Farrah Abraham & Sophia Abraham

Farrah Abraham Told Daughter Sophia About Arrest As An Example Of How People Want To Ruin Her Career

The list of Farrah Abraham‘s questionable (re: awful) decision making increases with her revelation that she told her 9-year-old daughter Sophia about getting arrested for (allegedly) drunkenly smacking a security guard.

Last week Farrah was getting her drink on at the fancy Beverly Hills Hotel, where c-list celebs go to get in trouble for attention, when she wound up in an argument with a fellow guest, which escalated into assaulting the security guard trying to eject her from their establishment. The police were called and Farrah spent a few hours in the slammer where she certainly DID NOT have a wakeup call!

Immediately upon getting released Farrah complained about the injustice of having to be a single parent held accountable for her actions. Because: HOW UNFAIR for Sophia to have to be told that her mother was arrested.  “It was very confusing for me and I wish that no other single mom or person in the public eye has to deal with that. It’s a confusing place to be in,” Farrah complained.

Luckily the former Teen Mom OG star decided to turn this into a teachable moment for Sophia about how sometimes bad things happen to good people! Isn’t that… heartwarming as a Hallmark Movie! #NOT

“I actually did explain everything to her,” Farrah tells Us Weekly, because how else would she convey that she’s so not responsible for her own actions because other people just want to see her fail!

“As it happens, you gotta just say unexpected things may occur and you just gotta keep your cool. You can be so nice to a certain extent and then it’s like, ‘Whew,'” Farrah continued. “People will try to ruin your career and you do nothing to have that happen.”

Farrah says Sophia understands and “we are on track.”

“I’m just thankful I didn’t get really in trouble,” declares Farrah, “because I really would’ve been sad about that, if it were my fault. “

Also on future outings, Farrah’s decided never to let herself or anyone else on her team, be left unaccompanied even for a bathroom break. Which sounds like a matter for OSHA about workplace safety, but anyway, she also believes the Beverly Hills Police Dept owes her an apology for targeting her as a public figure and selling stories about her to the media. Mmmm… OOOOKAY.

In fact the morning after her arrest, Farrah posted a ‘triumphant’ video of her leaving the police station attached to a scathing chastisement (so she thinks) of police conduct. You can catch the video, with the following charming quote, here.

“I chose this life and I handle being targeted as a public figure & public punching bag ALL is Fair In Farrah’s world I will never believe the lies that people need to sell to make a dollar off me — Happy it’s all recorded and documented as I should never feel unsafe and be targeted at a hotel I’m staying at The Beverly Hills hotel truly allowed misconduct by staff to a paying guest there’s no need for me or anyone else to be treated this way. The Beverly Hills Police officers should stop having power trips and lying and selling stories to TMZ, while you let all of Beverly Hills be robbed, car break ins, stealing go on… focus on really protecting the public and doing good for Beverly Hills instead of creating made up problems. #farrahabraham.” Maybe Farrah should do her civilian duty by running for public office?! Imagine the amazing spinoff potential of Farrah Vs. America!

Farrah Lashes Out At Her Parents For Failing Her!


[Photo Credit: Instagram]