Love & Hip Hop’s Mendeecees Harris Begins Prison Sentence, Implores Fathers To Be Better Examples

mendeecees instagram

If you’re a Love & Hip Hop fan, you know that times have been tough–to say the least…the very least (sorry, I’m channeling my inner Rizzo from Grease at the moment) for the show’s stars Mendeecees Harris and new bride Yandy Smith. The pair wed on life television after Mendeecees was released after serving fifteen months for some serious drug trafficking charges.

Fast forward a few months to this past April, and Mendeecees entered a guilty plea to charges that could land him in prison for close to a decade. Just last month, a US District judge handed down the maximum sentence to the reality star, and Mendeecees’ wife Yandy was chastised for throwing him a lavish going away (to the clink) party (twas a tad gauche). Accepting culpability for his actions, Mendeecees has been very vocal about changing the cycle of children who grew up as he did. While I clearly don’t condone any of Mendeecees’ horrific dealings, I did get the vibe (on the show) that he is a truly genuine person who wants the best for his children…although now he won’t be around to deliver.


According to TMZ, yesterday Mendeecees turned himself in to a minimum security federal prison in Pennsylvania to begin serving his sentence. Having already served fifteen months (hence his absence on last season’s L&HH), he’s looking at seven more years in jail. However, Mendeecees isn’t dwelling on his future, and instead he’s imploring people to change they way they are doing things in the present…and he’s taken to Instagram to get his point across.

Mendeecees writes, “I know for some of you it feels like we’ve been here before, it’s the never ending story or some of you are probably so sick of hearing about me and this case that you completely tapped out and just don’t give a F#%k anymore, maybe never did (For you, stop reading now and please unfollow Asap). This message is for all those that have supported me, grew with me, changed hearts, minds and perspectives with me.”

Continuing, Mendeecees explains, “When I was young, hungry and closed minded I acted as such. Now I’m wiser but it’s wisdom born through pain, so that means enduring this will just make me wiser and stronger. But who would have thought ‘Young DeeCee’ that wore the ripped up worn shoes, that went to school on sugar sandwiches and borrowed rice would ever have a voice to speak to the masses. I was the one with nothing, no push to go to school, no dinner on the table at night, no kiss goodbye in the morning, all I had was me for awhile. Just Me, plane ole me (I don’t have college degrees, a huge resume of internships and jobs) would be able to influence a generation. Who would have thought that my family would be a beacon of hope and love through out a community that’s so often taught family dysfunction, dissension and disloyalty.”

He ends his diatribe by imploring others to do what’s right. Mendeecees concludes his lengthy post, asserting, “Men, step up! I’ve been there, where you are and I’ve learned in the end It truly is FAMILY OVER EVERYTHING! Fathers, go raise men! Men to lead their family. Men to do the right thing. No matter what you had to do or may still be doing raise them babies right! Also, when you raise a man you teach an individual but when you raise a woman you build a nation. Protect our nation builders fellas! I could go on for days but I want y’all to know I’m good [heartbroken] but good. My family is strong, real strong, so their good. Keep @theharrisbunch in your prayers and I will keep you all updated through my brother running my page. Be blessed, keep in contact, build and encourage each other, stop the hating and see you when I return.”

I’m not going to lie, I feel for Mendeecees. Do I think he deserves his sentence? Absolutely. I also believe he’s sincere in his message, but I guess only time will tell. 


[Photo Credit: Instagram]