Jules Wainstein's divorce

Jules Wainstein’s Custody Proceedings Get Ugly With Drug Accusations From Michael Wainstein

Unlike her short time on Real Housewives of New York, Jules Wainstein’s divorce has been chock full of drama. From a surprising divorce filing to Jules’ infidelity accusations against Michael Wainstein and the police intervention in between, there has been so much controversy.

Jules and Michael are definitely not going to be friends after this is all worked out. I even find it difficult to imagine them peacefully co-parenting. Hopefully I’m wrong, but considering what went down when they appeared in court this week to work out a custody agreement, it doesn’t seem likely.


In court, the most damning accusations were definitely aimed at Jules.

According to TMZMichael claimed Jules is living way beyond her means, citing her $40,000 American Express bill and the fact that she spent $2,000 on Uber rides for the first fifteen days of October. If that’s true – then how is any of that normal? Who Ubers that much? There is nothing okay with that. And to put that into perspective, she reportedly earned $60,000 for her time on RHONY.

Not only did Michael and his lawyer make Jules look financially irresponsible, but he also came at her with accusations of drug use.

According to Daily Mail, Michael‘s lawyer said Michael wants custody of their children since Jules “has a history of drug use and abuse.”

The lawyer even cited a Real Housewives of New York episode when Jules talked about having Lidocaine and Percocet with her, saying, “Look no further than to watch TV to see the bag of drugs that she carries around.” Damn. They are a pulling no punches.

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Good news for Jules: the judge had no interest in said “evidence,” stating, “I don’t try cases based on what may or may not be on the television.”

Jules called out Michael for not paying bills and having tax issues. She also emphasized that he doesn’t deserve more custody since he just hands the kids over to a nanny.

The court appearance ended up without any resolve since the judge said that he wasn’t going to make any decisions until they resolve their financial problems. In that case, I doubt this gets resolved anytime soon, as Jules got let go from the reality show and Michael has cited money issues a few times.

I feel bad for the kids because they should be considered most important in this situation and now they’re just caught in the middle. It will be interesting to see if Jules ends up denying the drug accusations though…


[Photo Credit: Bravo]