Bachelorette Emily Maynard Hopes for No Hot Tubs, Jesse Csincsak Warns Emily’s Suitors to “Run” While Former Contestant Lindzi Cox Wishes Her the Best!

With the Bachelorette premiering in less than a week, everyone (that may be a stretch), including me, is wondering what to expect from mild-mannered single mom Emily Maynard.  She infamously turned down being the Bachelorette (much to Bentley Williams’ chagrin) after first being approached, explaining she wanted to live out of the limelight with young daughter Ricki.  However, the rose veteran and former “winner” of Brad Womack’s (second) season, has since done a one-eighty, agreeing to let twenty-five cheesy eligible bachelors vie for her hand in marriage on the show’s eighth season. has the skinny on her latest print interview in the upcoming PEOPLE magazine.  Emily talks of finding love, little Ricki, and those ever-present hot tub scenes the ABC franchise loves to exploit.

The newest Bachelorette tells the magazine, “I don’t want to be kissing every guy. I want to still be a lady. I’m a mom first,” adding, “I’m hoping the hot tubs have been completely phased out.”


Emily also doesn’t want date time to ever interfere with daughter time.  While Ricki has been traveling with mom throughout the season, she has spent a lot of time hanging out with her grandparents and a nanny, and, according to Emily, loving every minute of it.  Emily reveals, “[The show] has been so good at making sure there’s time scheduled for the two of us.”


Emily tells the magazine of Ricki’s time with her grandparents, “She has so much fun with them. When I got back [from The Bachelor] I had a house full of new toys and she was drinking Coke and watching SpongeBob.”  What’s not to love about that?  I can think of worse ways to spend the second grade…like actually being in second grade.

As for finding love, Emily has the utmost faith in the idea behind the franchise.  She is convinced she’ll find love.  Emily is quick to remind viewers that she already knows the show is successful at making matches because she fell head over heels for Brad when the two became engaged at the end of his season.  Even though the couple split in June of last year, Emily is confident that the show is her ticket to finding Mr. Right.

“I know it can work. I fell in love the first time,” Emily explains.  If you recall, that relationship floundered when Emily wasn’t willing to move Ricki from Charlotte, North Carolina to Brad’s hometown of Austin, Texas.  However, this time around, Emily is confident she’ll relocate if she finds “the one.”   “I’m a hopeless romantic,” Emily shares.  “I’d live on a sailboat in the middle of the ocean if that’s where the person I loved wanted to be.”  Let’s hope little Ricki doesn’t get seasick!

As I mentioned earlier, many people were shocked at Emily’s about-face for agreeing to appear on the show.  Some people even doubt her sincerity, citing she’s looking more for a paycheck and her fifteen minutes than true love.  One such skeptic?  Jesse Csincsak.  You may remember him as being the chosen one from DeAnna Pappas’ Bachelorette reign (after she was part of the dual final castoff in Brad’s first season).  That pair had a good tabloid relationship before calling it quits.  Jesse met his current wife, also a franchise alum, at one of the many ABC planned orgies reunions scheduled throughout the year.

Jesse, speaking to, warns Emily’s potential suitors to “run as far as they can.”  Ouch.  He elaborates, telling the site, “I don’t think Emily can be won over. She had Brad and threw that out the window, so I’m just not buying that she really wants to find a guy.”  Threw that out the window? I’m not convinced Emily isn’t looking to boost her career, but I do remember all those rumors and exes of Brad’s coming out of the woodwork when the couple first went public.  Plus, I find it kind of pathetic that he’s even giving interviews about this.  Doesn’t he hate the show and all it’s rules?  Let it go, Jesse…just go snowboarding or something.

Not ending there, Jesse snarks, “Emily just went on TV six months ago and said, ‘I hate the limelight. I hate the cameras.’ Then, ABC hands her a check for $250,000 to star in the new season, so she has changed her tune…She isn’t looking for love. Emily is going to come there and say what she’s paid to say.”  But, I’m sure the show was all about true love and rainbows and unicorn kisses when he was on it–no image vamping or career building at all back in the glory days!

He finishes strong, warning the men, “These guys think they’re actually there to fall in love with a girl, but this is a business. They’re on the show to be casualties of the journey of love. Who doesn’t love to see dudes get shot down? It’s fun to watch a train wreck.”  Project much, Jess?

Well, while everyone’s favorite Vans wearing underdog may not be so keen on Emily, there is someone singing her praises.  Lindzi Cox…you remember, the girl who rode in on a horse and, as one of the final two, dodged a giant gray-clad, shaggy haired, wine-making Geico caveman known as Ben Flajnik.  She’s thanking her lucky stars right now, I’ll tell you that.  In an interview with, Lindzi discussed her excitement over the newest Bachelorette.  A portion of that interview follows:

What do you think about Emily Maynard being the next Bachelorette?

I wish her all the best and hope she finds happiness!

Do you think ABC is going to guarantee a love story after this past controversial season?

I do think they can guarantee a love story. Everyone’s love story is different and from what I’ve seen of Miss Emily, she’s really in it to find someone.

Do you hope she doesn’t pick some great guys so you could possibly do Bachelor Pad with them ;)?

If I have the opportunity to do Bachelor Pad, I would absolutely hope she leaves at least one good catch for me ;). I’m excited to see the men of Emily’s season!

Just an aside, Lindzi also realizes how lucky she was (not in such direct words, but mind you, she knows) not to beat out Courtney Robertson for Ben’s flannel wearing heart, and yes, she does have has tattooed on her eyebrows.  Inquiring minds, people, inquiring minds.