever met a stranger. She isn’t nervous at all and they seem to love her. Meanwhile, Jamie is meeting with Elizabeth’s overprotective father and mother. He definitely is on the hot seat. Her father is definitely having separation anxiety about giving up his daughter. Jaime and his father-in-law-are definitely going to bump heads.

Married At First Sight Recap-Don’t Kiss on First Wedding Night

Deonna meets with Greg’s mother and sister and it seems more like an interview than a casual conversation. Greg is fairing a little better. He at least seems at ease. Deonna’s dad asks what every father wants to know, “what are your intentions?” I don’t know how in depth he can go given he just met her, but he says he wants to grow.

Iris meets with Keith’s parents and she brings a gift. You already know the mother wants to know the deets on that wedding night.  Keith meets with Iris’ parents and her dad might as well have shined a light in his face at an interrogation table. After the way he cried at his daughter’s wedding, you know he wants to make some things clear. That and the fact, he is a police officer. I’m sure after the wedding he has had a full background check done on Keith. But Keith doesn’t flinch under the pressure and put’s his father-in-law at ease.

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Amber meets with Matt’s friends… There isn’t much to that conversation but at least she talked to someone. Matt is met with more serious questions from Amber’s family. They want to know more about why his family wasn’t at the wedding. Rightfully so. I don’t care what he says… it just seems odd. I don’t understand how your parents getting a divorce as an adult could totally change your relationship so drastically and to this extent.

Married At First Sight Recap-Don’t Kiss on First Wedding Night

This year, the couples will be going to Antigua for their honeymoon. This is when things will get interesting. It’s hard to hide those little idiosyncrasies about yourself when you are on a vacation in the same room for multiple days.  The couples arrive with open hearts to celebrate their wedding day. Let’s see how long that lasts. I think at least half of these couples will leave the honeymoon a lot closer. Elizabeth didn’t waste any time coming out in a barely there nightie, so that is one down. I think Amber and Matt will definitely take full advantage of their suite in paradise as well.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]