Basketball Wives Recap: A Drama-Free Day at the Track? Don’t Bet On It!

Last night’s Basketball Wives was exactly everything we’ve come to expect from this formulaic season.  Ladies gossip, ladies lunch, ladies gossiping and lunching promise to “cut a b*tch” if they ever see said B again, other ladies don’t think it’s a good idea for a group gathering, yet, a group gathering is planned.  Mayhem ensues right as the show’s hour comes to an end.  Lather, rinse, repeat for a season…

Tami Roman continues her deep conversation with her mother.  Her mother is very emotional, and she admits that she too was molested as a child and she’s been going to therapy as well to work through her issues.  The pair seems have a breakthrough which ends in hugs and tears.

Royce Reed is thrilled that Dezmon Briscoe, her NFL playing beau from Tampa Bay, is visiting in Miami.  She immediately begins grilling him about his initial meeting with her father.  I can’t tell if Dezmon is flattered or scared when she begins to compare their relationship to her parents’ forty plus year marriage.  He admits that he is deeply in love, but he also has a lot of “we’re going with the flow” talk.

Tami is excited that Shaunie O’Neal is in visiting because it gives her the opportunity dish on Kenya Bell’s music video.  Tami is disappointed that Kenya didn’t stick up for herself, but she also wishes Kenya could see the importance of listening to constructive criticism.  Both women do a spot-on interpretation on Jenn Williams, who was uncomfortable at the video screening, and it segues into how all the women will behave when they head to the horse races.  Last year, Tami had her own screaming match at the track, so she’s curious to see if they ladies can act maturely.  Sure.  Tami is also concerned, in light of Jenn and Royce’s new truce, if Jenn will change her tune towards Royce if she makes up with Evelyn Lozada.

Evelyn meets with her friend/assistant Nia who also used to be close with Jenn.  Nia is upset that someone she was such good friends with can now pretend like she doesn’t even know her.   Evelyn feels badly that Jenn has hurt Nia’s feelings so badly.  Evelyn vows that is she is around when Nia wants to confront Jenn, she is going to stay out it.  Yeah, I can’t wait to see that happen.


Jenn has invited Shaunie, Tami, and Suzie Ketcham to the screening of her friend’s new movie.  Tami sounds excited, but she’s quick to mention Jenn’s new Hollywood-esque pals.  The women discuss the upcoming outing.  Meanwhile, Evelyn reveals to friend and employee Noe that is considering closing her boutique.  Why?  She feels she can’t be there as much as she’d like, and oddly enough, not many regular people buy thousand dollar shoes.  Evelyn opts to sell the accessories online and do shoes on her website at a more reasonable price point.

At the “exclusive” screening, actor Terrence J and the women discuss the different mind games men and women play, which is the premise of the movie.  Unfortunately, Terrence won’t be joining the group as he’s promised his mother he’d watch it for the first time with his mom.  Awww.  The next few minutes are a promo for Think Like a Man, which is based on Steve Harvey’s book.  Oh look, Kesha Nichols is there, although she didn’t speak and was barely filmed.  She does contribute briefly when the women go to discuss the film over a glass of wine.

Jenn next meets up with her biffle Al Reynolds, who needs to take off those ridic sunglasses while indoors.  The duo talk about their failed marriages, as well as Jenn’s friendship with Evelyn.  That is Al Reynolds, right?   I mean is he trying to go incognito?

Dezmon surprises Royce with a romantic date.  He goes as far as to say he could see Royce as his wife, and he’s “working on a ring.”  During dinner, Royce excuses herself only to return dressed in lingerie.  Um, what?  She tells us that the meal ended with “dessert.”  That is still too much information for his gal.

The women arrive at the track in two separate groups.  Shaunie, Evelyn, Tami, and assistant Nia all discuss their issues with Jenn.  Shaunie hopes that the women can refrain from being rude.  I’m sure she does.  They go to meet Jenn, Suzie, and Kesha in the presidential suite.  Not surprisingly, Royce and Kenya are not in attendance.  The room is filled with tension, and Kesha tries to break it by telling Evelyn that she’s terrified of her.  Good tactic.

Tami references a letter she and Shaunie received about potential lawsuits if things with Jenn aren’t portrayed in a positive.  Both Tami and Shaunie state their case calmly, and Jenn apologizes for distancing herself due to their friendship with Evelyn.  The women are quick to point out that they are good at not playing sides (yeah, right), as they are friends with both and like to remain neutral.

Who doesn’t like to remain neutral?  You guessed it–Nia!  She goes off Jenn for cavorting with a whole new group of friends.  Jenn is dismissive, questioning again and again why Nia is even in attendance.  Isn’t she a mere assistant?  Nia wants to know why Jenn has changed…oh, and where is her spare house key?  Jenn apparently stayed with Nia a lot during her separation.  Nia asks if Jenn needs to be slapped back to reality.  A smug, “yes” is all it takes to send Nia across the room.  Tami tries to intervene while Kesha tiptoes away, trying to stay as far from the altercation as possible.  Jenn starts insulting Nia’s apartment, which sends Evelyn over the edge.  Why does Jenn act like she’s better than everyone else?  Evelyn literally walks across the table to get to her nemesis.

Next week, Jennifer doesn’t want anything more to do with such low-class ladies, while Evelyn is moved to tears that Jenn is looking down on her former friend Nia.