Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Recap: Did Kayla Finally Decide to Extend the Restraining Order on Stephan?

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant, Ashley Jones found a full-time job as an administrative assistant so she and Bar can save money to move to Atlanta. Ashley talks about how she likes working because she’s not a teen mom there, she’s just Ashley. She talks about how everything is going well for them, except for her relationship with Bar’s mom. She’s thinking about how to make things right between them. She thinks it’s important for them to be on the same page since she’s Holly’s grandma.

Jade Cline talks about how she and Sean have been co-parenting the baby without drama for a few weeks now. She tells him that she’s happy they can try to be friends again. She says how being friends will help co-parenting. Jade tells him that what they were doing wasn’t working so they need a pact to put the past in the past and be friends. He says he just wants them all to be happy.

Everyone just wants to put the past behind them and be happy, but who can really make that happen?

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Recap: Did Kayla Finally Decide to Extend the Restraining Order on Stephan?

Kayla Sessler and Annabel and their friend Devynn meet at the bakery and Kayla needs to decide if she’s going to continue the restraining order on Stephan. Kayla tells them that there are no charges being filed against Stephan. She says if Stephan doesn’t get help she’s nervous about him being around Izaiah. She is thinking about extending the restraining order but wants to do what’s best for Izaiah and wonders if him not seeing the baby is what’s best for Izaiah.

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Recap: Did Kayla Finally Decide to Extend the Restraining Order on Stephan?

Lexi Tatman tells Kyler that she misplaced the ring that he gave her. He tells her that if she leaves him alone on Friday (no texting, calling or coming by the house) he’ll get her a new one. He claims it’s a test to see how clingy she is. Suspicious much? We’ll have to see. Lexi first says no, but accepts the challenge.

Brianna Jaramillo’s mom found a job and the clan was finally able to move into their own place. Brianna hasn’t had a job though so she’s applying for benefits. She talks the story about how she had a one-time rebound hook-up with her son Braeson’s birth father, who then denied the baby and wanted nothing to do with her.

When Jade woke up Khloe was covered in little bumps, she called Sean who came over and asked him if he wanted to go to the doctor with her. He said “Of course I do.” After being at the doctor for an hour, they find out she has a hand, mouth and foot virus. Jade tells Sean she likes being out with him and doing stuff together.

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Recap: Did Kayla Finally Decide to Extend the Restraining Order on Stephan?

Bar’s mom stops by to see the baby and tells Ashley that it’s the first time they talked. They both talk about how it was wrong and how they need it to be right with Holly. They all agree to move on, but we’ll see if it holds up. The shocked, but happy, look on Bar’s face when they hug is priceless.

Stephan tells the camera claims he’s taking responsibility for what he’s done. He’s on the phone with Annette, his mother, and tells her what he’s done and about the order of protection. She tells him to never disrespect a woman like that again. She tells him “Only God can help you now.”

Lexi is at the store and it’s the day of her “test.” Amber, Lexi’s mom, said that this deal is completely messed up. She says that she’s doing it to show that he’s not the way she was at 14. Amber tells Lexi that if someone said that to her that she would be loved forever, she would tell him to leave and that Lexi is being walked on for a relationship. It’s also setting the stage for the relationship in the future. Thank you, Amber, for speaking what we’re all thinking! 

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Recap: Did Kayla Finally Decide to Extend the Restraining Order on Stephan?

Chloie is still sick so Sean watches her so Jade can have lunch with her friend Lauren about them moving in together. When pressed about whether or not Sean and Jade are sleeping together when Sean sleeps over, Jade avoids the question. Jade says that she has no desire to move Sean in and that right now co-parenting is most important.

Brianna talks to her mom about applying for benefits and she wonders if they are going to reach out to find him. The services department are going to search for him for possible, but Brianna says that he close to run from this and he’ll run again. Her mom thinks they should tell his parents, but Brianna thinks no. She says it’s not her job because she already had more stress about telling her family she’s not going to go through the stress of telling his family.

At Ashley’s house, Bar’s mom took Holly for the night to bond with her and give Bar and Ashley some time alone. They talk about how good it went and Ashley says she doesn’t want Holly to grow up with that kind of stress around her. Ashley says she’s skeptical on how long it will last, but will try. That’s okay Ashley, we’re all skeptical.

At Kayla’s house, she’s talking to her mom Jaime and they talk about her court date. Kayla talks about she unsure about extending the order and Jaime is concerned about what Stephan can do without it. Jaime stresses her concern about Kayla’s safety and that if she drops the order she’ll go back to letting Stephan see Izaiah anytime he wants.

Next, we see Lexi and Kyler together and when she asks where they are going, he says “Does it matter?” What a mouth on him. Lexi claims she sticks up for herself and tells Kyler that she doesn’t like that they did the pact. They talk about how they love each other. Forget the pact. She’s just happy she got the ring. Wonder what he’ll demand that she do next?

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant Recap: Did Kayla Finally Decide to Extend the Restraining Order on Stephan?

Brianna might have a job but it doesn’t start for a few weeks so she’s stressed. She talks to Robert about what her mother said about finding Braeson’s biological grandparents. Robert tells Brianna to reach out to him and she’s shocked, but he says it is more for Braeson. Brianna is mad that Robert said that because she feels she doesn’t owe the biological father anything.


Photo Credit: MTV