Teen Mom 2 Recap

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Settling For A Settlement

Teen Mom 2 Recap

Last night’s episode of Teen Mom 2 has given us the long-awaited conclusion of Jenelle Evans’ court battle for Jace. Spoiler alert: Jenelle doesn’t exactly get her way. Speaking of court, Kailyn Lowry thought she could catch a break from it now that her divorce is finalized but her ex, Jo Rivera, has different plans and she finds herself speed dialing a lawyer again. The other Teen Moms have decidedly less drama so let’s start with them.

Life is good for Chelsea DeBoer and husband Cole as they plan for their upcoming wedding reception and settle into life as a family of four. Chelsea meets her Dad downtown at her Stepmom’s shop to pick up the kids after Randy watched them last night. They talk about how Aubree is going to see Adam Lind for Father’s Day but Chelsea isn’t so sure she will actually do anything outside of seeing him. On the drive home, Chelsea asks Aubree if she’s excited to see her Dad and she says he always sleeps when she is there and never plays with him.

Once at home, Chelsea is making Cole some sweet Father’s Day gifts by painting the bottom of the kids’ feet and putting them on a round wooden plaque. It comes out adorable and when they present it to Cole, he makes a big fuss about how great it is. As Aubree leaves for Adam’s house, Cole comments about how bummed he is that she has to leave for Father’s Day.

Once she is home for the night, Chelsea asks how it went and Aubree reports that he threw her the ball a few times and then shows her what she made in church: an adorable paper all about her Dad, who she describes as Cole. Cole is touched at how sweet it is and it’s a nice moment for the family on his first Father’s Day with the new baby.

Teen Mom 2 Recap

Leah Messer hasn’t been on a date since she got divorced from ex, Jeremy Calvert, so she thinks it’s time to get her feet wet. She knows that she is older and more independent now so, while she can’t have anyone come into her kids’ lives, she also knows that she is okay finding someone who just makes her happy as a companion.

It doesn’t take Leah long to find herself with a scheduled first date and she’s nervous. She meets Josh, who looks just like her last two exes, and they have a somewhat awkward start over dinner. I’m sure it was nerve-racking for Josh to have a camera man standing right behind him filming the whole thing but he’s a good sport about it. Leah has to drive the conversation and while they seem to get along, you can tell it’s not a match. When Leah leaves, she immediately tells the Producer there won’t be a second date. Literally ten seconds later, Josh pulls up in his car and tells Leah he forgot to ask if he could get a second date. She tells him she will text him. Oof. Oh, well, better luck next time!

Teen Mom 2 Recap

Briana DeJesus goes over to Luis’ apartment to talk about how bad the baby shower was. She’s mad that he didn’t help out at all and he’s mad that she invited her ex, which she explains is a non-issue since it was HER baby shower and it’s not like he contributed at all. Either way, they have bigger problems to discuss and that’s Luis’ news that he is going to truck driving school in Jacksonville for a month and then will be on the road training for ten months. To make the situation even more stressful, he leaves just a few weeks before Briana’s due date, so he will definitely miss the birth of his child. Briana knows that this is what’s best for them financially but she is reduced to tears again, realizing what awful timing this is.

Nova is graduating from preschool, so Briana tries to get over her anger over the Luis situation to enjoy celebrating Nova. Sitting with her family, Briana tells them about Luis’ plans for school and Roxanne is not happy. They are annoyed he didn’t think to do all of this months ago, and for once, Brittany has nothing to say about it.

At Nova’s graduation, Devoin Austin shows up and the family makes a big deal of having him there. Poor Nova is overwhelmed by the crowd and crying despite Briana and Devoin’s efforts to calm her down. She finally does when the crowd is gone and they can take some family pictures of her in the classroom.

Teen Mom 2 Recap

Since we last saw Jo, he was merely floating the idea of talking to Kail about 50/50 custody of Isaac. This episode, we find out that he did try and talk to her but it went about as poorly as he could have imagined – Kail just raged on him about how he could do this to her while she’s six months pregnant and instead of trying to hear him out, told him that he could just take her to court if that’s what he wanted. Jo officially filed with his lawyers but he’s still hoping that Kail will calm down and come to her senses before they all end up in court.

For Kail’s part, she seems to think this came completely out of the blue because she always lets Jo have Isaac whenever he wants and is really pissed he would do this to her while she’s pregnant. I hate to break it to you, Kail, but Jo has been more than accommodating of all of the changes in your life, so he can’t keep putting his wants and needs for his son on hold while you live yours. She admits she doesn’t want to give him 50/50 custody and well, anyone could have guessed that.

At Isaac’s soccer game, Jo shows up and Kail feels the tension. Later when they are all at home, Kail asks Isaac how he felt about his Dad showing up and makes sure to point out to him that it was the first one his Dad attended (out of the five games they have had). It’s time for Kail to focus on graduating school and she remembers the days when she didn’t think this moment would come.

Teen Mom 2 Recap

I was starting to think the day would never come for Jenelle to get to court over Jace’s custody but it finally has and as it turns out, they ended up settling, just not in Jenelle’s favor. Barbara Evans leaves the courthouse victorious and tells the Producer how she thinks the therapist is really the one who made the best case for it being in Jace’s best interest to stay with Barb. According to Barb, Jace is terrified of Jenelle’s fiancé David Eason and he wanted to stay with her all along.

What they did agree to was that Barb would have full and permanent custody of Jace, with Jenelle getting every other weekend, plus some holidays and time over the summer when Jace is not in school. Barb is just thankful it’s over and she didn’t have to drag Jenelle through days of a hearing.

Jenelle leaves and says she doesn’t want to be filmed but has a change of heart as she complains to her friends in the parking lot. David fans her anger by saying that he hates Barb and this is the worst possible thing she could do to her daughter and to Jace. The one bright side is that Jenelle doesn’t have to tell her where she is taking Jace anymore when she has him and they also have designated drop off and pick up spots so that should alleviate some arguing. But it doesn’t change the fact that after today, Jenelle no longer considers Barb her mother and she will never forgive her for this.

Back at home, Jenelle tells David how she expected court to go in her favor but she is glad that now she can spend more quality time with Jace and doesn’t have to explain anything to Barb. Then she starts making plans to have people watch Kaiser and Ensley so she and David can take Jace and Maryssa to St. Thomas and make the trip all about the kids. I’m sure that’s exactly what Jace doesn’t want – to spend more time with David but do you think Jenelle has thought of that?

At Barb’s house, she’s ready to tell Jace the good news by giving him a balloon and cupcake before telling him that he’s going to stay with her. Jace looks more relieved than anything, and I hope for his sake, the drama between Jenelle and Barb calms down for a while.


Photo Credit: MTV