FALSE REPORT!!!! Teresa Giudice’s House Was Not Raided By The Feds And No Assets Seized

teresa giudice is sad and depressed before prison

UPDATE:  This has been confirmed as a FALSE REPORT.   Vicky Hyman of NJ.com writes, “Matt Reilly, the U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesman, says his office is continuing to work with the couple to schedule repayment, and has not ordered any such seizure. Anyone went over there under official capacity, it would be under us.'” 

The denials continue to pour in regarding an alleged raid on the home of Teresa and Joe Giudice.  See the links below.  The Sheriff’s office, the US Attorney’s office, Teresa’s lawyer, Joe’s lawyer and more have all firmly stated that no such occurrence took place and say the stories are 100% fabricated.

Links below:

Teresa’s attorney denies the raid, too. (updated in link above to NJ.com) Teresa’s lawyers says there’s a better chance of Santa coming down the chimney.   And so does Joe’s.  And another denial.  And more.


 Photo Credit: Bravo TV