Stephanie Hollman and Brandi Redmond

Stephanie Hollman Defends Brandi’s Poop Hat; LeeAnne Locken Needs To Loosen Up

To me, Stephanie Hollman comes across as a spineless people pleaser – not to mention a bit of a ditz – on Real Housewives of Dallas. But I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised by her blog this week. Stephanie makes a lot of good points while defending her bestie, Brandi Redmond, and calling out LeeAnne Locken.

Stephanie expresses her appreciation for the Mad Hatters luncheon, adding, “I do not mind splurging on clothes, jewelry, or a great handbag that I can wear or use for other events but, I cannot bring myself to spend thousands of dollars on a hat that I will only wear for 2 hours. Brandi and I thought it would be a cute idea to make our own hats for this event. I was excited to do an arts and crafts hat project with Brandi. I knew it would be fun and give us a chance to catch up on everything that happened at Marie‘s cocktail party. Also, I felt the need to come clean about writing LeeAnne an apology email and was nervous on how Brandi would take it.”


On why she emailed LeeAnne, who didn’t deserve it in my opinion, Stephanie shares, “LeeAnne has the reputation as someone who will do whatever it takes to ruin the reputation of anyone she feels like she cannot control or manipulate. I did not want to deal with the aftermath of a war with LeeAnne and hoped to smooth things over for Brandi. Brandi knows that I am a people pleaser. I’m still learning to create boundaries and have a voice. I do not think Brandi was mad at me, I think she was frustrated that LeeAnne was playing the victim.” 

Stephanie thinks Brandi‘s “poop in the park” hat was “hilarious” and “epic.”

“You could not tell there was fake poo in it because it was tucked away inside the hat,” she defends. “It was an inside joke only known to Brandi, Cary, and I. Secondly, many people in attendance complemented and took pictutres of her hat. She received so many compliments that at one point I wished I had worn a poop hat too.” That said, Stephanie admits, “Brandi and I are different in that I like to blend in and be understated, and wearing a huge crazy hat would make me uncomfortable.”  

RELATED: Brandi and Stephanie Dish On Real Housewives of Dallas

Stephanie calls out LeeAnne for trying to shame Brandi, and points out that that is not in line with the spirit of the event, “Charity events are a way to come together, have fun, raise awareness, and bond. The time spent at an event tearing down with the intent of exclusion is a complete breakdown of the magic of giving back.”

Mirroring my own thoughts about LeeAnne, that she needs to remove the stick from her ass takes herself way too seriously, Stephanie adds, “LeeAnne takes everything so personal and serious that she needs to loosen up a little. She is always mad at us for something even when it doesn’t affect her.”

Stephanie insists Brandi‘s hat was a perfect fit for the “fun, fantasy, no rules” luncheon, concluding, “In my opinion, a truly charitable person is gracious, kind and nonjudgmental. They celebrate anyone who has the heart and desire to give back. Public shaming is unacceptable but even more so at an event known to encourage over the top creativity.”

Hands down, the number one most annoying thing about Real Housewives of Dallas is Brandi‘s obsession with poop jokes. A close second is LeeAnne. For me, she is a cross between Karen Huger (with her delusions of grandeur) and Brandi Glanville (with her jealousy issues). When the poop jokes cease to exist (I mean, they cannot possibly go on all season, right?), I will gladly root for Brandi and Stephanie.


Photo Credit: Bill Matlock/Bravo