16 and Pregnant Recap: Let’s Hear It for the Dad!

Devon Broyles from Richmond, Virginia is the teem mom we met on last night’s 16 and Pregnant.  She brags about being mature for her age, as she’s sixteen and pregnant with her twenty-year-old boyfriend Colin whom she met after his first tour in Iraq.

Devon lives at home with her older brother, two sisters, and mom.  Her folks are divorced, but her parents are still friendly, so her dad stays at their house when he’s in town.  Hmm, what else?  Oh yeah, Devon’s sister Jane is also a teen mom, so her one-year-old daughter lives there as well.  Her mother also let Colin move in after the pair started dating.  Where’s John Stamos because this is clearly a full house!

The couple reminisces about the many nights Devon would sneak Colin into the house late night, and once her mom busted them the following morning, he was allowed to move in for good.  She got pregnant a few months later.  Devon is focused on school while Colin supports the family by serving in the Reserves.  She admits to her friends that she didn’t figure out she was pregnant until she was five months along.  Yea prenatal care!  Her friends laugh at her misfortune as she was always the life of every party.


Devon often seeks the advice of Jane, who is a year older and now a single mom.  Both girls are thankful for the family support.  Of course, no matter how supportive her family is, her mom Robin is still disappointed and embarrassed.  How did she end up having two daughters who are teenage mothers?  Devon reminds her mom that at least she was on birth control.  I want to remind Devon’s mom that she let her daughter’s twenty-plus-year-old boyfriend move in and sleep in her daughter’s bed after mere two months of dating.

Colin is thinking ahead.  He wants to get a better income so the couple isn’t living from paycheck to paycheck.  Colin leaves for reserve duty on the same day that Devon begins her senior year.  Her dad drops her off, and she’s concerned about starting back seven months pregnant.  She shares her frustrations with her friend because people talk about her at school.

Colin and Devon have a heart-to-heart.  He wants to try to get a new space for their growing family, but she wants to stay at home with her family.  Colin tries to explain that he’s older and not used to living under the same roof with seven other people.  Can you blame the guy?  He’s dead set on finding a house the two can afford.  Devon enlists her mom into trying to talk him out of this decision.  Colin wants to at least find out what he’s able buy on his salary.  She’s lucky to have someone who is being responsible and proactive.

Devon is having a shower to prepare for her son.  She jokes with her friends about having a natural birth, and Devon hopes to have enough drugs that she won’t feel a thing.  She can’t even stomach the pain of a paper cut.  Colin, meanwhile, is working full-time at a local warehouse while Devon continues to go to school.  She admits to her other (non-mother) sister that she’s thinking about getting her GED so she can refrain from going back to school.  While she’ll miss out on graduation, she doesn’t want to keep going back to class.

Devon helps her friend prepare for Homecoming.  Her friend tries to convince Devon to at least come take pictures with their friends.  She declines as she’s feeling very left out of things.  She continues studying for her GED, while Colin contemplates re-enlisting.  He knows the salary he could make in the army would allow the pair to buy a house.  He is worried about the possibility of future employment and missing out on anything with the baby.

A few weeks later, Devon wakes up Colin in the middle of the night as her water has broken.  They grab her mom Robin and head to the hospital.  After nine hours of labor, she receives an epidural.  Colin tries to keep her spirits up throughout her labor.  Finally Landon Levy is born after twelve hours of labor.

After two days at the hospital, the couple heads home with Devon cursing Colin every time he inadvertently hits a pot hole.  Colin bonds quickly with his son but is picking up extra shifts to make more money.  Devon is concerned that he won’t be as available to help out at night.  She’s up at all hours of the night while Colin sleeps, but the poor guy does have to be at work at 6am.  Devon continues to work on her GED with the help of her mom and sisters.  When Colin is home, he’s extremely helpful.  Due to the close quarters, Devon is starting to think that moving out may not be the worst idea.

Even though Colin is putting in extra hours, he is quick to play maid when he’s home.  Other teen dads should take note, although I realize Colin technically isn’t a teen dad.  Devon approaches Colin about looking into moving.  He’s starting to see the reality of the situation and is worried about money.  Colin begins speaking to realtors and figuring out a budget.  Devon confides in Jane that helping watch her daughter wasn’t quite preparation enough for being a teen mom.  I wonder if Jane is envious that Devon has the support of her baby’s father.

The couple meets with a realtor and a mortgage broker, and Colin’s credit is good enough to qualify for a pretty significant loan for someone so young.  The pair falls in love with the first house they are shown, but it’s a bit out of their price range.  Taking a break from being an adult, Devon decides to go roller skating with her friends.  She fills them in on what is going on with her and Colin’s house hunting.  There is a definite disconnect between Devon and her friends.

Colin comes in from work with the awful news he’s been laid off from his warehouse job.  I just want to reach through my television and hug him.  He feels like he’s let down his new family.  Colin spends several weeks looking for a new job before the pair goes to meet with their realtor to give him the news of Colin’s recent unemployment.  Colin wants to hold off on the option of enlisting full-time so he can stay with his family.  He’s nearly in tears relaying this news to the realtor.  The realtor is understanding but wants Colin to be aware he must be in a new job for two months before they can even consider reapplying for a loan.

Colin keeps looking for a job, but he’s considering going back to school to become a firefighter.  Devon doesn’t want him to do something that will keep them from being farther from getting a house.  Could Devon maybe get a job?  She wants him to work as hard as he can to find stable employment so they can buy a house.  Devon is quick to praise Colin for his never ending support, but she doesn’t want it to come down to him going back into active duty.  She wonders where her teenage years went once she got pregnant with Landon.

On next week’s season finale, Kristina’s fiancée passes away before their baby is born.