Is RHONJ’s Kim Granatell Heading To A New Reality TV Show? The New Jersey Socialites

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Love her or hate her, you know Kim Granatell (aka Kim G) brings the drama to New Jersey! 

The last we heard, Kim was working on a book (Amazon is going to be bursting with RHONJ cast members in 2013) and she was in talks to branch off to another reality TV show and leave those NJ Housewives behind. True to her word, Kimmy G is attached to the new show "The New Jersey Socialites". 

This won't be your typical "I'm so rich and fabulous yet the bank just put a lock on my front door in real life" type shows.  It's set to be a competition style series – for charity!  Check out the full press release below!


The full release:

"When you think of the most exclusive red carpet events, the hottest parties, and the most elite guest lists you may think we are speaking about Oscar parties. We’re not. We are talking about the Socialite events in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. The glamorous women in this ultra wealthy community have given up golf and tennis for the new sport of competing to be the Queen of large-scale philanthropy.  Never before have women done so much good, while being so bad. After all, it’s a competition, and everyone wants to be on top.


Welcome to the new series “The New Jersey Socialites”. It’s “The New Jersey Housewives” meets “The Celebrity Apprentice”. Every week we see individual socialite women fight to create the largest event, gain the most attention, find the biggest donors, and raise the most money for their preferred charity. Make no mistake this is a competition. Only the strong survive. Party planners, elite locations, donors, VIP guests, and the socialites’ reputations are all at stake in this unique series. The local press and high society magazines are covering every event, keeping score, and publishing the real status of each event and the lady who created it. Some women will succeed and some will fail, but every charity walks away with a check that goes to their legitimate needs.


They all want to be the best and they will stop at nothing to retain the prestige of being the leading charity event hostess in the game. But in the end there can only be one true “Queen” of the “New Jersey Socialites”. Finally, a TV series that shows women fighting for a true purpose.


The cast is anchored by former “New Jersey Housewives” cast member Kim Granatell; a legitimate Franklin Lakes Socialite and considered “the woman to beat” in this unique competition series. Kim can be ruthless when fighting for her charities and is known for going big on every event. Narrated by Kim’s usual partner in crime, and Fox Morning Extra Co- host, Tom Murro. The dynamic blend of drama and competition amongst fierce and feisty women with the ultimate end result of creating donations for worthwhile charities will make this series a “win-win” for all involved."

The show is currently being shopping around, with two networks seriously interested.  I'd have to see the trailer first, but I'm in.  Catty women showing off their over-the-top party planning fabulousness but in the end a chunk of change actually goes to charity?  As a viewer, it's like the best of both worlds!  You get the drama and the backstabbing and the lavish parties and extravagant lifestyles, but then you get the warm fuzzies of knowing it was all in the name of helping a good cause! Genius. 


Photo Credit: Joseph Marzullo./