Shahs Of Sunset’s GG Gharachedaghi Disses Asa Soltan Rahmati On Twitter; Lilly Ghalichi Shares Her “No Makeup” Face


Golnesa "GG" Gharachedaghi and Asa Soltan Rahmati have had several nasty fights on season two of Shahs of Sunset. Already – we're only five episodes in! While we all know most reality TV stories are well behind "real time," it doesn't sound like Asa and GG have resolved their issues. With Twitter as her audience, GG has been bashing Asa left and right. Also, Lilly Ghalichi – by popular demand – recently shared a picture of herself wearing almost no makeup!

Recently, GG tweeted, "Some people we know wanna look like Kim K. (no names mentioned) but I'm gonna act like her and get preggers!!! You with me Mercedes Javid?"

GG's fans rallied around her, tweeting, "Yay! She's a phony anyway your baby would be way cuter" and "She only got pregnant to become relevant again, that ho lost the spotlight to better people!"

While GG didn't mention any names, one of her followers assumed Lilly. "@GolnesaGG, you just put @LillyGhalichi on blast! I do think she wants to be like Kim K too, but she don't need a baby, she's has Coconut!" GG was quick to set her straight, tweeting, "I wasn't talking about Lilly. And I said that I want to get pregnant." 


Follwing along, Peggy added, "@GolnesaGG @MercedesJavid stop drinking first THEN have a baby. Just a suggestion." MJ begged GG to admit that she's just joking about wanting a baby, adding, "Peggy Joon, she better be joking!" GG insisted she is not joking, adding that she will stop drinking when she's pregnant. Peggy tweeted, "@MercedesJavid @golnesagg Hope hope hope so…binge drinking is a real problem. Good luck."
With that matter settled, GG went on to reminisce about the good ol' Shahs of Sunset days. "Its sad to see what's happening between my castmates. Makes my situation with Ass-a seem so petty. Come on guys, let's fix it!"
A follower asked, "@GolnesaGG don't you think you are a big part of the problem!" To which GG responded, "Not really. Its much bigger than anyone can imagine. U guys will see. Keep watching #ShahsofSunset."
A different follower called GG out for referring to Asa as "Ass-a," tweeting, "@GolnesaGG HELLO?!! Disrespecting Asa's name may be a contributing factor 2 the issues amongst the cast – U obviously enjoy being in the NFL." (NFL = No Friends Left club) GG responded, "I actually get along with all of them now except for Ass-a. So speak on facts. Watch the show. I will never get along with that B."
Right back at you, GG… "plz I watch faithfully & know the facts. I'm sure if u ease up on tacky remarks, u2 will be cordial once again, I mean, just try!" Nope. GG will not try. "I don't like that bitch. She f-ked up. 1st season she disrespected me by talking about my dad. This season she did again w/ Omid" and "[Asa] talks shit behind my back and acts like she's innocent. F-k her and everything she represents. She'll get hers soon."
GG's follower suggested she revisit anger management… or something… "@GolnesaGG U had the tools 2 deal w/anger issues in ur past, put them 2 wrk dealing w/Asa. Take the higher road GG, it's possible IF U CHOOSE."
Alas, GG is no longer interested in being friends with Asa. "But sometimes its better to walk away from people. I never gained anything from our friendship. She thinks shes better than every1" and "I care about the others and will use the proper tools to keep my friendship healthy with them."
The follower persisted, "@GolnesaGG But still GG u know not 2 give ur energy 2 others. at the end of the day, don't allow ANYONE 2 have control over ur emotions dude." GG agreed, adding, "That's why that bitch has been tossed to the garbage. I can't allow negative judgmental people around me."
Geez. Twitter is like its own reality show. Where's the popcorn stand? 
While the therapy session has ended, a different "fan" added, "@GolnesaGG man you sound like a spoiled brat." GG agreed, "I am." Well, at least she's self-aware.
Last but not least, when yet another follower took issue with GG's "Ass-a" comment and called her petty, GG responded, "[Asa]'s a nasty ass bitch. She's irrelevant and beyond petty. But I was speaking about my fight with her. #F-kOff."
In other Shahs of Sunset news, Lilly recently shared this "fresh faced" photo.


Lilly: Back by popular demand, a more natural look for me. Hello 2013. Clearly there is still eye makeup on since i use water proof, not to mention a fresh spray tan, but I really did just wash my face with Cetaphil. #lillyghalichi #ghalichiglam

What do you think? Which look do you prefer – Lilly's (almost) fresh face or her trademark look, Ghalichi Glam?

Sunday on Shahs of Sunset, Mike, RezaLilly, Asa, MJ, and Sammy go to Cabo, Mexico. GG, who wasn't invited to go on the trip, tweeted, "OMG the next ep of #Shahs is going to be phenomenal! Now y'all will see peoples true colors. Some people cant stop being judgmental and fake."


Photo credit: Bravo / Instagram