Jacqueline Laurita Claims She’s In Talks With Bravo; Kathy Wakile Explains Why She Went On The Show! PHOTOS – Did Melissa Get Her Lips Done?

Jacqueline Laurita has been all over the news (well, the reality TV version of the news anyway) for her suspected firing from Real Housewives of New Jersey; but Jacs has something to say about that and she insists it’s simply not true!

Jacqueline took to Twitter (Where else?) to debunk the rumors claiming she is still deciding if she wants to return. “Thats not true.Its all undecided rght now but Im considering it if everythings in the rght place.Lets say theres talk right now.”

There’s been some rumors circulating from purported insiders that Jacqueline’s salary will be reduced if she is brought back for Season 5 and Bravo is basing her inclusion on whether or not they find a suitable Housewife to replace her. Jacqueline notoriously skipped the vengeful Season 3 reunion claiming she was feeling sick, which is a MAJOR no, no. Multiple reports have stated Bravo can no longer trust her, hence their reason for wanting to fire her. I guess we’ll see what happens!

Moving right along, Kathy Wakile recently did an interview with The Norton Report where she talked about her decision to come on the show and what’s next for her.

Explaining what motivated her to join RHONJ (besides the obvious), Kathy reveals: “I was at a point in my life where I wanted to do something outside of the house. I had been a stay-at-home mom for 17 years, my kids don’t need me as much, and it was at a time where they needed to realize I have to start doing some things on my own.”

“I thought, should I go out and get a job? And this opportunity just really fell into my lap at the same time,” she adds. “It really all fell at the right time, especially for my kids who are older and can handle being in the spotlight. It’s been a fun adventure.”

“I’ve had a lot of fun, I’ve done different things I wouldn’t normally be doing, interacting with new people and it’s just been a great experience so far.” I’m not sure how a huge, embarrassing family feud played out in a public arena is a great experience, but whatevs!

Kathy also talks about her role as a mediator amongst the cast: “Well, I’ve always been a good listener. I believe in order to be able to help people with conflict you really need to listen to what they’re saying. If you’re doing all the talking, you’re not getting all the facts. Being a good listener really is the number one component to being able to help.”

“I don’t like conflict so I like to create balance and try to understand everyone’s point of view. I always try never to hurt anyone’s feelings; we’re all imperfect so unfortunately that happens sometimes, but my intentions are always good.” For someone who doesn’t like conflict she sure got a raw deal with the family situation! Yikes.

Interesting that Kathy did not mention her cousin Teresa once during the interview! I hope these two truly are mending fences and building a stronger family relationship.

And since Kathy is now a member of the Bravo Home Shopping Network we can expect a whole host of products from the kitchen-savvy Housewife. Kathy lets us know that a prepared cocktail, a Goddess jewelry line and a dessert collection are all in the works. Ugh.

Finally, Christmas never ends for the Giudices! Teresa recently took to her website to post photos of her girl’s Christmas gifts. She thanks fans for giving her suggestions. It looks like a pretty modest Christmas for a family that has recently withdrawn their bankruptcy filing and agreed to repay their creditors the old fashioned way, with you know their own money.

“Thank you all for your suggestions on what to get my kids for Christmas! They didn’t really ask for anything and aren’t crazy for any fads right now, but I got them things that match what they’re into, and just girl stuff,” Teresa wrote.

“Audriana got a pink tricycle and a pink and white polka dot baby doll carriage. Milania got a little vanity with a make-up case. Since Gabriella is so into art, I got her an art table, one of those with the roll of paper attached to the side and art supplies. And Gia got a little laptop.”

Teresa also included an adorable picture of Gia dressed up like Santa Claus. “So every year someone in our family dresses up like Santa on Christmas Eve,” she explained. “You saw on the show that last year it was my mom.” All the photos of the Giudice Christmas activities are below.

In other news Melissa Gorga, currently in Miami to host a New Years Eve party, appears to have gotten some “work” done on her lips. In recent pics of the NJ housewife, her lips appear to me much fuller but we’ll let you be the judge! Those pics of Melissa, all from this month, are below!




Melissa Gorga sporting much fuller lips in this pic with Kathy!


Another recent shot of Mel!


Did she or didn’t she?


We thinks she did!


A before shot of Melissa’s lips!


Gabriella and Milania at Gabriella’s new drawing table.


Gabriella, Milania, and Audriana playing with Milania’s make-up kit. Cue Toddlers in Tiaras!


Audriana with her pink bike. Nice boots!


The kids table! Teresa’s daughters with their Giudice cousins.


Gia Claus!