Lawsuit To Be Filed Against Bravo And Real Housewives Of New Jersey Cast Members Over Posche Brawl!

The Real Housewives of New Jersey - Season 5

During filming the Real Housewives of New Jersey finale an massive brawl broke out between several of the castmembers (ahem… Jacqueline Laurita) and extra Johnny Karagiorgis. Poor Johnny – he just wanted to cozy up to the cameras! 

Johnny was accused of spreading rumors about Melissa Gorga's allegedly nefarious past which caused Poison to flip his spray on hair'd top. He was also accused of making nasty comments about Jacqueline's son Nicholas, which caused Chris Laurita to leap into the wackin', crackin' crazy.

Jacqueline, according to witnesses, even smacked Johnny in the head with her stiletto – an accusation she denies. Charges were filed against all parties but last week the matter was settled out of court and charges dropped. And of course, Bravo cut the entire fight scene from the finale footage!

Unfortunately all is NOT said and done! Word just emerged that Johnny will file a civil suit against Bravo for their role in instigating the fight. “Johnny plans to file civil charges against every – all three of the people from the show, Bravo, NBC, the production company and the security teams that didn’t stop the physical violence from happening,” a source revealed to Radar Online. 


Uh-oh – that's not good for Jacqueline and Chris who have already experienced their share of financial problems this year, along with word leaking that Jacqueline may be out of a job for next season! Hope blk pulls through…  Although the Poisons are possibly pretty loaded – according to them they unloaded their wonky sinked mansion for a whopping $3.8M. Can we please get a confirmation of this?

Here's where things get really, really exciting; Johnny also plans to sue his former frienemy and the person who worked overtime conspiring to get him on the show: Kim "D is for Devious" DePaola! But how will she afford those epic weaves… “He’s also planning to sue Kim D individually, Moxie Salon and the Moxie twins,” the source adds. No, Johnny…. don't take Posche from us! 

Johnny's motives for the suits stem from what he believes is an orchestrated setup by the network and the cast, meaning the fight was planned all along. 

Johnny says they all knew the altercation is going to happen, the salon owners were telling clients Johnny was coming to the event and there was going to be an altercation, there is going to be action," the source reveals. “He believes everything is a big conspiracy and this was planned and orchestrated weeks in advance.”

Johnny is going to go forward with civil cases against as many people as he can to fight this and make sure that the people involved all pay," the source says. And despite Bravo scrapping the footage from the actual show, that's irrelevant. The raw footage still exists. 

I personally think he has a case and doesn't. I mean we know he and his wife Penny Karagiorgis have been desperate to get on the show for a couple seasons. They obviously were in cahoots with Kim D (and Teresa!) to expose Melissa and use that as leverage for a storyline.

I also think something shady was happening the way Johnny and Penny were shown to be introduced during the Posche 2 event. It did seem a bit as if everyone was waiting for something to go down. Obviously they could have just been waiting for an epic RHONJ yelling match and it turned into a physical altercation – who knows. I guess we'll see what the courts decide.

Good lord, they oughtta rename this show Real Courtrooms of New Jersey because this cast is in and out of them more often than they're in and out of hair and makeup! 

[Photo Credits: Bravo]