Thomas Ravenel

Bravo Confirms Thomas Ravenel Will Not Attend Southern Charm Reunion

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The rumors that Thomas Ravenel will not attend the upcoming Southern Charm reunion have just been substantiated by Bravo! That makes it official, y’all – it’s a white pants-free zone.

Frankly, I’m not surprised by the decision. Not only has Thomas been battling two high profile sexual assault allegations, but Patricia Altschul and Whitney Sudler-Smith are not speaking to him in the wake of not only his legal issues but also the vile tragedy that is his girlfriend Ashley Jacobs. And Patricia has made NO secret of her disgust towards Thomas. ‘Bout time lady! Did Michael slip a wake up call in her cocktail and a reality check under her perfectly ironed cat-ty caftan? 

For days sources have been claiming that Thomas was banned from the reunion because Bravo didn’t want the liability of his sexual assault allegations being discussed. Additionally, some female co-stars were said to be uncomfortable with his presence. Thomas’s job on Southern Charm is also potentially in jeopardy.

After Bravo confirmed that Thomas wouldn’t be present, Patricia gloated on Twitter, “Now it’s official.” My, my how the mighty have fallen! To tell us how she really feels, Pat really ought to have Craig make her a caftan with Thomas’s face in one of those crossed-out red circles! She could sell them with all the money going to sexual assault survivor charities. ALLEGEDLY #IdBuy

No word on whether Ashley will bring her trashley self and her trashley hair to the reunion, but my guess is YES. Cause famewhores don’t quit ’til they believe they’re legit.

Cameran Defends Patricia – Says She’s Not A Bully But She Is Honest!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]