Below Deck Mediterranean chef Mila Kolomeitseva

Will Chef Mila Kolomeitseva Be Fired On Tonight’s Below Deck Mediterranean?

In the French Riviera the waters are sapphire blue and the skies are cloudless — until you come aboard the super yacht Sirocco where Chef Mila Kolomeitseva is terrorizing everyone with her homophobia and hideous food. With that warning, welcome to episode 3 of Below Deck Mediterranean!

First Mila managed to ruined the first crew night out by revealing to Travis Michalzik that she finds homosexuality gross.   The crew is horrified and are all wondering if they can even speak to Mila ever again. Unfortunately they all still have to work together and share a crew mess the size of a playpen. 

Back on board Captain Sandy Yawn‘s friend, Dr. Jennifer Berman returns with the hopes of redeeming her less than phenomenal charter from last season when they didn’t even get to leave the dock due to weather (but at least the food was edible!)

RELATED – Catch Up On Last Week’s Below Deck Mediterranean Recap: From Russia With Love

Hannah Ferrier also wants to redeem her behavior after last season when she and Captain Sandy fought the entire time Jen was on board. Well Hannah and Sandy need to bond together to deal with Mila, who is still making food the a diner wouldn’t serve! Things get so frustratingly bad that Sandy and Hannah decide to put Anastasia Surmava in the kitchen as a sous chef to help Mila out. That’s definitely going to go well…

RELATED – Below Deck Mediterranean Star Captain Sandy Yawn Shares Thoughts On Chef Mila Kolomeitseva’s Homophobic Comment

Finally Joao Franco is taking his role of boson a little too seriously and starting to irk his crewmates – except for Jack Stirrup who really isn’t motivated to do anything except chase women and ciggie breaks.

Watch Below Deck Mediterranean tonight at 9 PM on Bravo. Comment throughout the episode on this post. Tweet us with your thoughts. Follow us on Instagram. Like our page on Facebook. Check our site tomorrow for our Below Deck Mediterranean episode recap.