Bristol Palin To Give Marriage A Try With Her New Reality Show “Life’s A Tripp”!

The ambassador of abstinence is back and heading to a television near you…maybe.  Bristol Palin has landed another reality show and will get a chance to play house with her boyfriend.

Right after her stint on ‘Dancing with the Stars‘, the daughter of Sarah Palin taped a reality show with brothers Kyle Massey and Chris Massey, but after a little bit of press, we never heard another word about it.  Not that we’re complaining.  Honest.

It seems Bristol moved back to Alaska and bought a house across the lake from mama Grizzly and she’s been working to fix it up. Naturally, Bristol smelled a reality show pitch in there and is now dragging her boyfriend of a year, pipeline worker Gino Paoletti, along for the ride.  The two are going to film the adventure of moving in together when the house is finished this summer and give their relationship a “trial marriage“.

“Bristol and Gino are crazy about each other. They’ve talked about getting married, but they think it’s a good idea to live together before making it official.”

In my part of the world, that’s just called moving in with your boyfriend.  But I guess it sounds more respectable to call it a “trial marriage”?!

The new show is called ‘Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp”.

No word on whether Levi Johnston will be making any appearances on the new show.  He’s in the news this week for knocking up another Alaskan woman, though.  And making claims that the Palins are blocking him from seeing Tripp.  Mama Palin lashed back at him, calling him a liar and saying that they haven’t heard a word from him since the summer of 2010.  So, it makes sense why all of them are back in the news airing their dirty laundry…Bristol has a show to promote.

It sounds like Sarah Vs. Levi would be a lot more fun to watch.  But that’s just me.

[Photo credit: Wenn]