Lauren Williams porsha RHOA

Don’t Get It Twisted! RHOA’s Lauren Williams Defends Sister Porsha On Social Media














The love shared by Real Housewives of Atlanta’s sisters Lauren Williams (pictured left) and Porsha Williams (pictured right) is real and not even a heated argument regarding a touchy subject could separate them.  Well on last night’s RHOA, the women duked it our verbally because Porsha felt her sister was shirking her ‘ride or die’ executive assistant responsibilities due to her pregnancy.  The conversation got heated with Porsha condescendingly reminding Lauren of her duties, punctuating her role as her helper, and admitting she was not concerned with what her younger sibling had cooking in her “stomach.”   Even though the ladies hugged it out eventually, Lauren, felt compelled to take to Instagram to defend her sibling’s rather callous actions on the show.

“My sister Porsha is my partner, my BFF, my favorite MUA, my drinking/party buddy & my 2nd mom. Sometimes we fight and yell, kiss and hug, talk all night, laugh and cry. There is no other person that I would want to have by my side. We’ve had many amazing years of working, succeeding, failing, laughing, crying, and traveling. I’m going to miss the 4am mornings in different cities, states and countries! I’m going to miss the long press days kinda….. Lol but I’ll never be too far. I love my sister beyond words and my new plus one is so blessed to have Auntie Porsha. We’re sisters, we’re best friends, we will get over ANYTHING we go through. Enjoy the show!!! xx”

Porsha’s blatantly changed demeanor this season has rubbed a few co-stars the wrong way and the ‘brand new’ diva, appeared unfeeling, as she blasted her pregnant sister for not being in the office and missing an important delivery.   Lauren tried to explain how she doesn’t always need to physically be present in the office and could work from home, as long as she has a computer.  The young mom-to-be however was not getting her point across to the fuming Porsha, who threatened her by asking, if she wants her job and if not, why hasn’t she found a job elsewhere.  Lauren injected into the heated discussion how her older sis has no one else that can run her business while not trying to take her money.  Porsha then fired the hurtful boom stating, how she did not care what was going on in her sister’s stomach.  After a few more words, Porsha left Lauren’s apartment.  

RELATED:  Real Housewives Of Atlanta Recap: Family Values

After a chat with co-star Phaedra Parks, Porsha realized the error of her ways and dropped by her sister’s house with a small bunch of grocery store bought flowers.  Porsha revealed how she was hurt by the fact that Lauren kept her pregnancy under wraps for a while before telling her.  Lauren explained her reasons for keeping the news from Porsha because she was unsure of the reaction she would get.  Porsha has wanted motherhood for so long and unfortunately it has not come to fruition, so Lauren did not want to open that wound for her sister.  

Lauren apparently is devoted to her big sis and her Instagram post proves it.  However Porsha had to also let her Twitter followers know, all is well with the Williams girls’ relationship and how it has come back full circle by tweeting:

Friends come and go sisters are forever! Glad we could talk & work through our issues ! #Sisterlove #Rhoa


(Photo credit:  Instagram)