Middle Easterners Riot Kim Kardashian; Khloe Reveals Lamar Odom Isn’t A Techie

I don't mean to be redundant, but I know I've said this before…bless Kim Kardashian's heart.  Seriously, bless it.  Not only does the mere mention of her name make people in the states automatically get a rash, now the Middle East is creeped out by her as well.  That's got to be a tough cross to bear, and I don't even care for her.  Yet I feel badly…must be the holidays.

As you all know, Kim has been touring Kuwait and Bahrain touting Millions of Milkshakes.  I'm sure President Obama is super excited about the amount of diplomacy that's happening with that situation!  Anyhoo, I'm sure poor Kim was thrilled at the opportunity to promote the dairy treats on the other side of the world while wearing the finest couture from the Kardashian Kollection and the tiny rapper's new shoe line.  Little did she know she'd be welcomed with protests and discord.  Of course, we probably all figured she would given her recent controversial (and likely clueless on Kim's part) tweets, but she was totally sidelined by her less than stellar welcome.  Damn you, Twitter!


Kim has been on the other side of the world wearing her most expensive outfits and sharing the wonders of delicious milkshakes…while not eating them, I'd guess.  Radar Online reports that Kim was met with protesters and tear gas from local law enforcement.

Many Islamic citizens rioted near one of the milkshake chains yielding signs in both English and Arabic reading "Kim Not Welcome."  A Kuwaiti preacher told a local media outlet, "Her values clash with our traditions as a religiously committed peopleHer visit could help spread vice among our youth."  Dude, we hear you loud and clear, and we totally agree.  Maybe world peace isn't too far out of our reach…we've just been focusing on the wrong things.  If we can all just admit that the world as a whole thinks the Kardashians are vile, perhaps we aren't too far from singing Kumbaya together.  Fingers crossed!

In other Kardashian news (because we all know it never ever ever ever ends), Khloé Kardashian is kind enough to let her fans in on husband Lamar Odom's wish list for Christmas.  You know, just in case you wanted to get him something special.  Lamar, much like this girl, isn't a techie at heart, so don't waste your hard earned cash on any fancy Ataris or Commodore 64s for the basketballer. 

Speaking of her hubby's Christmas requests, Khloé shares with People, "Kourtney [Kardashian] asked, 'Would Lamar like an iPad mini for Christmas?' I said, 'Absolutely not!' He would have no idea what to do with it. He'd be, like, 'I can't write on this thing.' "

While the couple Skypes when separated due to work duties, it's not always easy.  Kholé reveals, "I have to walk him through it on the phone and it takes forever. He's just not a very big electronics person."

I'll admit, I actually really like Khloé, and while I didn't think that her two week courtship turned engagement turned marriage would last, I truly believe that these two are in it for the long haul.  She tells the site (and I'm inclined to believe her), "We are very spiritual and we say our prayers with each other every night. He will lead the prayers and it is so sweet. Sometimes his plane will land in the next city [at 4 a.m.] and he will still call me and we say our prayers. If I'm asleep and don't answer he will text me a prayer. It keeps us together."   That's really sweet, y'all!


[Photo Credit: WENN.com]