Tiny Gets A New Reality Show With Her Best Friend


Forget rapper T.I., it's his wife Tiny that has captured the hearts of viewers everywhere…okay, it's the whole flipping family, T.I. included. Who doesn't adore them? The crew has been a staple on VH1 with season four of T.I. & Tiny: The Family Hustle recently premiering . 

Now, it appears that Tiny is going to be getting another show in addition to the Hustle. In it, she and her hairdresser (and closest pal) will be showcasing their shenanigans. Think vintage reality shows. Think former besties living on a farm. Think ratings gold.


FashionStyle.com is dishing on Tiny's latest reality endeavor with her bestie Shekinah. Tiny reveals, "We haven't named it but it's a Tiny and Shekinah show and it's kinda gonna be like, this idea I had to be like The Simple Life like Nicole [Richie] and Paris [Hilton]. So it's going to be our version of that. It's going to be really funny,"

Tiny continues, "We're going to go on adventures and do a lot of the things that we haven't done, and it's gonna be really hilarious – just some of the ideas of things I want to do I just know are gonna be [fun]. We're gonna start shooting at the end of April. I'm just trying to up my stock."

Not only did Tiny make close to a million dollars co-writing TLC's No Scrubs, she also executive produces all of her family's reality hits. She explains, "I executive produced all those shows. On Tiny & Toya, [I]started there. Then I went to the T.I. & Tiny and then Tiny Tonight. I got three executive producer shows under my belt. I'm working."

Discussing her family dynamic in light of the shows, Tiny shares, "I really think that doing it as a family show has really brought us closer in a family way."

Laughing off rumors of marital strife with T.I., Tiny states, "We are a normal couple. We do fuss and fight like everybody else, but divorce? No. You see these reality shows and the couples on there, they usually break up and they're not together anymore. We were a little nervous about that," adding, "How do we break that mold? It's made our bond stronger. The show has enhanced a lot for us."


[Photo Credit: Instagram]