Little Women LA Recap: Big Vow Renewal


We made it, people! It’s the season 3 finale of Little Women: LA, and all roads lead to Hawaii, where Elena Gant and Preston are poised to renew their vows in front of family and friends. We’ve got an hour and a half episode ahead, so let’s get to it. We pick up right where we left off last week: in the mud. Christy McGinity and Briana Manson are facing off about Briana’s secret marriage to Matt. Terra Jole jumps in, followed by Tonya Banks, both calling Briana out on her dishonesty. Since Briana lied to them for so long, they all feel like their friendship with her has imploded. Plus, obvi, they still have issues with Matt. “He cheated on you and you’re okay with that!” Terra yells at Briana. “She must look at that picture a lot,” Matt snarks to Briana as Terra goes on and on. Terra thinks Briana is clearly being taken advantage of. 

Matt goes sideways with his next comment, writing off the ladies’ rant as, “Three b*tches, talking sh*t.” Shots fired, yo! Shots fired! Upon hearing these words, Tonya immediately snaps back into fighting mode, but asks Jaa if he’s going to defend her before she jumps into the fray. No, Jaa is not. Terra stands her ground, telling Matt he can call her a b*tch all day, but he’s the real a$$hole. “Shut up, Matt! You’re so f**king annoying!” screams Christy. Matt reacts by mimicking her back, just like any evolved 12-year old grown man would.    


Christy’s husband Todd dives into the drama soup next, asking Matt if he told Jasmine Sorge that he (Todd) was still in love with Briana? “I never said the word ‘love’,” defends Matt. He does say that he and Todd were drunk, and a lot of stuff was said, like how Todd could have Briana any time. “You’re so full of sh*t!” screams Christy to a laughing, mocking retort from Matt again. Briana can’t take these girls seriously with all of this clay on their faces right now, so she stays quiet. Before Christy marches off, she confronts Briana again about the lying. Why did Briana ask Christy to be her bridesmaid if she was already married? Briana is still having a wedding, she says. Christy finds this laughable. “Who’s gonna go? Your parents?” Christy snipes. “I’m f**king done with both of your bullsh*t,” ends Christy. And scene. 

The next morning, Terra and Christy are still picking out the dirt left in their neck creases from the mud ritual, and the slime left all over them from Matt’s comments. Elena joins them for breakfast. Yesterday, Preston’s best friend’s mother passed away, so he’s shaken up. Terra and Christy fill Elena in on the mud ritual, including Christy’s irritability with Todd and the mass chaos that exploded afterward among the group. Elena wonders what the next step is, and whether Briana and Matt will even show up at the vow renewal.

Soaking up the sun poolside are Brittney Guzman and Jasmine, who seem to be bonding on this trip. Briana joins them to toast to some happy energy. Briana fills them in on how “Christy went off the deep end” yesterday. Jasmine hears that Todd accused Matt of saying Todd was still “in love” with Briana. Which Jasmine didn’t (exactly) say. Briana claims Todd was drunk the night he said it, and that he’s still texting her. And Facebooking her. Oh snap! Jasmine can’t believe her ears. Terra was the worst offender yesterday though, says Briana. Brittney says Terra lies all of the time. She did two shows with Miley Cyrus, “and she was a mushroom,” but claims to have gone on tour with her. Brittney doesn’t think she and Terra can ever be friends again, frankly. As for Briana: with friends like this, who needs enemies?  

While their guys go snorkeling, Tonya and Terra talk relationships. Tonya isn’t happy about Jaa not defending her yesterday, nor is she satisfied with Jaa’s lack of commitment in their relationship. Terra is hopeful that Jaa will make a move, but Tonya isn’t so sure.

Later that night, Jaa pulls out all the stops as he leads Tonya to a surprise romantic beach dinner. He reads her a poem called “Beauty and Bliss,” and tells Tonya he understands her beef with Briana, but that Briana is a grown woman. Tonya wants Jaa to stand up for her, but Jaa basically says the women were acting like fools. Maybe he should have jumped in, but he doesn’t think Matt was in the wrong for “expressing his feelings.” Tonya feels like Jaa is on Matt and Briana’s side, which is not the side to be on if you’re Tonya’s man. “Can I get a toast to you not really being a b*tch,” jokes Jaa. To Tonya, that isn’t a joke. This dinner is.

Tonya wants to know where this relationship is going because she needs more. Jaa says she can have his heart, but not a commitment. Tonya doesn’t have all “her empty holes” filled in this relationship. (Har!) And her ex – the father of her child – still wants a relationship with her. “So, are we breaking up?” asks Tonya. “How about we’re taking a hiatus?” offers Jaa. He wants Tonya to find what she’s looking for, but if she doesn’t, he hopes their paths cross again. They both seem somewhat relieved in this moment, and Tonya says she doesn’t even mind if Jaa stays the rest of the weekend for Elena’s ceremony. Huh. That was a shockingly calm breakup. Was it planned? 

The next day, Elena and Terra meet for a spa day. The rest of the women join them to get massages and hang poolside in robes. Briana doesn’t know whether to confront Christy about the texts that Todd’s been sending her. The awkward meter is at level 10 when Briana enters the scene, but it’s Tonya who takes center stage as she tells the group about she and Jaa breaking up. Briana feels bad that the fight between Matt and the ladies was the catalyst to their break up conversation, while Christy encourages Tonya that she thinks Jaa still loves her.


As Elena’s matron of honor, Terra is helping out with the wedding plans. Elena’s wedding planner, Amy, leads them through the details. Elena doesn’t like the venue, which is not secluded nor as near to the beach as she would like. Because it’s a county beach, they can’t have the ceremony near the waves, like Elena was hoping. The location looks beautiful, but Elena is disappointed. Terra tries to comfort her, but Elena breaks down in bridezilla tears about the location, the flowers, the cake – everything!        

Later, Preston’s mom arrives to meet Elena’s family for the first time. Awwww! Terra shows up to the rehearsal dinner in their suite, and it’s all hugs and smiles until…the wedding planner arrives. They review photos of the bouquet mock-up, and Elena is not satisfied. She can’t enjoy her friends and family because she’s too caught up in the particulars of her bouquet, the scenery, the cake. She’s sweating the small stuff, and it sucks. A drunken Joe shows up and is ushered off somewhere safe, while Matt arrives to a group not quite ready to face him yet.

Tonya is avoiding Matt like he’s got Ebola, but he still manages to corner her for a “chat” despite her best efforts. He apologizes to Tonya for attacking her, which Tonya appreciates. She’s okay with him as long as he doesn’t call her a b*tch again, in a group or alone. Briana is hopeful that Tonya may be on her side now. #wishfulthinking

Terra offers a toast to Elena and Preston, telling them they share a love for each other that is very beautiful. “You are the couple that Joe and I strive to be,” says Terra. Preston gives last call at the bar as Christy and Briana step to the side to rehash their issues. Christy is still barking mad about Matt calling them b*tches, but Briana wants to focus on Todd’s antics. “Your husband text messaged me last week,” says Briana. But Christy is not hearing this. She calls Briana a liar again, noting that any trust she had in her is gone. Jasmine creeps up to horn in, but Christy dismisses her. However, Jasmine will not be dismissed! Christy breaks down in tears, frustrated about a million and one things. But now is not the time nor place to hash this out, as Terra (of all people!) comes over to point out, so the fight breaks up before it can erupt any further. 

The next morning, Briana poses on a beach rock while she tells Matt her woes. If she wants to get on a plane and go, Matt says he’s ready. Briana feels torn, but wants to stay for Elena.


The day of Elena and Preston’s vow renewal is upon us! She’s thrilled her family is here. But she is not thrilled with the photo of her real bouquet, which Terra shows her. She wants the shells ripped out of that thing, STAT. Terra goes to take care of operation #noshellforyou! while Elena pouts.

Meanwhile, Christy has been working on operation #InvestigateToddsPhone, and she’s decided that, yet again, Briana is a liar. After having looked through Todd’s text and Facebook messages, she’s found out that what Briana’s told her is not exactly true.


Meanwhile, Brittney is trying to avoid Terra because she doesn’t want to end up like Briana: on Terra’s sh*t list. She hangs with Jasmine for safety. As the rest of the guests arrive, Christy can’t even look at Briana and Matt. She doesn’t understand how someone who used to be her best friend is now trying to break up her marriage. 

As the ceremony gets underway, Preston awaits his bride with a smile on his face. Terra walks down the aisle, followed by Elena, who looks happy and beautiful. She’s thrilled with the outcome, despite her worries, and can’t wait to remarry man she loves. They renew their vows, with Elena citing Preston’s kind heart, and her love for him more now than ever before. She wants him to be the father of her children. Preston wants to be with her forever. They kiss and the crowd cheers. Yay for love!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled drama. Everyone sits at a reception table together, icing Briana and Matt out of the scene. Ooh – Baby Penny makes an appearance! But it’s short lived. Elena and Preston dance their first dance, with Preston hamming it up, karaoke style. Yesss. They are corny and cute – and it’s kinda great. Elena dances with her father later also, which is a tender moment. In a less warm and fuzzy corner of the reception, Briana and Matt discuss their own wedding, which Matt isn’t planning on inviting Terra to. No surprise there. 

Christy is still steamed about Briana’s accusations, so she grabs Todd’s phone and seeks Tonya out to set the record straight. The lies are piling up, and Christy wants answers. She shows Tonya text messages from the past year that Briana has sent to Todd, despite Briana claiming earlier that she didn’t even have Todd’s phone number. Tonya is cool with Matt and Briana now, but she admits Christy needs to confront Briana on this matter. So she does.


Christy takes Briana aside and immediately pulls out Todd’s phone as evidence. Briana says, yeah, okay, but we don’t talk that often. Briana babbles on about something to do with group messaging and blah, blah, blah. “Your lies are getting old, Briana,” Christy says, “You’re full of lies. You’re nothing but a liar.” Then she walks away. Ouch! 

Christy says nothing will break her and Todd up. But she’s got no time for Briana anymore. The end credits tells us that she does still apparently have time to obsess on getting pregnant, though, as she and Todd continue their baby making journey.

Brittney is glad she got to know these girls, but she’s not sure she ever wants to be friends with Terra again. Credits reveal she may be going back on tour and she is still looking for love.

Jasmine thinks meeting these little women has been life changing and, despite their rocky start, is reportedly still bonding with Tonya over their shared experience of raising average sized children. She may be trying for baby #2 too! 

Briana sees who her true friends are, and they don’t include Terra and Christy right now. Credits reveal that she and Matt are celebrating their 6-month anniversary, but her parents have yet to meet him. 

Terra has found her place as a wife and mom, and she’s happy she was able to repair her friendship with Christy this season. As for her friendships with Briana and Brittney, the jury’s still out. In the mean time, we’re told she and Joe are hoping for baby #2 and another spinoff

Despite her jitters, Elena is thrilled with her vow renewal. But she’ll be even more thrilled with the “two bundles of joy” in her future…courtesy of breast enhancement surgery. Credits tells us that “Preston is very excited.” Ah, Preston. The hero of the show. Please don’t let your bride end up on Botched

Tonya might be single for now, but she’s just going to continue loving life and hanging out with her gal pals. She and Jaa remain friends, and while her ex Kerwin has asked to move out to LA, Tonya isn’t committing with an answer just yet. 

The season of LWLA may be over, but strap in! Because next week we get to see all of the ladies back for a messy reunion. Last season’s 2-part reunion was a whopper, so I can only assume we are in for one heck of a ride. Plus, I got to chat on the phone with LWLA newbie Brittney Guzman today about her thoughts on this season’s shenanigans, and on her relationship with Terra Jole. Stay tuned for the exclusive interview posted on RT this week! 


Photo Credit: Lifetime

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