At this point the Real Housewives of Dallas cast is split into two distinct sides. Last year all of the ladies hated on LeeAnne Locken. Now that D’Andra Simmons and Kameron Westcott joined the cast they are on the same side of schism as LeeAnne with Cary Deuber, Brandi Redmond, and Stephanie Hollman on the other.
Even though D’Andra joined the cast as a friend of LeeAnne’s she also has no problem telling LeeAnne the truth, even if it’s not what she wants to hear. She also has no issue sharing her opinions about the rest of the cast, especially Brandi.
D’Andra reflected on the last RHOD episode in her Bravo blog. The new Housewife explained, “The sit-down that you see take place between LeeAnne and me this week is something that happens pretty regularly! Not only because we are friends, but also because she often comes to me for my opinion, and she respects my perspective.”
She continued, “I can honestly say that I am one of the few people that can dish it to LeeAnne in the same manner that she often dishes it out to others! She takes it from me, because she knows that I come from a place of love in my criticism of her. I truly want to see her do well and achieve all of her goals, and I genuinely would like the other ladies to be able to get to know the true LeeAnne, the one that is my best friend.” Unfortunately for LeeAnne, that is not likely to happen. Without the opposition against LeeAnne, some of the cast members are really struggling for a story line.
LeeAnne started off Season 2 as a new friend of Brandi’s, but now that Brandi and Stephanie have made up, it will be interesting to see if the two of them still get along so well. It doesn’t seem likely, especially since LeeAnne’s girl D’Andra is not the biggest fan of Brandi’s. She wrote, “As someone who has literally raised millions for those in need, and someone who has chaired probably over 25 events since 2004 (I have lost count), I am offended by Brandi’s constant belittling of the efforts made by women who live and socialize in the ‘inner sanctum’ of Dallas philanthropy. I was raised to have a benevolent spirit and I always do whatever I can to raise awareness and funds to support those less fortunate than myself.”
D’Andra continued to put Brandi in her place. She said, “I am weary of hearing Brandi’s criticism of the ‘charity world’ (not really sure what that is exactly). Brandi is an outsider to Dallas Society, socially and geographically, so this doesn’t surprise me. Since she doesn’t actually live in Dallas, I am sure she naturally feels disconnected to the Dallas social scene. She has made an effort to chair events and become involved, and I applaud her for that.” Damn.
D’Andra concluded, “Brandi’s commentary just doesn’t sit well with me. I feel it is a measure of immaturity on her part.”
D’Andra also shared her thoughts on Brandi’s BFF Stephanie. She said, “As for Stephanie, if she wants to be more involved in Dallas society, she MUST move to Dallas proper. The Dallas social echelon is commandeered, so to speak, by women that are elected into volunteer organizations with a specific purpose. It is like trying to get into a sorority. You are voted in and then become part of an elite group of women in Dallas working together for a common good. It is snarky, it is brutal, but it is the truth, and these women raise a HELL OF A LOT of money for our city!”
D’Andra discussed the gift debacle from the last episode. She explained, “Watching the end of this episode when Brandi gives Cary and Stephanie gifts and invitations for ‘the best girl’s trip ever,’ while Kameron stands awkwardly to the side, I cringed with the rest of America!” That was just so awkward to watch. I don’t blame Brandi for not inviting Kameron on the trip since she hardly knows her, but inviting the other women in front of her wasn’t a thoughtful move. At all.
D’Andra said, “I love when Kameron says that her six-year-old knows that this is rude behavior, because I was thinking, ‘Wait, isn’t this lesson number one in Kindergarten? You can’t invite select kids to your birthday party in front of the class. You invite the whole class!’ Apparently, Brandi was ill that day in school, and this was another lesson missed for her.” But it did provide a story line for the show, so at least some good came out of that rudeness.
D’Andra admitted, “I felt so bad for Kameron in that moment, and I thought she handled the situation with grace, while standing up for herself at the same time. I might not have been so charming when dishing out protocol! I am glad she spoke out about the offense.”
Unfortunately for the kids, D’Andra was right when she said, “This may have been a party for Cary’s daughter and her friends, but these ladies ended up being the ones acting like children! Let’s see if anyone learns from this experience. I’m not holding my breath!” Getting into a arguments at children’s parties is a (sad) staple of the Real Housewives franchise so that is not likely to change. Ever.
Even so, there is a new episode of RHOD on tonight at 10PM on Bravo. It looks like we are in store for more of Kameron’s Legally Blonde-esque CEO schtick based on the episode description: “Kameron presents a bright pink business idea to her very skeptical husband, while Cary and Stephanie embark on Brandi’s family trip to Memphis.” As expected, it seems like Brandi has dropped LeeAnne now that she and Stephanie are on good terms since description also notes that “LeeAnne is left behind and crushed to find she’s not as close to Brandi as she thought.” As for D’Andra, it doesn’t seem like it will be a pleasant episode for since “unexpected news from D’Andra’s stepson Keatin leaves her angry and confused.”
[Photo Credit: Bravo]