Caroline Manzo Hasn’t Spoken To Teresa Giudice In A Year; Plus, Melissa Gorga & Caroline React To Joe Giudice’s Phone Call.

Last Sunday's episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey continues to make waves for the cast. And it seems that while nobody likes Teresa Giudice, nobody can stop talking about her either. That must burn like vomit coming up. 

First up, Caroline Manzo admits that after calling her former made-for-TV friend "ugly" and "psychotic" in a vitriolic episode that left me pining for the timid-by-comparison-scenes of The Exorcist, she hasn't spoke to Teresa in a year. Well, I'm sure the upcoming reunion will change all that! 

“The only thing positive about it was I finally said what I needed to say and I’m done. And that was a year ago,” Caroline told Celebuzz about their altercation. 

“And I have not seen or spoken to Teresa since the reunion last year with the exception of the Bravo commercial – I was in the same room with her. My last words to Teresa Giudice were at the reunion last year. And can I tell you, it’s been a wonderful year.”

Well, I see Caroline is still keeping it Giudice (i.e. bitter and grudge-holding). 


Caroline (whom Teresa dubbed Alice In Wonderland's Evil Queen of Hearts) maintains that she did not enjoy confronting Teresa and had no plans to do so on the trip. "I don’t relish any moment of it. I don’t look at that and say 'winner' or 'loser,' whatever the case may be," she explains, adding that it was an unfortunate and unseemly display of behavior.

"It was an ugly moment in my life that I want to forget. And I hope that I never have to deal with that again. It’s not fun. It’s not nice. There’s nothing to be proud of there. And the endgame was that’s the way I had to handle what was. That’s all."

Asked why she felt the need to insert herself in a situation between Teresa and her cousin Kathy Wakile, The Caroline insists she had to get involved. Right – she always has to get involved! 

"I had to get involved, because [Teresa] looked directly at me and asked me a question. And I had no intention of saying a word, not a word, because I was exhausted," Caroline insists. "You can see in my face that I just wanted the trip to end. I was exhausted from it. And I was asked a direct question. And if you’re going to be so brave as to ask me a direct question and knowing what the answer is going to be, I’m going to give it to you." Rawr! I'm The Caroline – hear me roar Trezilla!

Despite acknowledging her unsavory behavior, Caroline doesn't regret the incident and says she has to remain true to herself even it makes her look bad. So why is she so mad at Teresa for being the same way, I wonder?

"I am who I am and I know that there are those that love me and I that there are those out there that don't. But at the end of the day, I have to walk into my home and look at my husband and my children and my mom and my dad and say, 'I hope you're proud of me.'"

"When I have to tell my truth, I always tell my truth even if I'm ugly. If it makes me ugly, at least I can say, 'You know what? I acted horribly and it had to be said,' Life isn't lollipops and roses. Life sometimes sucks, right? Sometimes you're in a rotten situation, but I will never make excuses for it." That's an interesting take on things… interestingly delusional.

Caroline also reveals why she thinks Teresa owes everyone an apology. And it's as good an answer as any.  "I just don’t think she treated her family and friends with any kind of dignity or respect. And I think that’s sad, because everybody was there for her."

As for whether or not Caroline could reconcile with Teresa, who currently maintains a friendship with Caroline's sister Dina Manzo.

"There could be forgiveness if it’s asked. I’m big enough to say that I was rude and obnoxious and very hard on [Teresa], which I was. But, that’s the level she brought me to," Caroline says.

However Caroline has conditions, of course: "You still haven’t apologized for what you’ve done to any of us, not just me, to any of us. And until there’s a real legitimate apology, I’m not interested. So, why would I go back into the lion’s den? I said what I had to say. I was very blunt and very matter of fact in what I had to say. I don’t regret it. I regret that I had to do it, but I don’t regret those words because my conscience is clear now and I’m good. I don’t need to go back there. Why would I do that?"

Finally, both Caroline and Melissa Gorga spoke about the infamous Joe Giudice c-u-next-tuesday phone call. Caroline applauded Joe and said she completely agrees with the words he used to describe Teresa. Both ladies express their sadness for Teresa despite their current relationships with her. 


First up, Caroline's reaction: "We watched and learned when you guys did. None of us knew about that phone call. We were all puzzled about what they were doing in the vineyard. We knew something was going on that was somewhat inappropriate in the vineyard. But as far as the phone call, not one of the cast knew the content of that phone call. I think without a doubt it changed the mood of the entire night, because regardless of my feelings for Teresa, I don’t think any human being should be spoken to like that. I think it’s just wrong."

"I thought it was very sad. I don’t care who the couple was. No one should be spoken to like that. And I just thought it was wrong and it was in very poor taste. I thought it was bad. It’s sad, because there was a time when she had a group of people around her that would have rallied for her."

Next up, Melissa tells The Huffington Post, "I had no idea that even happened. We watched it for the first time the way you did."

Melissa claims she "teared up" watching the scene and her heart went out to her sister-in-law, despite their animosity. "I was sitting on my couch and I teared up. It was sad," she recalls.

"No matter what issues I have with Teresa, you don't wish that on anyone. It was very obvious that she knew exactly who he was on the phone with from the footage. It's sad and I guess she's in some type of denial right now, but I think eventually she'll get her head on straight and be ready to deal with it."

Melissa reveals that she is currently still on the outs with Teresa and the finale will clear up a lot of what happened. Not just between her and Teresa, but also with Jacqueline Laurita and Teresa's now defunct relationship. 

"When you see the finale, you'll understand," Melissa assures us. "And it goes in with a lot of what Jacqueline just released in People magazine about her son. So between the two and between something with her son, maybe that's why she didn't show up [at the reunion]. She was very stressed out and I think the viewers are now seeing why Jacqueline had zero tolerance level and was done with all the pettiness."

"She didn't want to sit around and listen to Teresa complain about her sister-in-law because she was dealing with her son being diagnosed as autistic. This stuff was not important to her, which it shouldn't be."

Well, there you have it. 

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