Don’t Be Tardy Recap: Talking Heads

dont be tardy brielle

Oh Monica. I don’t know if I’m more disappointed to find out that you’re friends with Kim Zolciak-Biermann or that you are okay being a part of last night’s Don’t Be Tardy. Either way, last night’s episode didn’t grate on my last nerve per the usual, and I truly enjoyed seeing a deeper side to Kim and Brielle’s mother-daughter relationship. 

As the family jokes about Brielle’s ever present ditziness, Kroy suggests she check out Hooked on Phonics. Thanks for the tip, Kroy, but Brielle is just fine only speaking the language she knows. She’s not interested in learning a new one. When Kroy tries to explain that phonics isn’t a different language, I can actually see a light bulb turn on above Brielle’s head as she slowly whispers, “Oh Rosetta Stone!” Brielle has a new path and a plan. She wants to be the next Guiliana Rancic. Kim offers up her celebrity friends as practice interviews. 


Chef Tracey is creating new cocktails and wants Kim to get in on the fun. Does Kim have any great names for some drinks? Kim rattles off a list of names appropriate for cocktails that should be chugged from a solo cup: slut, liar, gold-digger…take your pick! It’s refreshing to see Kim poke fun at her former reputation. Assistant Gloria comes bursting in to tell Kim that she’s been asked to be the keynote speaker at an Atlanta Women’s Expo. Kim is furious. When has she ever said she enjoys public speaking? Fan meet-and-greets are one thing, but trying to sound intelligent in front of a group of people is quite another. 

Kim, Brielle, and Gloria arrive at Monica’s house so Brielle can channel her inner Oprah. So now, she’s Oprah? Guiliana is breathing a sigh of relief. Monica provides a few pointers and suggestions, and Brielle gets to work…”umming” and “like, you knowing” her way through a question/answer session. Just kidding. She’s too busy searching her phone for “the perfect question” to be bothered with the actual interview. Once Brielle gets her mojo, she actually does a great job interacting with Monica. If she could drop the dumb blonde routine, I think she could be very successful…especially given the connections she already has from being a reality star. Kim is beyond proud. 

At home, Kim is trying to enlist her daughters for selfies as Kroy wrangles the younger kids. Gloria approaches Kim yet again to speak at the women’s expo (for thirty minutes!!) and her family encourages her to face her fears. Plus, it will inspire her daughters and be great exposure for her career. All of this family comradarie comes to screeching halt when they poop-eating dog tries to lick Kim and crew. The day of Kim’s big speech, she admits that she hasn’t prepared the first sentence of her talk. Arriving at the event, Kim learns that her thirty minute time limit has been upped to forty-eight minutes. That’s way longer than I could listen to Kim’s chatter, without question! Kim is freaking out and isn’t even calmed by Brielle’s offer to snap a duck faced selfie with her. She warns Brielle not to post the picture…it wasn’t her best side. 

Taking the stage, Kim is slightly overwhelmed by the large crowd, but she does her thing. It’s one part inspirational, one part stand-up comedy routine, one part ask, believe, receive tutorial, and one part girl power manifesto. I have to hand it to Kim. While I don’t believe that she came up with everything off the cuff, she did a good job from what was showed on the episode. Brielle is tearful and beaming with pride. This is what I like to see–more sincere family moments and less toddlers cussing for shock value!


[Photo Credit: Bravo]