Preview Bad Girls Club Miami Reunion Part 1 Plus Season Recap! Who’s The Worst Bad Girl?

Bad Girls Club Miami

We are coming close to the end of the 5th season of Oxygen’s Bad Girls Club Miami.

Airing tonight will be part 1 of the two part reunion being once again hosted by blogger Perez Hilton. So what can we expect in tonight’s reunion show? Well apparently a lot of craziness and more fighting based on the preview clip below. The reunion airs tonight at 9/8C.

Season Recap – This season of BGC has definitely been a strange one to say the least. Out of the 7 original cast members pictured above, only 2 made it to the end.  This season has been filled with nothing but fighting, with girls that seemed more psychotic than bad.  While I understand Oxygen had a tough task in trying to top the over-the-top season 4 with Natalie Nunn, it seems they might have tried too hard with the season 5 girls. Below are my thoughts on this season and cast –

Major Rules – This season introduced something new and completely made up by the girls, which is they simply decide they do not like a castmate, hence throwing out all their items (while the castmate is not present by the way) as a means of trying to kick them out of the house.  This new tactic was not only annoying but also cowardly.  It worked and resulted in Morgan having to leave the house after only one episode.  Love her or hate her, I do believe the loss of Morgan would have been equivalent to losing Natalie last season after only one episode. Morgan was simply a good character for the show and unfortunately we never got to see her character develop.  Here’s to hoping the producers will step in next season and put an end to this moronic act.

No One To Like –  Another trend this season seemed to be that there was really no one to root for, no one to like with the exception of maybe one person.

  • Brandi – Was insane and all bark. How annoying were her temper tantrums? Throwing things like a 2nd grader? Really Brandi? And I won’t even mention calling up her sugar daddies and not being able to get a mere $100 out of them. Pathetic.
  • Erica –  A punk who only seemed to find her voice and attitude in her interviews. Also a major follower.
  • Lea – Is a follower and my least favorite for the complete 180 she did during the season by becoming Kristen’s mini me. Plus anyone notice how Lea stayed in the background with Cat around?
  • Kristen – Was annoying but upfront and for some reason allowed to rule the house.
  • Kayleigh – Why was she on the show again?
  • Danielle – Was tolerable but always looked dirty for some unknown reasons.
  • Catya and Morgan – Were tolerable and I would have liked to see them hang till the end.
  • Ashley – is the absolute worst, a follower, a fake, a phony, a liar and a complete waste.
  • Christina – the absolute best, she stood up for herself and unfortunately got jumped by the cowards and followers for being her own person.

Latest – As reported, Catya is currently in a Philly jail awaiting her court date as she was arrested in a major drug bust. Philadelphia cops found her in possession of cocaine, mushrooms, ecstasy and a gun. Her bail was set at $500,000 but as you know she only needs 10% to make bail. According to TMZ, her family and friends have been able to raise $20,000 for her through online donations.  Catya will however be on the reunion part 2 as it was taped back in September.

Lea and Kayleigh are now living together in LA. Erica is still with her boyfriend Adriane as the two are shopping around their sex tape.  Also it seems Brandi and Lea are friends once again.