WATCH WHAT HAPPENS LIVE WITH ANDY COHEN -- Episode 15166 -- Pictured: Kameron Westcott -- (Photo by: Charles Sykes/Bravo)

Exclusive Interview: Get To Know Another Side Of Kameron Westcott From Real Housewives Of Dallas

When Kameron Westcott first joined Real Housewives of Dallas, I couldn’t help wondering what Nicole Kidman was doing on TV and why she was dressed like Elle Woods, the iconic character from Legally Blonde. Seriously though, if Nicole Kidman needs a body double, Kameron would be a prime candidate.

Right from the jump, she came through with a great tagline: “Dumb blondes get noticed. Smart blondes get everything.” You would think that a Nicole Kidman doppelganger, with an all pink wardrobe, and a genuine passion for philanthropy would be an immediate hit among the fans.

However, it hasn’t been an easy road for Kameron. And part of that is because the viewers don’t get to see every side of Kameron. Sure, they don’t get to see every side of any reality TV star. Nevertheless, there is more to Kameron than an enviable wardrobe and chatter about “Dallas society.” Much, much more. Get to know a different side of the Dallas Housewife in our exclusive interview!

And, yes, she does discuss the Season 3 reunion fights with D’Andra Simmons and Brandi Redmond. She even answers some critical questions about her close relationship with LeeAnne Locken. This is truly a side of Kameron that you’ve never seen before.

Just because Kameron lives a life full of pink, that doesn’t mean that she sees the world through rose-colored glasses. Truth be told, if Kameron is anything, it’s self-aware. She knows exactly who she is and how she is seen by the fandom. This is because she is one of us. Kameron is a super fan of the franchise.

She proudly proclaimed, “I am one of the biggest fans of all time for Real Housewives. I was that mom who was so addicted that I would record shows to watch while breastfeeding. I got caught up on all the shows when I was at home feeding my little girl.” She’s definitely not the only mom out there who includes Real Housewives in her multi-tasking.

However, not every mom gets to go from Real Housewives fan to a Real Housewife herself. With that said, Kameron was truly in her element at Andy Cohen’s Real Housewives-filled baby show. Kameron recalled, “Oh my god. It was one of the best days of my life. As a super fan, I got to meet all of the Housewives. I was like a little kid in a candy store. It literally felt like Christmas. It was the ultimate Housewives Super Bowl. To meet the other ladies was so amazing.” Truly my life’s dream come true.

Then, she admitted, “I feel like I know them already from watching them on these shows, which is funny because that’s what people think about me. They actually don’t know me.” And that’s what happens when a fan becomes a Housewife: Kameron completely understands how it’s so easy for the fans to form opinions about the cast members and she accepts the process.

And, unfortunately, the fan in Kameron did have one disappointing interaction at the shower. There was one (unnamed) Housewife who wasn’t as nice as Kameron expected her to be. She shared, “I met one of them and introduced myself because I’ve always been a super fan. And then I met her and she was like ‘I’m too good for you.’ I was just thinking, ‘OK, girl. We all had to start somewhere.'” Gee, who could this be about? Unfortunately, there are a few names who come to mind.

Exclusive Interview: Get To Know Another Side Of Kameron Westcott From Real Housewives Of Dallas

In happier news, Kameron shared, “I really thought Denise Richards was so nice! She came up to me and introduced herself. She’s so down to earth and sweet. I just like died. I just thought ‘Wow, this woman is amazing.'” Kameron’s perception was definitely on point with that one. Denise may not have much of a storyline, but she is the breath of fresh air that we need in the middle of all the dog drama.

And, of course, Kameron is no stranger to drama herself. The Real Housewives of Dallas Season 3 reunion had very little closure. Kameron remarked, “I don’t know where a lot of relationships end and I’m quite nervous.” As expected, Kameron could not confirm a Season 4, let alone whether she is a part of it or not. However, she did reflect on Season 3.

She recalled, “I left the reunion with unresolved issues with D’Andra.” And spoiler alert: they didn’t kiss and make up after the reunion cameras stopped rolling. However, Kameron did reveal, “I’m in a good place with Brandi. But at the same time, Brandi threw a lot of darts too. Brandi and I are on good terms after the reunion. We ended up chatting it up after.”

And that’s why the Dallas show is such a hit with fans. These women really do have genuine relationships- whether they’re amicable relationships or not. Kameron said, “I really feel like I do have individual relationships with everyone, except for with D’Andra. I don’t talk to her, but I talk to everyone else in the cast. I even have a much better relationship with Stephanie [Hollman] these days.” This is a far cry from the last Real Housewives of Orange County season. The division in that cast made it feel like we were watching two different (but equally boring) shows last season.

Kameron thinks D'Andra is

Thankfully, RHOD was anything but boring last year. Sadly, a lot of that drama came at the expense of two strong relationships. D’Andra drifted apart from both Kameron and LeeAnne. Unfortunately, this drama truly caught Kameron by surprise, especially at that mural party.

Kameron shared, “Before D’Andra exploded at me, she called me earlier that day. We talked about going to New York together. Everything was perfect. Then I go see her at her husband’s mural event. She blows up at me and it’s like she waited just for the cameras to blow up at me. If we’re true friends, tell me on the phone. Why would you want to go to New York and hang out with me if we are not friends?”

Kameron added, “I thought everything was great off-camera, but then she would just blindside me on camera.” And that’s what most of the viewers get to see: what’s on camera. Sure there are some super dedicated fans who follow along on social media or read interviews (thank you all!). However, there are plenty of fans who don’t get to see enough of the story.

Then the show aired and Kameron had to relive the drama that she thought was resolved. Kameron shared, “D’Andra had me over for lunch in the summer. I thought everything was great. Then, the show started airing and she was like ‘I hate you. I hate you.'”

Kameron explained, “When everything replays, people’s emotions go back to that place. I think that put us in another bad position. She just went real wild on Twitter.” On the bright side, at least she was engaging with the Real Housewives of Dallas fans. Right?

Kameron Westcott is devoted to Sparkledog

As the Real Housewives fan that she is, Kameron knows exactly what some of the viewers think. She began, “People think that I kiss LeeAnne’s butt all the time.” However, Kameron declared, “People who really know me know that I will 100% put LeeAnne in her place. One of the things that I love about LeeAnne is that she wants her best friend to have an opinion. That’s a real friend.”

She’s also well aware that some of the fans wonder why she had so much to say about D’Andra’s behavior and nothing to say about LeeAnne’s actions. Kameron pointed out something so obvious: no one ever asked her about LeeAnne’s behavior. In contrast, she was asked to comment on D’Andra’s multiple times.

Kameron insisted, “I would say what I thought of LeeAnne’s behavior if someone asked me, but no one asked me. D’Andra kept pushing for my comments on her own behavior. She kept putting me in situations where I could voice my opinion about it.”

For example, Kameron said, “I never had the opportunity to voice my opinion about LeeAnne dancing.” We all remember LeeAnne dropping down into some Kyle Richards-style splits on the bar floor.

Kameron said, “If LeeAnne asked me, I would be like ‘Girl, you look like a ho.’ I just never got the opportunity,  but I understand why it might look like I was unfairly taking sides or was inconsistent with my opinion. I was just never asked to share all of them.”

Kameron even predicted, “I would have said that to LeeAnne and she would have been like ‘Yeah, I agree.'”

So, no, Kameron is not blindly loyal to LeeAnne and she has no problem sharing an opinion (when she’s asked).  Even so, Kameron does have a lot of love for LeeAnne. Kameron said, “She’s a really good listener and she is the most accepting person. Kameron accepts all different types of people in her life.”

Exclusive Interview: Get To Know Another Side Of Kameron Westcott From Real Housewives Of Dallas

She also gave her girl a compliment (while simultaneously) shading her costars. Kameron said, “Sure, LeeAnne makes mistakes sometimes, but she owns it. She apologizes. There are a lot of people in our cast who can’t own it. That to me is just so annoying. Just say sorry and move on.” To be fair, that’s a problem that a lot of Real Housewives have. It’s not just an issue in Dallas.

Half the fun of watching Real Housewives shows comes from judging the cast members. As a fan, Kameron knows how this works. And that’s why she has such a great perspective on the experience from the other side. She explained, “This to me is a side job. This does not pay our bills. No way. I think I’m very lucky about that. And, you know what, when my time is up my time is up.”

RELATED: Kameron Westcott Shares Status Of Friendships With LeeAnne Locken & D’Andra Simmons

She continued, “Some people feel like they have to bring contrived drama to stay on the show. I don’t really believe in that. The show would work if we just present our lives. It’s not about creating drama that isn’t there. It’s about opening up.” As it should be! The show’s title has the word “real” in it for a reason.

And when it comes down to it, Kameron is just thankful to be a part of it all, even with some of the judgment that comes with the privilege of being a Real Housewife. She explained, “I really don’t care if I sit at the end of the couch at the reunion. Some of the other girls are like ‘I have to be next to Andy!’ And I love Andy too, but it’s just not the end of the world. I’ll sit anywhere. I’m just grateful to have a seat on the couch.”

And hopefully, Kameron will get a chance to show the fans more of who she is and what she’s about next season. Fingers crossed.


[Photo Credits: Charles Sykes/Bravo, Peter Larsen/Bravo, InstagramBravo]