Love & Hip Hop Recap: Remind Me…What’s The First Rule Of Fight Club?


Love & Hip Hop returned last night with a vengeance.  Apparently the cast had a lot of fights to make up for after being off the air for a week.  Almost every story line incorporated a screaming match, if not a physical altercation.  Keeping it classy as always, VH1!

The episode begins as Erica Mena and Rich Dollaz are celebrating her success in the recording studio.  She is ready to start on the video, and Rich teases her for being demanding.  He wants the pair to sign a contract.  Rich isn't going to ask for any favors just because Erica is his girlfriend.  She wants to be cautious with her career. 

Lore'l is working on her music, and Winter Amos comes to see her at the studio.  Winter wants to help her friend reach her potential.  She wants to know why Lore'l hasn't already become the next big thing.  Lore'l has broken Business 101, and she's being managed by one of her good friends.  Winter thinks this is a huge issue, and she plants the seed in Lore'l's head to look for better management.


At Joe Budden's soundstage house, his girlfriend Kaylin is listening to Tahiry Jose's new single.  She isn't keen on Joe singing on Tahiry's track.  Kaylin thinks that Tahiry is still in love with Joe, and she's already gone above and beyond as a girlfriend by not getting jealous of their friendship.  She makes some very valid points, and Joe decides to rethink whether he'll rap on the song.

Raqi Thunda seeks advice from Yandy Smith over the Consequence/Jen Bayer drama.  Raqi admits to lying about Cons hitting on her.  Raqi totally exaggerates the story, and Yandy has a hard time believing that Jen said she'd get Raqi's job because she is white.  While she said something to that effect, I don't think it was meant to be racist…after all, both Raqi and Jen were touting Jen as the resident white girl when they met with the radio exec.  Yandy urges her friend to apologize to Cons.  Meanwhile, Jen is again rehashing the argument with Cons.  He knows that that Jen didn't intend for her comment to be racist, but he wants her to remember to always rise above and act with class.  Cons then plays a song he wrote about her fight with Raqi.  How romantic!


Yandy is hitting the gym so that she can stay sexy for Mendeecees.  She's enlisted her cousin, a former NFL player, to help train her.  Her cousin Maurice advises her on what to eat, and he's taking before and after pictures of her exercising so she can see her progress.  Unfortunately, Maurice posts one of Yandy's butt pics on Instagram, so Mendeecees high tails it to the gym.  He doesn't understand why Yandy gets so mad at him for liking booty pictures on Facebook.  Mendeecees tells her the only thing missing from her gym pictures is a pole.  He's doubly confused to find out that her trainer is a cousin he's never heard of until now.  He's acting like a little punk.

Rich is meeting with his friend Keenan in hopes of finding some funds for Erica's video.  Keenan is worried that the partnership would be off since no one has ever heard of Erica.  He trusts Rich's word, but he isn't so sure that anyone else at his company would be willing to take the risk. 

At the studio, Cons is giving Raqi an earful.  Not only did she disrespect him, she disrespected his son.  Raqi assures him that she didn't say anything about their son, and he questions what would have happened if Jen had believed Raqi's lies and left with their son in tow?  Yeah, she clearly didn'' think that one through.  Raqi wants to apologize.  She didn't think that Cons would be so upset.  Raqi accuses Cons of sleeping with the enemy because his baby mama is a racist. 


After her discussion with Winter, Lore'l is meeting with her manager and friend Angela Yee.  Lore'l wants to get some play time on the radio, but Angela promises that radio is the last chain in the link.  As a DJ, Angele has no say over what she plays.  Angela is talking in circles, and Lore'l says that she may need someone who can give her a little more guidance.  She wishes they had never mixed business with friendship.

Joe and Kaylin are backstage at his show when Tahiry arrives.  Joe reveals that he has reconsidered singing on her track because he needs to be considerate of Kaylin's feelings.  Tahiry's claws come out as she reminds him of all of the things she's done for him in the past.  Kaylin tries to explain herself cordially, but it quickly escalates.  Tahiry straight punches/pushes Kaylin, and Joe tells Tahiry that she looks really stupid.  Kaylin has worked hard to make sure that Joe stays clean, and she hates that Tahiry tries to make her look like she isn't in control of Joe's sobriety.

Rich is trying to explain to Erica that there are steps she needs to go through to get a video.  She is frustrated that it's been two weeks and she still isn't filming a video.  He reminds her that she hasn't paid for anything in this process, and she storms off calling him cheap when he refuses to front the cash for the video.  Is she listening to herself?


Mendeecees heads to Yandy's gym to call out cousin Maurice and his Instagram profile.  He wants Maurice to take down the pictures, and Maurice is all, "Dude, I'm her cousin.  I wouldn't post inappropriate pictures."  He tells Medeecees that if Yandy comes to him and asks to take the picture down, he'll do it.  Until then, the picture remains.  Mendeecees goes for the Maurice's throat.  He's a scrappy little guy!

Next week, Yandy is upset that Mendeecees tried to beat up her cousin.  Erica tries to explain her ulterior meaning behind calling Rich "cheap" while other people in his life continue to warn him against the relationship.  Winter unveils her new book which contains some less than stellar stories about Lore'l


[Photo Credit: VH1]




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