Kourtney & Kim Take NY Season 2 Premiere Review: What Went On In Kim Kardashian’s Marriage Revealed! Plus Did Kris Humphries Get A Jerk Edit?

Kris Humphries, Kim Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian, Scott Disick

Following the very public backlash for her quickie wedding and divorce, Kim Kardashian’s E! show Kourtney and Kim Take New York is scheduled to premiere this Sunday on E! (10/9c).

While many, and we mean many, fans have voiced their displeasure against the greedy fame whoring family it’s still likely many will tune in to E! Sunday night to see what actually went on in Kim’s and Kris Humphries marriage of 72 days.

Well, Reality Tea was able to get a screening of the 1-hour premiere and I must say I was quite shocked at the episode. Let’s just say pimpmomager Kris Jenner is not going to be happy with the premiere! For starters, Kris got a very fair edit (not sure how long this is going to last) on the season premiere that by the end of the episode he actually came off as the victim and Kim the villain.

Living Conditions – The premiere began with Kris and Kim just returning from their “amazing” honeymoon and the newlyweds, for some unknown reason, have decided to move in with Kim’s sister Kourtney Kardashian, and her boyfriend Scott Disick, along with their 1 year-old son Mason. Because apparently, the dream of every newlywed couple, millionaires at that, is to move in with another family.

Set Ups – It’s pretty clear from the beginning that Kim wasn’t as concerned with making her marriage work and giving it a real shot as she was concerned with creating good reality TV drama. How else can we explain her decision to do a reality show immediately after her wedding? Or her decision to agree to this living condition instead of getting to know her husband in private? Or better yet, her decision to agree to having Mason‘s playroom right next to her bedroom with Kris, much to Kris’ dismay… rightfully so I might add.

Is Kris A Jerk? – As stated above, the editing on the premiere episode was definitely more than fair to Kris though it was still unfair he had to deal with certain set ups to begin with. The biggest set up being Kourtney’s decision to invite a male yoga instructor to teach her, Kim, and some of their friends some naked yoga. Poor Kris is shown walking into his home, or hotel suite he shares with his wife and wife’s family rather, only to see a naked man teaching his wife yoga. Kris did not react too positively. He came off as a rather immature 26-year-old in my opinion, though not a jerk. It appears Kim, age 31, missed the memo that most women mature faster than men.

Real Love? – If anything, the premiere seemed to prove the couple’s love was real… well at least on Kris’ end. In many scenes, Kris was shown telling his wife Kim how “pretty” she was, how much he loved her and apologizing to her for not wanting to stay longer at a party that was being hosted for them. As for Kimmie, most of the scenes showed her with a short fuse when it came to Kris. She flew off the handle when he ruined her pedicure while he was roughhousing with her. She stated “this sh*t is not going to fly” over Kris’ messiness (he leaves his clothes everywhere). And she was very quick to snap at him over his immature behavior towards the naked male yoga instructor.

What is clear in watching the premiere is that the honeymoon between the two was definitely over, but it seems poor Kris forgot to get the memo. While Kris carried on like a lovesick puppy, it was pretty clear Kim was already over this union and having major doubts. Doubts that were likely there BEFORE her wedding, you know, the same one that netted her $17 million. Which leads to the question, why did she go through with the wedding to begin with? I’ll let you ponder that rhetorical question for a second.

It will also be interesting to see how E! edits Kris as the season goes along. After all, the network does have a lot riding on Kim and the whole Kardashian family being liked by the public.

Whether you like this family or not (believe me — I’m not a fan), I will say the premiere episode is a must see. Even I was excited to watch this to see what actually went on behind close doors. Plus, I’m curious to see how the general pubic will interpret the season premiere episode.

As for Kris, sources close to him are now telling TMZ he has no plans to sue Kim. A report came out days ago saying he was considering filing a $10 million lawsuit due to his worry over how he would be portrayed on the show plus because he has a larger role in it than originally promised.

Sources say Kris, who reportedly has a “cordial” relationship with Kim at the moment, is still worried that the show will make him look worse than he really is but also understands he has no control over it.

ETA – After finishing this write up, I came across a review by the NY Post and it appears the writer shares the same sentiment I did. Linda Stasi wrote:

“After watching a screener for Sunday night’s much-hyped “before-the-breakup” opening episode of “Kourtney & Kim take New York,” I feel as foolish as Kris Humphries must feel. In fact, the krooked Kardashian klan should have changed the title of the show to “Kourtney & Kim Take New York For a Ride.” For once — despite all the editing that went into making Kim the breakaway bride look like the slighted one — they will be exposed as the phony kreeps they are. And Humphries? He ends up looking like the dumbest schmo to ever appear on reality TV — and that’s saying a lot!

It becomes clear early on, that this poor fool thought he was really getting married. He didn’t realize he was just playing a character assigned to him by Kim. He wasn’t a husband, he was a prop!”

I predict very high ratings for the premiere of the show which will likely take a dip as the season goes along. And once Kourtney and Kim Takes New York ends, I believe this family will be done. One – they’ve done it all (sex tape, pregnancy, marriages, babies and divorce) and the public is just sick of them. Quite frankly, they simply cannot top the train wreck they have created for themselves.