Love & Hip Hop Recap: Miami Madness, Florida Fighting, and South Beach B*tches

After last week’s romantic (?) proposal, Love & Hip Hop resumed with some slight back story behind Jim Jones’ decision to head to Miami. There is a video montage of the pair from season one intermixed with Jim preparing to pop the question.

As he waxes poetic in the background about what it means to have Chrissy as a lady and confidante, why she is perfect for him, and what all they’ve been through, we watch him shower (he totes has a body under those baggy clothes!), profess his love for Chrissy in the steamy mirror and contemplate choosing the perfect ring. Oh VH1, how cheesy lovely.

After Chrissy says yes, it turns out the entire Miami trip was a set-up by Jim. He has all her friends and family at the restaurant, and apparently Emily, Teairra, and Olivia were in on the plan as well. I clearly didn’t give Jim enough credit. That was a pretty sweet proposal. In her interview, Chrissy cries about how wonderful it feels to be a Jones, compliments crizazy Mama Jones (love!) for raising such a wonderful son and ends with a tearful, “Even if we never get married… I will always have love for Jim in my f*&^ing heart.” And here I was thinking that Jim was the more romantic out of the two. Chrissy is like a female Shakespeare!


Rich Dallas goes to meet with producer and songwriter Rico Love in hopes of saving Olivia’s sinking ship. Like everyone else that talks about Olivia, Rico wants to know more about Olivia’s mindset. However, he loves an underdog story. Rico is a little concerned about timing, as he’s just signed Teairra and wants to give her the attention she deserves as an artist. Never one to take no for an answer, Rich convinces him to come watch Olivia perform the following night.

Kimbella lunches with her mother Sherry in Miami. Um, she totes reminds me of a carrot-topped Draya’s mom from Basketball Wives: L.A. The pair discusses Kimbella’s not so stellar childhood with her mother and father’s relationship. Kimbella feels that her mother didn’t offer her very much guidance as she took care of herself and brothers — her mother wanted to make stuff work with her father, regardless of the cost. Her mom asks for forgiveness and embraces her daughter.

Olivia has a sit-down with Rico Love and he wants to know what makes Olivia tick. She’s happy, she loves music, music makes her happy, she’s happy dating, did she mention she was happy? Somewhere Yandy is cringing — Olivia is supposed to be baring her soul. Luckily, Rico calls her out on it. She admits that she is happy now, but she has a difficult time expressing her feelings about when life wasn’t so happy. Rico reminds her that her voice on the record will come across as someone who’s trying to mask something else with the happy. I think Olivia is finally getting the gist of all the constructive criticism.

Teairra wants to get to the bottom of Olivia’s worries about Emily and Fab reconciling too quickly. Emily seems beyond thrilled that Olivia is spilling her business. Teairra is grilling her, but it’s totally out of concern. Emily wants Fab to get his life together and wants a commitment, but she promises she’s not running back into his arms. She went on one date with him. Of course, Emily breaks down because she loves and misses Fab, and she honestly thinks he’s changing. Teairra turns on the waterworks as well — she loves her friend, and she wants her to be happy. She also doesn’t want to see her get her heart broken again.

Oh good gracious. Yandy brings together Kimbella and Erica to rehash their fight and their feelings. This will definitely end well. Good call, Yandy! Erica is going on and on about about how girls in the video world who work for free make a bad name in the industry for the girls like her who are getting laid… I mean paid. Kimbella couldn’t agree more — that’s why she doesn’t work for free! There you go ladies, you’ve found some common ground. Erica gives an insincere apology for passing judgment on Kimbella. In her solo interview she admits she spends enough time being compared to low class b*tches, she doesn’t want to waste the time fighting with them. Erica is on a mea culpa bandwagon and Kimbella readily accepts her olive branch. Reputation Damage control much, Erica? She’s quick to reveal that she is very good at keeping her enemies close.

Rico is watching Olivia’s performance with Rich. Teairra, Chrissy, and Emily are in the audience as well. I liked the song, but I have to agree with Rich that there is a disconnect about her smiling while singing a song about a broken relationship. She needed to be performing like Chrissy was lip synching. Girlfriend was getting down! Rico reiterates his conversation with Olivia to Rich and he is quick to say he doesn’t want to waste his time if she isn’t going to show her emotions on the record. Rich is frustrated… he is starting to think maybe Olivia won’t ever listen to all this expert advice.

Meanwhile, because there is only one production team so everyone needs to be filmed in Miami Teairra is shocked to look across the club and see her producer Rico sitting with Rich. They are literally within spitting distance of one another. Are we really supposed to believe she just “spotted him in the crowd”? While Teairra gives props to Olivia for doing her thing (and again, I totally think this girl is genuine), she wants to make sure her opportunities and her career are in Rico’s forefront. Fair enough. Rico reassures Teairra that he told Rich he couldn’t do anything for Olivia until he had good things squared away for his new ingénue.

Yandy and Kimbella are getting ready for a night out on the town, which again, coincidentally is Miami. See prior statement about VH1’s film crew. Scratch that, Yandy is getting ready, Kimbella is sipping pink champagne while in a bubble bath. Yandy is turning off her phone (foreshadowing?) and the women have a more than slightly scripted conversation about who they may run into at Erica’s soiree. They are far too giggly about the prospect of partying with multiple nemesis (nemesises?) for this to be a real chat between friends.

Chrissy, Emily, Teairra and Olivia are celebrating Chrissy’s engagement and her giant rock. Again, Chrissy sings Mama Jones’ praises. There is only one bar in Miami apparently. Teairra is shocked to see Kimbella and Erica walk into the club together given the last time she was with them, there was bottle tossing involved. Chrissy starts in immediately on Yandy quitting as Jim’s manager before she could be fired. She thinks Yandy has been disrespectful to both Jim and her. Yandy is responding, but she is also having a dance party with Erica. On the other hand, Yandy is calling out Chrissy for mooching off Jim’s bank account. Chrissy calls Jim to come remove Yandy from the scene before she kills her. Why doesn’t she get her fiancé to remove her from the scene?

Chrissy hangs up and goes diving for Yandy. Emily tries to calm down Yandy. Chrissy goes cussing and yelling into the street, while Yandy remains inside taking much deserved shots. No worries though because Chrissy has a plan to lie in wait on the streets of Miami until Yandy leaves the bar. Congrats on your engagement! Glad to see you’re celebrating what is important! Her friends are trying to talk her out of her shenanigans. Security hustles Yandy out of a back door. Wow, Chrissy is one angry lady!

Next week, Emily tries to show Yandy Chrissy’s side of the situation, while Chrissy gets mad at Olivia for refusing to choose sides. Olivia and Rich contemplate a deal that isn’t really what either wants, and Erica is spreading those same stories about Kimbella with another fight ensuing between the ladies.