Preview Bad Girls Club Reunion Part 2! Plus Was Kristen Drugged?

Airing tonight is part 2 of the Bad Girls Club Miami reunion!

We can expect the return of Catya Washington and Morgan Osman on tonight’s episode.  There will also be more fighting of course as Erica gets into it with Kristen and Lea gets into it with Catya.  Catya reportedly punches Lea in the face.

In other BGC news, Kristen took to her twitter page last week and had some choice words for former BFF Lea, who proudly declared victory over their fight in the BGC house. You know, the fight in which Kristen was very drunk. According to Kristen, not only was she drunk on the night of the fight, but she was also under the influence of PCP.

Kristen stated the guy she was shown with at the club drugged her and that she had to be taken to the emergency room that night. Kristen did add that her apology to Lea was sincere.

And when it comes to Catya, who was arrested weeks ago on some serious drug charges, she is still in jail at the moment though the people close to her keep saying she will be posting bail and getting out any day now.

Thoughts On Reunion Part 1 – The reunion show was good once you ignore the fact that Lea tried to run the show and for some odd reason, kept huffing and puffing around the stage like a big bad wolf.  Though I think the only people she intimidated were Ashley and Kayleigh.  Kayleigh is also an idiot for moving in with Lea after the way she treated her on the show.  For some strange reason, Kayleigh is overlooking Lea’s actions and only blaming Kristen for what she went through in the house.  Plus from what I hear, Lea is mooching off Kayleigh.

The theme of the reunion part 1 seemed to be that the girls who were the biggest punks in the house were all of a sudden ready to bite at the reunion show. Ashley was just awful and I for one was glad they made her sit in the audience for the remainder of the show.  I mean was she serious?  I thought Christina handled herself well.  Erica was the second worst as not only was she a punk in the house but she was also a follower who only had something to say in her interviews and confessionals.

To see Ashley and Erica trying to prove something was very laughable.  But the absolute worst was definitely Lea who now feels very big and bad because she beat up a drunk girl.  Lea is beyond pathetic and while I don’t condone violence, I am hoping the rumor that Catya punched her in the face is indeed true.  If anyone deserves a punch in the face, it is Lea. And how shocking was Brandi’s transformation? I did not see that one coming.  I am hoping she is truly a changed girl and not just putting on a show.

A preview for tonight is below –