Kim Kardashian and Kanye West leave their hotel and head to the Vogue 100 Gala Dinner, held in Hyde Park Featuring: Kim Kardashian, Kanye West Where: London, United Kingdom When: 23 May 2016 Credit: Will Alexander/

Kanye West On Kim Kardashian’s Naked Body: “To Not Show It Would Be Like Adele Not Singing”

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West gave a joint interview for the new issue of Harper’s Bazaar and it was…interesting.  I’m always a little fascinated to hear how these two see themselves and how they think the world sees them, and this interview didn’t disappoint. They revealed everything from insecurities to how they’d like to be remembered, which historical figures they identify with and more.

Kim and Kanye start off by saying that their favorite body parts are each other’s hearts.  Well, Kanye said Kim’s heart first and then she replied, “Awww, now I have to say the same. But of my own, I like my upper stomach. I just seem to always have abs.When I’m not really pregnant, I have a great two-pack. And of Kanye’s? I have to say his heart. And I’ve always loved his legs.”

When asked which historical figure they identify with, Kanye says, “Us? Muhammad Ali, Marilyn Monroe—all day. Next question.”

The interviewer, Laura Brown, asks: “Hidden talent? I don’t know if you guys hide your talents, but if you do …”

Kim reveals, “I can smell when someone has a cavity. It’s a very specific smell—not a bad-breath smell—but something that is really strong.” And Kanye shares, “I can analyze people’s intentions. Immediately.That’s just a warning. To everyone.”

Their biggest insecurities, Kim reveals “I would say looking fat sometimes. I really do take it seriously. I try to do what I can and diet and stay in shape, and it does make me insecure when I’m heavy.”

Kanye’s is about money, “I used to have insecurity about my finances, then I announced that I had debt, and now I don’t have any insecurities.” Kim adds, “Then you didn’t have any debt; it seemed to all figure it out.” When the interviewer suggests he put it out into the universe like The Secret, Kim says “Don’t think that will work for everyone.”

Kanye adds, “People will definitely use that against you if someone knows that. But the one thing I don’t have an insecurity about is public perception. I’m not going to conform to it, you know?”

On overthinking things, Kanye shares “Here’s something that’s contrary to popular belief: I actually don’t like thinking. I think people think I like to think a lot. And I don’t. I do not like to think at all.” The interviewer remarks, “You’re an underthinker.” To which Kanye replies, “I think about things to put them in a place where I don’t have to think about them anymore. Say if I had a child with a really bad mom, I would have to think more than if I had a child with a good mom. I’m just doing my homework early. I told my trainer today, I’m a mix of a 14-year-old high schooler and a 60-year-old guy. It can never fall into the 30s or the 40s. It has to be 100 percent 60 or 100 percent 14, no in between.”

Most annoying habits? Kim says Kanye gets annoyed because she hates doing fittings. Kanye says it’s hard to do fittings for his Yeezy collection. “It’s so hard to do fittings [for Yeezy] because we want to do things that are inspiring, that people could look at and say, “Wow, I like that color palette, I could put that together.” And there are so many images of things that it’s almost impossible to have your clothes go up against the amount you’re seeing and carry it into one language. That’s why I’m always fighting either to have a house work with us or to head a house. It’s a lifestyle I can totally see: the future, modern Versailles, modern Versace, modern Calabasas, paparazzi, celebrity language. I just want to build a collection that’s around me and my wife and my kids. Because Kris and the family, they have the power of communication. This is the number one communications company.”

When the interviewer says, “You’re saying you’ve got the power of the idea,” Kanye responds, “The idea. I know I wasn’t allowed to go to fashion school; I can’t cut a dress like Galliano, right? But I had enough wherewithal to go to that studio on my first collection and bring Kim, [stylist] Christine Centenera, Ian Connor, Theophilus London, Virgil Abloh…they all came down to [Vetements/Balenciaga designer] Demna Gvasalia’s studio that night and hung out. (And then Demna, as you probably know, he worked on Yeezy Season 1.) Anyway, I want to say a controversial thing for this article…”

Kanye then toots his horn a little about shoe sales, “What designer on the planet can sell, consistently, 40,000 shoes. In two minutes?” Kim interjects, “One minute.”

On favorite selfie poses, Kim loves a mirror selfie.  Kanye loves the nude selfies Kim does. “I love her nude selfies. Like, I love the ones from the side, the back ones, and the front. I just love seeing her naked; I love nudity. And I love beautiful shapes. I feel like it’s almost a Renaissance thing, a painting, a modern version of a painting. I think it’s important for Kim to have her figure. To not show it would be like Adele not singing.”

Of the two, they agree that Kim is more vain.  Kanye says, “Yeah I think she has vanity. And with me, I don’t give a f__k, bro; it is what it is. I’m the best—now what? I don’t know if that’s a vain statement. I don’t particularly like photos of myself, though.”

On the reaction to her naked selfie with the black bars, “I was about to get in the shower; I took a nude selfie, kept it in my phone for over a year. I just liked the picture, so I was like, ‘Let me put censor bars on it and post it.’ I don’t do things to be like, ‘This is powerful. I’m going to show you guys that this is my message.’ I’m not that type of person. I’m empowered by it, but I’m not doing it specifically to show power.”


On the last thing they purchased, Kim says Kanye is super hard to buy for so she rented an island for his birthday.  Kanye says, “You see, those are the type of statements that make people not like us, more so than the “I’m the best” statement. It’s more the “Oh, yeah, I just rented an island for his birthday …” You know in Meet the Parents, Owen Wilson’s character? All of our shit is like Owen Wilson’s character; he’s like, “This is when we jumped off Mount Everest, and we wore turtle flight suits or whatever.””

On Kanye making her laugh, “Kanye just says the funniest analogies that are so random. I should start keeping a book—in 20 years, I’ll have a big book of analogies.They always make me laugh.” Kanye admits that Kim is funny but she laments, “But I don’t get credit for being funny; it’s, like, not a thing.” Kanye adds, “I think my sense of humor is really dark and super twisted and stuff like that. It’s like, “Is this a funny joke for real? Or am I just rich?” See? That was funny.”

Kim on how she’d like to be remembered, “I’d like to be remembered as someone who was smart in business, works hard, and can be sexy and a mom. A powerful but still sexy, nonconforming woman. And I would hope that Kanye would be remembered for being smart and sticking to what he believes.”

Kanye says, “Determined. I would say my determination is way higher than my smartness.”

The issue comes out on August 16th.


Photo Credit: Will Alexander/






