Cary Deuber Calls LeeAnn Locken A "Two-Faced Texan;" Claims She Never Had An Affair With Mark

Cary Deuber Calls LeeAnne Locken A “Two-Faced Texan;” Claims She Never Had An Affair With Mark

LeeAnne Locken is coming for Cary Deuber, even though no one sent for her! And with The Real Housewives Of Dallas finale just around the corner, Cary is in full damage control mode about the allegations Brandi Redmond and LeeAnne are making about her husband, Mark. Cary defends her role as the “babysitter” for Mark’s children with his ex-wife, as well as accusations that she and Mark had an affair before divorced from their former spouses.

Cary describes telling Mark about LeeAnne gossiping about his, um, alleged social activities at The Roundup – and her own gossip about LeeAnne’s fiance, Rich. “I was dreading telling Mark about the negative things that were said about him and Rich — both of them. I was disappointed in myself for sinking to LeeAnne’s level to take a swing at a spouse; while I was ashamed to admit to Mark what I said, I was relieved to have it off my chest with the group and with Mark. What stung even worse, though, was having to tell my husband that the same hateful rumors about him were STILL being spread by the same Two-Faced Texan who had promised to turn over a new leaf last year.”

Cary blames LeeAnne’s empty soul for the sh*t she’s been stirring.

“How empty on love is someone who spews so much hate toward others? ‘Owning it’ is really not good enough for how you trashed us in your confessional, suggesting Mark was gay, cross-dressing, or that we’re bisexual — NOT the same things, FYI! Clearly your ignorance keeps you stuck on the stereotypes from a time that should be behind ALL OF US. It is exactly people like you, LeeAnne Locken, that unfortunately highlight the LGBTQ community’s ongoing struggle to achieve the fair and equal treatment we all deserve. Your private confessionals say much more about YOU than about me or Mark. They speak volumes about where your appalling truth really resides.”

Whether or not LeeAnne’s attacks will ultimately come back to haunt her with the LGBTQ community, they are definitely propelling the drama on RHOD. Cary also blames Brandi for stoking the fires.

She complains, “I felt so unsupported. Brandi teed me up to confront LeeAnne about her threats only to turn on me and join with LeeAnne in more attacks. At that point, I really felt only Kameron [Wescott] came to my defense. In a moment of extreme frustration, I said, ‘I don’t know if I can be friends with them.’ Honestly, when your girlfriends isolate you like that, who wouldn’t feel that way in the heat of the moment? It’s clear that us girls all say things that we don’t really mean when we’re mad or hurt. It’s human nature. You’re pissed, and you have a base reaction that you know is wrong. But how you and your friends process those interactions can define relationships.”

Cary writes in her blog that she wondered “Whose mouth was the stench coming from?” while walking into Brandi’s party. Calling their conversation an “ambush,” Cary flat out denies the accusations about having an affair with Mark, and she thanks Kameron and Stephanie Hollman for backing her up. She admits that Brandi calling her out truly shocked her, though.

Brandi was the one that hurt. I love her. I thought she loved me. I thought we had really bonded this year, especially with the trip to Memphis to meet her extended fam. But then the 180 in Mexico and the ambush at her party. Wow. Girl, you hear one or two things and flip to revenge mode? Let’s blow Cary up with a supposed secret.”

RELATED: Brandi Redmond Insists That Cary Deuber Commented About Her Plastic Surgeon; “So Over” Kameron Wescott

Next, Cary explains her version of what went down when she supposedly “nannied” for Mark and his ex back in the day.

“I worked for Mark for five years before we got together and started dating. He had two kids and no nanny. One of his couples’ trips was with two of his plastic surgeon buddies and their wives. I had watched their kids too in the past, and they gave him the idea. With my boss out of town, I was free and available. Now it’s some big scandal. News flash: we know some people will think we had an affair no matter what we say, but our friends know the truth. It’s time to put this to rest. Believe what you want — I don’t care anymore. We are about to celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary.”

Now that Cary and Brandi – and LeeAnne – are on the outs, it’s Mark’s turn to face off with the women next week. Because when husbands of the Housewives get involved in the arguments, it always turns out so well for them. <groan> Cary might think it’s necessary, though, because the enemy she is fighting is LeeAnne Locken, after all. And that chick comes prepared for war at ALL times! With her hands…which work quite well.

Cary comments, “LeeAnne brought note cards to the ambush. Think about it. She prepared and brought note cards on Cary to a party — that means she knew there would be an ambush. That means she wanted to make sure it went the way she wanted. You know who brings notes to the battle? The one who is orchestrating it. She is trying to destroy me and ostracize me from the group. Her goal is to isolate and remove me. Today she was successful and got me out of there. But this war is not over.”


Photo Credit: Bravo