Big Brother’s Kathy Hillis Speaks Out: Throwing Challenges Was A Strategy

Thanks to the use of Matt’s diamond power of veto, 40-year-old Kathy Hillis found herself the latest evictee of Big Brother 12.

The deputy sheriff from Texarkana, Ark was perceived by her fellow house guests as being a weak player in the game, and never really struck an alliance with anyone in the house.

In a new interview with PEOPLE, Kathy however states her weakness in competitions was more of a strategy. Kathy also touches on being in the jury house with Rachel, the showmances, and feeling “devastated” when Matt used the diamond POV. Excerpts from Kathy’s interview below –

What was your gameplay in the house? You seemed to be the ultimate floater. Was that what you were going for?

I was not going for being a floater. What people perceived as being a floater is the opposite of what is real. Until you are in the house you can’t make that judgment.

You seemed to fail or quit at a vast majority of the challenges. Was that gameplay or were you actually having trouble?

That was gameplay with the exception of the caramel have/have not challenge. I didn’t want to put a target on my back early in the game because of my job as a deputy sheriff.

Will you pass on Brendon’s message to Rachel? How much are you looking forward to being in the jury house with her?

I will pass on the message to Rachel. I’m looking forward to being in there one-on-one with Rachel so I can explain to her how she should conduct herself in the future as more of a lady. I’m not excited to be spending time with Rachel in the jury house but it will give me some time to talk with her about her behavior and prepare her for future house guests coming in so she will not attack them like she did when she went back in the house. Hopefully she will listen and if not, I’m going to lock myself in the bedroom.

The second Matt stood up and revealed his diamond POV, were you nervous? Did you suspect he would put you up on the block?

I absolutely knew he was going to put me up on the block. I was devastated.

What do you think of the showmances that have popped up in the house? Which ones are the real deal?

I think that Brendon and Rachel’s showmance is ridiculous. I don’t foresee any others left in the house because there is only one girl. I guess two guys could have one.

You talk about playing this game with integrity and truth, yet you seemed to really warm up to Brendon after Rachel left. Then you would run to the have-not room and talk about how much you wanted him gone. Was that just game play?

Yes, that was gameplay. I was just keeping the peace with Brendon. I was just keeping him calm. Yes, I did really want to see him leave.

On to tonight’s episode of Big Brother, which will be a double eviction. Most of the HGs suspect a double eviction, with the exception of Ragan, who seems convinced it isn’t happening tonight.

It seems all but certain that Matt will be first one going home tonight. Brendon and Ragan seem to be the main targets of all the remaining HGs. Britney might also be at risk as she is convinced she’s in an alliance with Lane, Hayden and Enzo.

My thoughts – With Matt’s impending eviction tonight, it’s nice to see things finally shaking up in the BB house. Still very shocked at the success of the Brigade alliance, which continues to be a secret. I have to wonder though if Matt will out the alliance before he leaves tonight. One can only hope, but it seems unlikely as he still appears to be loyal to the Brigade, completely unaware his alliance members and the rest of America hate him. I do wonder if the Brigade members realize Matt is the only one in the alliance who wins competitions.

It’s hard to root for someone in this BB cast but I do find myself rooting for Brendon lately. With Rachel gone, he seems somewhat likable and not that bad of a guy. I truly think BB casted him to be this season’s Jeff, but his fast and ridiculous romance with Rachel brought out the worst in him. Also, the other HGs continually ragging on him is getting a bit old, considering he’s nothing but nice to them. Plus he and Ragan seem to be the only HGs actually playing the game. While I want Matt gone out of the house, mainly for being a slimy and cocky player, I’m still a bit surprised Britney allowed the others to convince her to put Matt up, someone she believed was on her side.

With that being said, tonight’s episode of BB should be a good one! I would like to know who you all are rooting for now –

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