Teresa Aprea Bashes Teresa Giudice For Her Role In The Rino/Santa Rumor

RHONJ Teresa Aprea

Teresa Aprea has had a rough year. As we all know, Victoria Gotti told Teresa Giudice and Amber Marchese that Rino Aprea and Teresa divorced after Rino slept with Teresa’s mother, Santa. This conversation took place on camera and Bravo aired it on Real Housewives of New Jersey. So, Teresa had to endure the drama as it happened, and now she has to re-live it in the public eye as the episodes air. Life lessons by Bravo.

Teresa hasn’t blogged lately… but she has a few things to say this week!

“This blog is way overdue and only because of one reason. I have been totally disgusted with what Victoria, Teresa Giudice, and Amber have brought to this show,” said Teresa. “That repulsive episode of lies brought my parents, my son, and my nephews a lot of pain. And it did not stop there. Jim Marchese took it further and continued to spew these lies all over the media. What kind of a man would go after mothers and children?” 


Teresa accused her Real Housewives of New Jersey co-stars of setting up the trip to Florida with the intention of ambushing her.

“The idea of going to Florida for some R&R, especially for Teresa Giudice who was going through so much, seemed like a good idea,” shared Teresa. “However, if I had known that Teresa Giudice and Amber met with Victoria previously and listened to lies about my mother, I would never have considered going to Florida with either of them. It appears the real purpose of the Florida trip was to ambush me and my sister. Obviously this would be revealed at some point and you’ll see how it plays out.”

Of all the shady and untrustworthy people who have played a role in this mess, Teresa seems to be the most upset with Teresa Giudice. She blames Teresa for bringing Victoria onto the show.

Teresa bemoaned, “I would expect something like this from the Marcheses, not from Teresa Giudice, because I did nothing to hurt her or her family. She was my friend and I considered her a good one. My entire family has done nothing but love and pray for the Giudices. As you have seen, Rino has expressed such compassion and stood by their side from day one. But now I sadly see that there was an agenda to hurt my family with all these disgusting lies. Some people will say and do anything to get attention and be in the spotlight.”

Recalling Amber and Teresa Giudice‘s side chat at Dina Manzo‘s house, she said, “Especially interesting how Teresa Giudice responded to Amber on this episode by saying she has enough on her plate with her own problems, when it was Teresa who brought Victoria around to spread these lies for the world to hear. What kind of person does this?”

“I signed up for this show — not my mother. There used to be a line of respect when it comes to parents and children. I guess these types of people don’t live by those standards with which I was raised,” added Teresa. “This is all I have to say for now. Thank God we are a close and loving family and our glue is our faith. Our morals and values do not have to be defended to anyone, especially when the lies come from such a discredited source.”


Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo