LeeAnne Locken blog

LeeAnne Locken Compares Marie Reyes To A Tornado & Says She Bought Her Tracking Devices

I cannot believe that I subjected myself to watching a Real Housewives of Dallas episode that centered around rumors that LeeAnne Locken pooped in a bag. I feel like I was supposed to feel bad for LeeAnne since Marie Reyes obviously betrayed her by spreading this story around, but every time I start to like LeeAnne, she makes it pretty difficult for me to come through on that one.

I donā€™t get why LeeAnne keeps bringing up this story line since she is only making it worse for herself since she talked about it a lot during the episode, but now she is talking about it even more and strongly hating on Marie.


The fact that there has been more than one poop-related story line during the first Real Housewives of Dallas season is beyond weird to me and LeeAnne also seems like she is over it as well- which I get since a lot of the shit talking (pun intended) revolves around her. LeeAnne took to her Bravo blog to lay into Marie- the most camera thirsty ā€œfriend of the Housewivesā€ since Kim D on Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Would Marie even be on this show if she wasnā€™t backstabbing LeeAnne? Call me crazy, but Iā€™m pretty sure that her daughter getting cheer tips from Brandi Redmond was not going to make the cut on its own. Even though I canā€™t stand LeeAnne (when I donā€™t even know her at all), I do get why she would be mad at Marie for exploiting her just to get camera time. LeeAnne wrote, ā€œWhen I found out that Marie had told my ā€˜little secret,ā€™ I looked her straight in the eyes and you could see her reaction. She fell back on her usual tactics, which is to LIE. Thatā€™s her native language. The bothersome part about her response was the that she looked so unconcerned about about the fact that she had been caught. She didnā€™t even care.ā€ Well yeah, of course Marie did not care. She just wants to get on TV since she was not cast as a full-time Housewife. I donā€™t know anything about Marie aside from the fact that she has been ā€œclose friends with LeeAnne for twenty yearsā€ and that she has no sense of loyalty.

Sure, I wouldnā€™t want to be best friends with LeeAnne either, but it really doesnā€™t make Marie look good if sheā€™s spending all of her free time talking shit about LeeAnneā€“ no matter how annoying LeeAnne actually is.

Then LeeAnne does more than state the obvious when she reveals why Marie is such a bad friend: ā€œI was so upset with Marie because THIS wasnā€™t her first betrayal, and for the last year, I had been denying her betrayals. So I have had to come to terms with the fact that this IS Marie. This is what she is to me: A Liar.ā€ She forgot the part where Marie is clearly desperate for attention and will do anything to be on the show.

As of now, neither LeeAnne nor Marie are coming off as being likable on this series. And I really canā€™t deal with it when LeeAnne is constantly trying to act smarter than she is with all of these original metaphors that she devises. LeeAnne wrote, ā€œMarie is like a tornado and Iā€™m like a small town of 60 houses, and she has just plowed through, destroying every single one without a care.ā€ That was an oddly specific comparison, but it playing up the dramatics seems to be classic LeeAnne.

Then my curiosity was really piqued when Leanne wrote, ā€œFor me to have to finally face this fact after everything Iā€™ve done for her, the secrets that I have kept for her, the lies, the tracking devices Iā€™ve purchased for her, the meetings Iā€™ve kept quiet, the trips to Mexico where Iā€™ve talked her off the ledge, all of it. Iā€™m flabbergasted. Shocked. And it all came out with 100% hurt and pain, which for me (as you all know by now) comes out in 100% anger.ā€ What does any of that mean and why was it not featured on the show? Why on earth did Marie need tracking devices? What the hell was she doing in Mexico? This sounds a million times more interesting than any of these poop-related story lines.Ā 

Then LeeAnne tried to get rid of all responsibility when it came to her freak out against Marie when she wrote, ā€œThe next morning when I tried to speak to Marie, I had actually texted her asking her to please come downstairs to talk. She said she would be right down, but she never showed up. SHE SET ME UP 100 %. She wanted everyone in the house to believe she was the victim. I applaud her for her first class acting job and for her strategic, but childish game-playing. I mean, she really thought everything through, move by move. That shit wasnā€™t checkers, that was chess.ā€ Iā€™m not really sure how Marie not coming through on a text message at all constitutes ā€œsetting upā€ LeeAnne to go batshit crazy, but okay, LeeAnneā€¦

Then LeeAnne misused yet another metaphor when she wrote, ā€œTo her, friendship is just a game and I wasnā€™t aware that she knew how to play chess or I might have been better prepared. Sheā€™s only in it for a prize.ā€ Alright, LeeAnne.

LeeAnne also continued with that annoying AF tornado comparison when she wrote, ā€œEven though she was the tornado, she somehow made into her being the victim. Itā€™s like she was saying, ā€˜Well, you little town of 60 houses, itā€™s your fault that I had to come sweeping through and destroy everything. Sorry not sorry.ā€™ The conversation was going exactly the way she wanted. She wanted them all to take her side, and each and every one of them did.ā€ In all honesty, Marie sharing that story about LeeAnne (whether it was true or not) was not cool to do, but itā€™s hard to remember that when LeeAnne creates a new controversy by going on a screaming rampage.

LeeAnne also decided to give alcohol credit for her craziness: ā€œIā€™ve done so much for Marie over the years, which is why I got as mad as I did. I donā€™t care what anyoneā€™s judgment is. Iā€™m not proud of the words I chose or the octave at which I delivered them. I admit that I should have sobered up before ever confronting and upsetting situation like that. I never would have even had the courage to do it without the alcohol.ā€ Itā€™s unclear if she is saying the alcohol consumption was good or bad, but LeeAnne really has no scope of how her behavior comes off to others. I figured that being on a reality TV show would be good to help her reflect on her actions, but that is clearly not the case.


[Photo Credits: Bravo]