Melissa Gorga and Jay Mohr Get “Twisted” In Twitter Feud! Jay Says Melissa Asked Him To Trash Teresa Giudice In His Blogs!

It all started with this humble Tweet from an Auto-Tune inflicted New Jersey Housewife who apparently thinks she can sing and thinks she as clout with the Bravo-machine: “@GreggyBennett @jaymohr37 why are u tweeting him? He’s such an asshole… Pulls food out of peoples mouths.”

See, Greg Bennett, aka Albie and Christopher Manzo’s roommate and mister, is now apparently the “pseudo-manager” of Melissa Gorga and he also has a twitterelationship with comedian and Real Housewives of New Jersey Blogger extraordinaire, (whose recaps make me bitter and jealous!) Jay Mohr. Part of this Twitter-lationship includes pitching some really scary TV ideas of his own…

Anyways, back to the feud! Apparently, Melissa is upset that Jay is unnecessarily harsh about her and her family on these said blogs and she felt the need to call Jay out!

Melissa’s anger began after reading Jay’s most recent blog where he, predictably, insulted Melissa’s singing:

“Did anyone else notice that last episode, after Teresa autographed a book for her brother, Joey made her read it to him? This is the second or third time Joey Gorga has made someone read to him. He is either illiterate or a pimp.”

“Melissa’s voice on speaker phone is somehow worse than her voice while singing. On speaker phone Melissa sounds like a cross between a Vietnamese lady and one of Charlie Brown’s teachers. Teresa tells Melissa that they both need to talk to their Joes and Melissa snaps like Mike Tyson at a spelling bee. Melissa talks so loudly and long and shrilly without a break it sounds like she is calling a horse race.”

“Melissa plays her song for the boys and they say they like it. Then they inexplicably ask Melissa to sing at their company’s launch party. Are they launching ear plugs?”

Well, Melissa felt he took his insults a step too far and she confronted Jay on Twitter, in what began a Twittercation:

Melissa started with the above Tweet to Greg and then when Greg responded: “@melissagorga girl did your twitter get hacked? #confused” Melissa explained: “No it’s Meee, I don’t care for jay, do u read his blogs.,,,he’s not funny anymore” After a fan criticized Jay’s blogs as no longer being “objective.” Melissa responded to the fan and included Jay and Bravo in the response, whining: “@jaymohr37 @BravoAndy @bravotv guess they don’t have my back with this….”

Jay retaliated by Tweeting: “Listen up! @melissagorga I CRUSHED Teresa four weeks in a row. I CRUSHED Joe G. Too! WHY ARE YOU ON REALITY TELEVISION THEN?!!” Touche, Mama Gorga, Touche. Go back to being off display if you don’t want people “critiquing” your hypocritical behavior!”

Jay launched another Tweet: “@melissagorga Did you think I was mean when I said your daughter was the most beautiful child I had ever seen? Don’t remember a thank you.” “For the record @melissagorga tonight told me to blog negative things about @Teresa_Giudice books and businesses. #fact #sad”

In Melissa’s defense (she needs one bad!) it appears Melissa did not ask Jay to trash Tre but rather asked him why he trashes her singing but never Teresa’s books and businesses. Melissa then responded with: “Never her books or business, crush? Hardly… Mean doesn’t =funny” Yeah, Melissa – family comes first!

Real Fan Club also called Melissa out on her nonsense, Tweeting: If @melissagorga can’t handle @jaymohr37, a comedian, then she has no business trying 2 break into the industry! #Lifeofanentertainer. Melissa responded with this ridiculous Tweet: “@REALFANSCLUB @jaymohr37 I can handle him just don’t like him, Don’t get it twisted!” With Jay snarkily responding: “DONT GET IT TWISTED is my new single.

Melissa even involved co-star, Caroline Mnazo, Twhining: “Carolinnneeee!!!!He’s soo mean….. get the bat!” Caroline, pleading the fifth, commented back: “hey you two, don’t make me get the wooden spoon out – play nice! he’s not mean, he’s doing his job – you know me – I don’t support mean – now kiss and make ups kids….”

After realizing everyone alive thought she was ridiculous and melodramatic, Melissa abruptly ended things by tweeting: @jaymohr37 Wow! I thought we r having fun, that took it to a whole new level, goodnight.” and “By the way read my tweets, never said to, I said, Jay doesn’t…. Big difference”

Even Greg wasn’t on her side, Tweeting: @melissagorga thick skin honey 🙂 If you can’t laugh at yourself, everyone else will do it for you. Looove you.” Well said, Greggy! He also added that the feud wasn’t a publicity stunt!

Teresa surprisingly had no comment on any of this! Is she still alive?! Possibly has she broken both her hands rendering it impossible for her to type?

Melissa must have realized she was cutting off her nose to spite her face because she immediately started back pedaling, Tweeting Andy Cohen and other Housewives co-stars. Since this whole Jay-debacle I noticed there hasn’t been tweeting going on between Greg and Melissa. Dare I say, is Greg ditching the Madonna wannabe for a real celebrity friend?

Things are about to get a whole lot more interesting as the livid Melissa is slated to appear on Watch What Happens Live, Oct 9th with her new nemesis. And yes, deep down Melissa knows he’s funny…

Thoughts on the Twitter feud? Whose side are you on? Was Melissa Jay out of line with his snarking on Melissa or does she need to toughen up?