White House Crashers Getting Paid To Host Las Vegas Party


Just when you thought the infamous White House party crashers had faded into obscurity, comes news that they will be getting paid to host a party in Las Vegas this month.

TMZ is reporting that Tareq and Michaele Salahi are set to be the official hosts at Las Vegas’s Pure Nightclub on January 16. It gets worse as sources close to the situation confirm to TMZ the Salahis will be getting paid the amount of $5,000 as well as some other perks.  The official party flyer is above.

Along with the $5,000 hosting fee, the couple will also be provided a limo, a free suite at Caesar’s Palace, dinner, and all sorts of comped booze.

When asked why the Salahis were chosen to host the party, Michael Gilmartin, public-relations director for the Pure Management Group, tells The Washington Post, “The Salahis met President Obama, and you can come to Pure and meet the Salahis. Everyone gets their 15 minutes, and people want to come to the club and rub up against that. They’ll go home and put it up on Facebook: ‘I got my picture with the Salahis!’ “

Yikes, so basically these people are getting rewarded for breaking the law? Bravo has also yet to decide on whether or not the Salahis will be included in the cast of The Real Housewives of D.C.