Cocktail Speaks Out On Break Up With Ray J


We announced a few days ago that VH1’s top dating reality show, For The Love of Ray J would be returning for a second season. The reason given was allegedly due to the fact that the relationship between Ray J and Cocktail did not work out. Well we pretty much called this a lie, due to the fact that the relationship never had a chance.

Ray J had signed up for a 2nd season while the 1st season was still airing on VH1, thus never giving his relationship with Cocktail a chance to develop. Cocktail released a statement to Bossip pretty much echoing the same thing. It’s very obvious that she has some resentment towards Ray J in this statement.

An excerpt from the statement is below –

“Just like any other relationship we took it day by day. We would hang out, have fun, laugh, share stories, and watch TV. Over time as we got to know each other more and more he would tell me things and often times they would hurt my feelings. I guess the brutal truth about him not being exclusive with me and still ‘hooking up’ with girls made me realize that it wasn’t going to work. I hate feeling like I failed and let’s be real no woman likes to quit a relationship so I tried to stick it out. I wanted to be his only one not just his number one.

After awhile Ray eventually realized that I was truly genuine and sat me down to tell me that we were not going to work

out. Then the Season 2 bomb was dropped on me. What makes me mad is that I asked him if there was going to be a season 2 and he lied to my face. He sweet talked me both times I asked. Aside from that, the breaking point was when we went on tour. He didn’t come back to the room at night and I heard the whispers about him being in other rooms with girls. It made me mad because he knew he could be honest with me but he chose not to be. At this point, I emotionally checked out.”