Ladies Of London: Annabelle Neilson Says Her Co-Stars Lack Mental Agility

Ladies of London star Annabelle Neilson

For better or for worse – worse in my opinion – much of this week’s episode of Ladies of London focused on Annabelle Neilson. Annabelle took to her blog to share her thoughts on the fashion show, the dinner of dismal truths, and everything inbetween.

About the fashion show, Annabelle shared, “Fashion for Relief is not a normal fashion show in the sense that a lot of people walking have never done this before. So it is much more about having a giggle and fun with it and talking to people backstage who might be a bit scared… not at all like a normal show. Everyone has given their time to support this cause and Naomi [Campbell]. It is a great atmosphere.”


Fashion for Relief was founded by Naomi Campbell. She is one of Annabelle’s close, personal friends. Not to be confused with superficial reality TV friends.

Naomi and I have been friends for many years, along with John Galiano, Kate Moss, Lee Alexander McQueen, and Edward Eninfour, to name a very small number of the fashion elite the bright young and creative geniuses of the last two decades,” bragged Annabelle. “Naomi invited me along to be involved with the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund, I was very lucky to have met one of the most extraordinary and influential leaders of our time. Most importantly she is my friend, she has made her own stamp on History and we have all shared a mad, beautiful, extraordinary, creative world together. We have loved, lost, and lived, we are very blessed.”

Marissa Hermer, Juliet Angus

“It was lovely to see Marissa and Juliet sitting together and enjoying the show. I’m really happy I invited Juliet because I know how much she loves fashion and Marissa has been so kind helping me with my Me Me Me party,” Annabelle said. “To see them happy and smiling together during a crazy season of Ladies of London where there were a lot of feelings and upheavals in relationships but particularly theirs, I know I made the right choice on who I invited. They also both look gorgeous, perfect front row chic.”

Moving on to the trip to Denmark, Annabelle shared her thoughts on Caroline Stanbury‘s snarky comments about her being late to the airport, as well as the fact that Julie Montagu joined in on the mean girl fun.

To Caroline: “If you do travel business class you should now you can arrive 45 mins before check in and 30 if you pre board…Oops, dig yourself out.”

“I felt really sad hearing Jules back up Caroline’s snippy remark behind my back,” shared Annabelle. “You obviously could stab me in the back and not in the guts – when standing behind a wall like me, a wall that when it is crumbling, you were so absent you fell into the wettest puddle I have ever seen. What happened? I told people what they needed to hear and to their face, not behind their backs. So sad that you’ve let yourself down.”

Please tell me I am not the only one who had to read that several times to “get” her point. I’m anxious to learn Annabelle‘s secret (at least I assume we will) to get a better understanding of her emotional state this episode. People like her – I’m hurting, but I’m not going to tell you I’m hurting, then I’m going to hurt more when you don’t figure out that I’m hurting – are exhausting.

Annabelle did not hold back when Caroline Fleming encouraged the ladies “clear the air” before she took them to her family home – and she did not hold back in her blog either.

“I take loyalty and friendship seriously,” explained Annabelle. “Bitchiness is not my style. It’s done cowardly and with no respect. If you can’t say it to someone’s face don’t say it at all. If anyone can give these girls a therapy session, it’s me. If Jules can have her bum out, then I can certainly have an opinion and say it to everyone’s face, not behind their backs.”

Addressing her co-stars directly, Annabelle added, “I do not hide or tittle tattle or snipe, I say what I think like a real English lady, with style, confidence, and mental agility, something unfortunately rather lacking in present company. Maybe you should all take some English literature classes and then find some. I might be dyslexic but good breeding is a privilege not a disadvantage.”

Annabelle concluded, “What did Caroline say? You can smell a social climber a mile away! So true!!!”


Photo Credit: Bravo

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