Couples Therapy Recap: Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby!

Rocky and Janice talk sex on Couples Therapy

That’s right, sex talk! Because that is always the most exciting part of a relationship, right? Kidding (or am I?)…after overcoming their childhood trauma last time on Couples Therapy, Dr. Jenn wanted to hear all about the couples’ adventures in the bedroom, or at least how their sex lives were going. And it was definitely, um, interesting to say the least. In fact, you may be shocked to hear who was embarrassed to even talk about it. And even more exciting this week was a surprise marriage proposal!

However, before I get to all those juicy details, there was another matter that needed to be dealt with – Scott Stapp’s father. Dr. Jenn managed to get Scott’s father to come to the house for a face to face meeting with his son for the first time in many, many years. Needless to say it was emotional for both, but did Scott get the closure that he so desperately longed for? You’ll have to come inside to find out!


Kicking off tonight’s episode of Couples Therapy was a very nervous Scott Stapp, who awaited the arrival of his father. While waiting, Scott grilled Neil and Joe about what they thought he should ask his dad, and they both agreed that Scott’s only question should be: why? But, could they work things out after all those lost years?

Scott Stapp meets his dad on Couples Therapy

Seeking Closure

When Scott Stapp met his father for the first time in many years, it was definitely awkward, yet emotional. However, while Scott’s dad was happy to see his son (and kept talking about his singing talent), he seemed to avoid taking any responsibility for what happened to Scott when he was younger. Instead, his dad admitted that Scott and his siblings were not on his mind at that time – he was more concerned with losing his house and his wife. Ouch, talk about a slap in the face – my heart was breaking for Scott at this point.



However, after Dr. Jenn decided to call a break in the meeting, Scott and his dad went to grab some food with Jackie, and Scott brought it all up again. This time around, Scott’s father admitted that if he had gone back to fight for the kids, he would have ended up in jail (if you know what I mean). He also apologized to Scott and admitted that it was wrong of him to walk away from the children. Finally. It may not have been exactly what Scott wanted to hear (that his father wasn’t even thinking of his kids back then), but it was definitely the closure he needed. The two agreed to work on their relationship from that point forward.

Adventures – Or Lack Thereof – In The Bedroom

With this group of couples, you just knew the bedroom talk was going to be fun! And getting to the bottom of any issues in their sex lives was exactly what Dr. Jenn had in mind for this week’s group session. Ironically, we didn’t get to hear anything from Scott and Jackie, which is probably good since they seem more like a boring bedroom couple, don’t you think?

Big Ang and Neil talk sex life on Couples Therapy

For Kaylin and Joe though, there was nothing boring about it. Except for the fact that Kaylin needed more stimulation to get off, the pair agreed that they rock the bedroom. However, Kaylin also admitted that she doesn’t tell Joe exactly what she wants, and he had no idea. Now there’s a shocker, huh?  Following them, and of course in typical Janice fashion, she detailed Rocky walking around in nothing more than a hat and boots – ugh, too much information. We’ll just leave you with that visual in your head, folks. Could be worse, right? (think Mama June, ha).

“She’s your typical grandma,” Neil said of Big Ang in the bedroom. Not that she’s bad in the sack, but that her life revolves more around the kids and grandkids than it does about sex. Hell, they don’t even have a door on their bedroom, and Neil said that many times, there is a grandkid in their bed with them! Ang was completely embarrassed to talk about it, but Neil wasn’t holding back. While sex at their home was limited, he admitted that it was awesome anything they went to a hotel while Ang was on the road. You go Ang and Neil!

Joe questions Carmen on Couples Therapy

Who Needs More Education On This Subject?

After being told that bringing another woman into the bedroom with herself and Adrian would not be a good idea, Carmen got an invite to meet Bruce, err, Caitlyn Jenner. Of course, this set off some immediate anger in both Neil and Joe, because neither one of them thought that by still having a penis, Caitlyn was a woman. However, Carmen disagreed, trying to inform them that tons of transgender women do not have the surgery, but they are still women. Carmen then went on to dish that her surgery made her body just like a woman’s. Again, too much information.

Later that day while hanging out by the pool, Joe took some time out from drooling over Kaylin’s ass to attempt to educate Carmen, yet again. You see, Carmen admitted that she has had sex in the past without telling her partner that she used to be a man. Joe thought that was not only wrong, but terribly scary for her, because if those people eventually found out, it could end up dangerous. Who’s right and who’s wrong here?

Carmen has second thoughts about the wedding

Romance Is In The Air. Or Is It?

This week’s episode came to a close with Adrian taking Carmen on romantic hike. Once they arrived at the top, Adrian had champagne and all sorts of goodies for Carmen, including a diamond engagement ring. Carmen said yes to marrying Adrian, and then Adrian informed her that they were getting hitched in 2 days (he had it already all planned). However, after chatting with everyone at the house, Carmen started to have second thoughts about not being able to plan her own dream wedding. The doubt sent Adrian into a fury and he walked out on the group. Yikes, what will happen next? We’ll have to wait until next week to find out.


Photos Courtesy of VH1