Reality Tea’s Top 7 Reality TV Friendship Divorces!

If there’s one thing we know for certain, it’s that reality TV and BFF-hood don’t mix. Repeat: Do not come on a reality show with your BFFL and expect it to be buddy-buddy 4 eva. It seems the second the cameras start rolling and the editing kicks in – along with the drinks and the contracts stipulating drama, fights, and backstabbing, the individual interviews and the out-famewhoring and jealousy – these long-time friendships melt faster than an ice cube in a toaster.

Friendship divorces have come to dominate reality TV and sadly it was often those friendships that got us hooked on the show in the first place. When a friendship divorce happens, often it leaves the fans as divided as the main characters.

So here’s to the used-to-be friends and their friendship divorces. So sorry it didn’t work out – but sometimes one person’s loss is another’s gain! Big things can come from public relationship break-ups.

Reality Tea has compiled a list of some of our most memorable friendship divorces.


Friendship Divorce #7: Stealing The Clothes Off My Back. Starring: Rachel Zoe & Brad Goreski. Scene: The Rachel Zoe Project.

Since the beginning days of RZP the zany, goof-ball relationship of self-absorbed celebrity stylist, Rachel and her cute sidekick, Brad made the show. Heck, other than the clothes there was really no other reason to watch!

Fans quickly realized Brad was more fun and interesting than Rachel and she ‘died, lit-er-uh-lee’ when she learned that Brad was leaving her empire to go out on his own – and inked a reality show deal go with it! Apparently Rachel only likes success when it’s about her!

Rachel quickly started jockeying for PR position by leaking hints that Brad had stolen clients and lied about the terms of his departure. Rachel painted the picture of a kind-hearted employee spurned by a scheming former assistant looking to over-take her in the industry.

Brad played cool, kept his comments to himself, and maintained that no such thing occurred and that he missed Rachel. Brad’s new show, It’s A Brad, Brad World tanked in the ratings, but apparently has been renewed.

Winner: Brad. While Rachel has bigger clout in the industry, she made herself look petty and low-class trashing Brad in the press.

[Photo Credit:]

Friendship Divorce #6: Homecoming Queen Starring: Splits Richards & Lisa Vanderpump. Scene: Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Kyle and Lisa started out genuine friends. Unfortunately, when Lisa became the break-out star of RHOBH (a show Kyle helped cast and undoubtedly considered herself the star of) things took a turn – as they always do.

Cue season two, when Kyle started to make some comments about Lisa in the interviews and join forces with Taylor Armstrong, a woman who had a serious SWF vendetta against Miss. LVP. Kyle tried to unseat the queen with some crafty digs, but alas her pedestrian mean girl antics don’t hold a candle to Lisa’s CIA level manipulation skills.

The vitriol came to a head at the reunion when a visibly hurt Lisa seemed to realize that Kyle never had her back and was selling her up poop creek for a little long-quested after fame. Add insult to injury, Adrienne Maloof joined in on the Lisa-is-so-arrogant attack!

While Lisa and Kyle are keeping up appearances, it’s apparent things are no longer the same – and Lisa’s new spinoff is likely doing little to salvage things.

Winner: Lisa, clearly. She plays the game better – and beats Kyle at her own intentions. Kyle just can’t help it that even Lisa’s dog is more popular than she is. Kyle better bow down. The queen has not been foisted from her throne.

[Photo Credit: BravoTV]

Friendship Divorce #5: Whaddya Mean I Have To Give Back The Mink? Starring: Vicki Gunvalson & Tamra Barney Scene: Real Housewives of Orange County 

Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Once close friends who bonded through divorce and bitchy backstabbing upstart Housewives, all was fine and good until Brooks Ayers non-child support paying ass loafed into their lives, grabbed the keys to Vicki‘s Mercedes, filled up her tank on her credit card, started whispering sweet nothings into her ear, and filling her trunk with Hallmark cards.

Yes, Mr. Hallmark fills Vicki‘s tank alright. Sadly, he hasn’t the means to do so and no rent-a-mink is going to prove it otherwise. Concerned friends and family members tried to get involved, but Vicki threw them right under the wheels of her luxury SUV and told Brooks to step on it, accusing them of being bad friends with selfish desires. Not that Tamra is any better – she staged a faux-friendship with Gretchen Rossi and rubbed it in Vicki’s face. Last week’s Bravo blog caused a Twitter war and an accusation of Vicki’s underhanded dealings. And we haven’t even gotten to the reunion yet!

Winner: It pains me to say it, but Tamra. Hey – the truth hurts and good friends don’t let friends date losers! And Vicki sold out her friendship for a man who doesn’t have a dental plan! I’m actually really sad about this friendship going bust!

[Photo Credit: BravoTV]

Friendship Divorce # 4: Bitch Slapped Starring: Evelyn Lozada & Jennifer Williams Scene: Basketball Wives

Jenn and Evelyn had a friendship that went back a decade, but when Chad Ochocinco came into Evelyn’s life and Evelyn saw her keys to wealth and reality television importance – somehow Jenn didn’t look so worthy anymore.

No one is really sure what caused this friendship to deplete. Evelyn claims Jenn wasn’t supportive of her marriage and things spiraled from there.  Jenn claims Evelyn changed – for the worst (co-sign!). They may have hugged it out at the reunion, but things will never be the same.

Winner: Jenn – after Evelyn‘s assistant slapped her in the face during filming, Evelyn lost all credibility.

Friendship Divorce #3: Wigs vs. Moose Starring: Kim Zolciak & NeNe Leakes. Scene: Real Housewives of Atlanta

Oh, NeNe and Kim… it pains me deeply that you are not friends. Their friendship made RHOA, but sadly two explosive tempers and famewhoring personalities mix about as well as married women and mistresses.

Their epic fights came to dominate the seasons, but it began over Don’t Be Tardy For The Party. Kim called NeNe a “Moose” and a man. NeNe told her to close her legs to married men, trashbox. She called her a “monkey in a wig”. They went back and forth for three seasons until NeNe threatened to pluck Kim’s eyes out on a DBTFTP bus tour – after accusing her of treating her assistant like a slave. Good lord these two were fun. And their dynamic; raunchy, goofy, and delightful. Even their fights were delicious.

Winner: Tie. Both ladies came out on top, with solid fan bases and really good opportunities. NeNe scored a couple sitcoms and Kim ended up with a spinoff and a hubby. They both have moscatos on the market… the feuding just never stops!

[Photo Credit: BravoTV]

Friendship Divorce #2: Bankruptcy to Bankruptcy, Family to Family. Starring: Teresa Giudice & Jacqueline Laurita. Scene: Real Housewives of New Jersey 

Jacqueline and Teresa had a friendship that went way back. Their fun, silly Ethel & Lucy dynamic – along with their husbands’ close friendship – was one of the best parts of RHONJ. But when Teresa’s family, along with Teresa’s success, entered the scene, things took a turn for the very, very nasty.

Enter last year’s Posche Fashion show where Jacqueline had a twitter meltdown of epic proportions and outed Teresa as a liar and a manipulator; accusing her of setting up sister-in-law Melissa Gorga. Jacqueline famously skipped the reunion, but the ladies continued the crazy via blogs, Twitter rants, passive aggressive snipes, and interviews.

Following last week’s awful friendship meltdown on RHONJ over Teresa‘s tabloid activity and family feuding; Jacqueline drowned her sorrows in baileys and announced she was done. It’s truly sad that this once wonderful friendship has disintegrated into a very nasty public feud.

Winner: Neither! Both ladies have gone off the deep-end over RHONJ nonsense, jealousy, and pettiness. They let a real friendship fall apart – and they can’t keep their mouths shut in public. I only hope this is a publicity stunt!

[Photo Credit: BravoTV]

Top Friendship Divorce: Nobody Puts Bethenny In A Corner Starring: Bethenny Frankel & Jill Zarin. Scene: Real Housewives of New York

Bethenny and Jill take the ultimate prize for reality TV friendship divorces – namely because their very public and soap operarific falling out spawned a hate blog, the first Housewives spinoff, and was the first of it’s kind, period. Nobody could foresee the end of Bethenny and Jill – whose friendship became the cornerstone from with RHONY was built. Jill even got Bethenny her job!

But poor, single and unlucky drink shilling Bethenny turned out to be the fan favorite and Jill‘s jealousy coupled with Bethenny’s ever-growing success (and her cutting Jill out of the equation) started the slow decline of Housewives most iconic BFFs.

By season three, Jill allegedly tried to get the other Housewives not to film with Bethenny and Bethenny blamed Jill for a whole host of things. And when a clueless Jill tried to fight with a pregnant Bethenny, IHateJillZarin was born… and the fans defected.

Winner: Bethenny. No matter how many rumors circulate that Bethenny used Jill and threw her under the proverbial bus; Bethenny made lemonade out of lemons – scoring a spinoff and a ton of success. Jill is still plugging along, hoping to get her job back on RHONY. At least they made peace – kind of.

[Photo Credit: & Patricia Schlein/]