Don’t Be Tardy Season Finale Recap – Kroy Goes To Kamp


The Don’t Be Tardy season finale is here and we begin with Kroy Biermann working out to get ready for the Atlanta Falcons training camp. “Eye of the Tiger” would be appropriate background music as Kroy is literally using every single machine in their home gym to get back into shape. Even their ab roller isn’t collecting dust. Impressive!

Meanwhile, Kim Zolciak is sending flip phones (how about a Dropbox video from their own phones?? Cheaper option!) to everyone that has helped Kroy with his recovery and will make a video of well wishes for him. The video will be playing at his surprise party later that week. She is also going to fly all of those people out to their home to attend the party in-person.  Kim starts off the video taping their nanny, Lana, and her ode to Kroy…er, Mr. Kroy. Lana is more thankful that she has lasted as long as she has as their nanny but wishes Mr. Kroy the best of luck in camp. Amazing.

Kim obvi needs an amazing outfit to dress her new body (it’s been 3 weeks from her tummy tuck and boob job) and in walks her stylist, Shun with some options for Kim.  First we see a beautiful black leather short-sleeved short dress that she looks amazing in (albeit her spanx are holding on for dear life – but still!) and then the second outfit is similar to a doily made into a dress. What the? This is ugly and awful and does nothing for Kim but she is wearing it to the party. The persuasion of a stylist must be incredibly strong! 
The chiropractor stops by to make an adjustment for Kroy in their front foyer.  For having such a huge house, it’s surprising the chiro appointments are smack dab in the middle of their front staircase. Kroy is getting so anxious to get back into the game and into all the action at camp. It’s where he’s known himself since 7th grade to succeed on the football field and can’t wait to crush it at training camp. Love his drive and determination! Kim on the other hand, is working on the video that she (to my complete shock) was able to compile everyone’s segment and is trying to create a fluid piece into a video. She’s enlisting DeShun (um, okay) as her some tech support and DeShun is all, “I’ll help you out now, but after today I’m sticking to just being your stylist”. Amen to that! 
The party day has arrived and Kim is frantically running around trying to get everything set. She checks in with Tracy, her chef, regarding the menu and they’re having manchego and chorizo themed apps.  Since it’s not chick-fil-a, Kim is all, “sounds like you’re speaking Spanish Tracy!”.  Tracy quickly retorts that, um, it is Spanish. Kim never ceases to entertain me. Next up, she checks in with Kroy and crap! He’s arriving in 15 minutes and the guests aren’t even there yet! Kim speed texts everyone to get there asap and good Lord, they all do. Incredibly, everyone shows up like 8 seconds later and she shuffles them downstairs for the surprise. Kroy pulls in the garage and walks in the kitchen a little suspicious. Sure, he’s used to 6 cars in their driveway, but Kim has a terrible poker face and almost blows it.  Turns out one of the guest brought Kim flowers and she left them on the counter.  Kroy is all, “what’s up with the flowers?” And Kim says the chef has an assistant that came with Tracy today that is a huge fan of Kim (actually believable – nice one Kim!). 
Kim decides to head to the basement with him to have some wine and ” SURPRISE!!!”.  Whadya know, Kroy genuinely is surprised!  It was so nice to see all his friends and family support him and all his hard work pay off.  Such a feel good Biermann moment! It’s now video time and Kim (you would have to be Bill Gates to configure that data room of theirs), plays the video which is endearing and incredibly sweet.  Plenty of great wife points for Kim on this thoughtful idea. To make it even sweeter – those dang twins pay a visit and dammit they are just the cutest!!
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After an adorable segment of Kroy teaching KJ how to shave (with a comb, of course!) the family prepares to bid farewell to Kroy outside.  It’s sad but also lovely to see the strong bond this family has with each other.   He pulls away assured his family loves and supports him no matter what.

In summation, this season was cute! The swearing was overkill and gaudy house and designer clothes were shallow – but I guess that is what I tune for, to see how the other half lives.  Their family dynamic appeared to be authentic, although unorthodox, it really worked for them.  They love each other – so regardless if they don’t sit while they eat, their 6 month-olds have more expensive luggage than I’ll ever accumulate in my entire life, they drop the f-bomb every other word – they love each other. Which is more than I can say for traditional households that I’ve been a witness to.  Do I think it has staying power for another season? Meh, probably not. They should leave their reality TV family career where it has ended tonight. Things are good for the Biermanns – don’t jinx it with more seasons!


Recap Author: Bonnie K

Photo Credit: Bravo TV