Bethenny Frankel Says 15-Months Daughter Bryn’s A Vegetarian! Plus To Write A Novel!

Well for all of you who haven’t gotten your fill of Bethenny Frankel (or her opinions) – good news – and for the rest of you, I apologize in advance – because Bethenny is now in the business of writing “fiction.” Yes, Bethenny has just inked a book deal to author her first work of “creative writing.” The novel titled Skinny Dipping, is tentatively expected to be out next spring, will be the first novel in a three-book deal.

Skinny Dipping will, of course, be another foray in the Skinnygirl empire (which unlike the frame of it’s figurehead, isn’t dwindling anytime soon); and will feature a character that sounds a lot like… Bethenny.

“It’s about a girl’s journey and what she wants, and trying to have it all. It’s about the lessons and the people along the way, about naysayers and rising above. There will be a lot of juiciness and people wondering what it’s based on and if any of it was influenced by my life.” Here’s guessing that character will also start a diet drink company and appear on a reality show with a bunch of catty b*tches like herself.

Bethenny plans to write her first novel from her home office, where she explains she employs part-time childcare for Bryn: “I have a part-time nanny there at 8 a.m., and I usually have her leave at 2. I like to be with the baby.” Bethenny continues, “I have an easy baby — and it’s exhausting. She jumped into the dishwasher today. She’s really structured, and she’s still a terror.”

And speaking of Bryn, Bethenny recently blogged that her 15-month-old is strictly vegetarian! Unlike some of her other food decisions, which are viewed by some as controversial (and unhealthy), Mama B seems to have a fairly sensible approach to Bryn’s diet, writing: “As far as raising Bryn as a vegetarian, that was a personal choice. If Bryn is older and wants something at a party that isn’t vegetarian, I don’t want her to feel ostracized. She’ll find her way.”

Explaining her decisions to feed Bryn a vegetarian diet, Bethenny references her own insubstantial eating habits: “I eat almost everything, but I eat a mostly vegetarian diet. However, I occasionally eat meat if I’m really craving it or if there is literally nothing else around, but I’m fortunate to love vegetables, grains and all things healthy. As a child, I ate sushi, escargot, venison– anything and everything. I wasn’t squeamish about food and I’m proud to say that I’ve never ordered off of a children’s menu in my entire life.” As for Bryn, she will not be eating off the children’s menu either – which, good for Bethenny on that!

Don’t confuse vegetarian with vegan, however, because Bethenny incorporates dairy products into Bryn’s menu: “I chose not to have her be vegan because I believe she needs the fat and protein in milk. Sometimes I need her to fill up on organic cheese. Her health comes first.”

Bethenny’s blog goes onto include more advice for feeding baby and importance of an organic diet. Organic like the cocktail that was recently dropped from the natural-foods giant, Whole Foods? Or organic like the groceries Whole Foods usually sells?

Apparently the latter because Bryn eats an “all organic” diet, but Bethenny isn’t totally uptight about it: “If we are in a Mexican restaurant where I know the guacamole isn’t organic, it’s OK,” she said. “Obsession isn’t the point here. Doing the best we can is.”

And last but not least, Bethenny recently revealed what’s going on in her uterus: “I’m not pregnant yet. We’re not trying. We’re not not trying,” she over-discloses. “We’re not having a plan. We’re not doing fertility tests or being proactive.”

Bethenny’s pictured above with daughter Bryn in NYC on August 29, 2011.

Picture by: PPNY / GSNY / Splash News

Thoughts on Bethenny’s newest career and her advice for feeding babies? Will you be reading Skinny Dipping or are you over The Skinnygirl? What do you think of Bethenny’s approach to feeding Bryn a vegetarian diet?